Source code for utopya._cluster

"""This module holds functions used in the Multiverse's cluster mode"""

import re
from typing import List

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def parse_node_list(node_list_str: str, *, mode: str, rcps: dict) -> List[str]: """Parses the node list to a list of node names and checks against the given resolved cluster parameters. Depending on ``mode``, different forms of the node list are parsable. For ``condensed`` mode: .. code-block:: node042 node[002,004-011,016] m05s[0204,0402,0504] m05s[0204,0402,0504],m08s[0504,0604,0701],m13s0603,m14s[0501-0502] """ if not node_list_str: raise ValueError("Got empty node list string representation!") pattern = "" node_list = [] if mode == "condensed": # See for deduction of regex pattern pattern = r"((?P<prefix>[\w\d]+)\[(?P<nodes>[\d\-\,\s]+)\]|(?P<node>[\w\d]+)),?" matches = re.finditer(pattern, node_list_str) for match in matches: if match["node"] is not None: # Was only a single node, not in condensed form node_list.append(match["node"]) continue # Got a condensed match; need to continue parsing it ... prefix, nodes = match["prefix"], match["nodes"] # Remove whitespace and split segments = nodes.replace(" ", "").split(",") segments = [seg.split("-") for seg in segments] # Get the string width digits = len(segments[0][0]) # In segments, lists longer than 1 are intervals, the # others are node numbers of a single node. # Expand intervals segments = [ ( [int(seg[0])] if len(seg) == 1 else list(range(int(seg[0]), int(seg[1]) + 1)) ) for seg in segments ] # Combine to list of individual node numbers node_nos = [] for seg in segments: node_nos += seg # Need the numbers as strings node_nos = [ "{val:0{digs:}d}".format(val=no, digs=digits) for no in node_nos ] # Now, finally, parse the list node_list += [prefix + no for no in node_nos] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid parser mode '{mode}'! Available: condensed") # Have node_list now. Make some consistency checks if rcps["num_nodes"] != len(node_list): raise ValueError( f"The parsed node list ({node_list}) has a different length " f"({len(node_list)}) than specified by the `num_nodes` parameter " f"({rcps['num_nodes']})! Make sure the string representation of " f"the node list ({repr(node_list_str)}) is parsable by the " f"selected parser mode '{mode}' " f"with the following regex pattern: {repr(pattern)}" ) if rcps["node_name"] not in node_list: raise ValueError( f"The current node's `node_name` '{rcps['node_name']}' is not " f"part of the parsed node list: {', '.join(node_list)}" ) # All ok. Sort and return return sorted(node_list)