utopya config


utopya config#

utopya config#

Read and modify the utopya configuration.

Configuration entries are grouped into multiple categories, which each category corresponding to a YAML file within the utopya config directory.The utopya config command allows revealing the configuration file, opening it in an editor, or setting values directly via the command line interface.

Entries within these configuration files can be set using the --set and KV_PAIRS argument, expecting key=value pairs. The key may be a dot-separated string of keys for dict traversal, like foo.bar.baz. To delete entries, set the value to DEL. For example:

utopya config user --get --set foo.bar=spam bar.baz=DEL

This will set the user configuration entry foo.bar, delete the entry bar.baz, and then retrieve the new configuration. To include spaces, put the whole key-value pair into quotes ('key=value'); everything after the = is parsed as a string anyway.If the configuration file does not exist, it will be created.

utopya config [OPTIONS] {user|utopya|batch} [KV_PAIRS]...


-R, --reveal#

Reveals the location of the configuration files, then exits. If the config file does not yet exist, deploys an empty file at the expected location.


Set entries in the specified configuration, using the KV_PAIRS. This option is mutually exclusive with the --edit option.


Open the selected config file in an editor. This option is mutually exclusive with the --set option.


Retrieve all entries from the specified configuration. This is always invoked after the --set command was executed (if given).

--accept-yaml, --no-yaml#

Whether to accept YAML syntax for parsing the values in KV_PAIRS (default: true). This allows specifying list- or dict-like values. In case this results in a dict, the object at the specified key will be recursively updated



Required argument


Optional argument(s)