Source code for utopya.eval._plot_func_resolver

"""Implements a plot function resolver that takes model-specific information
into account."""

import logging
import os
import traceback
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Dict

import dantro._import_tools
import dantro.plot.utils

from ..model_registry import ModelInfoBundle

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class PlotFuncResolver(dantro.plot.utils.PlotFuncResolver): """A utopya-specific plot function resolver for :py:class:`~utopya.eval.plotmanager.PlotManager` that takes information from the model info bundle into account. """ BASE_PKG = "utopya.eval.plots" """Which package to use as base package for relative module imports"""
[docs] def __init__( self, *, _model_info_bundle: ModelInfoBundle, **kwargs, ): """Initializes the plot function resolver and additionally stores the model info bundle. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self._model_info_bundle = _model_info_bundle
[docs] def _get_custom_module_paths(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Aggregates a dict of module paths from which imports are attempted. Uses model- or project-specific information, if available: - A model's ``py_plots_dir`` - A project's ``py_plots_dir`` - A project's additional ``py_modules`` - The framework's additional ``py_modules`` - The framework's ``py_plots_dir`` """ p = dict() mib = self._model_info_bundle if mib is None: return p if mib.paths.get("py_plots_dir"): p["model's py_plots_dir"] = mib.paths["py_plots_dir"] project = mib.project if project: if project.paths.py_plots_dir: p["project's py_plots_dir"] = project.paths.py_plots_dir if project.custom_py_modules: for label, mod_path in project.custom_py_modules.items(): p[f"custom module '{label}'"] = mod_path if project.framework_project is not None: fw = project.framework_project if fw.paths.py_plots_dir: p["framework's py_plots_dir"] = fw.paths.py_plots_dir if fw.custom_py_modules: for label, mod_path in fw.custom_py_modules.items(): p[f"framework's custom module '{label}'"] = mod_path return p
[docs] def _get_module_via_import(self, *, module: str, **kwargs) -> ModuleType: """Extends the parent method by making the custom modules available if the regular import failed. """ try: return super()._get_module_via_import(module=module, **kwargs) except ModuleNotFoundError as err: # Are there additional modules that are to be searched for imports? custom_module_paths = self._get_custom_module_paths() if not custom_module_paths: log.note( "No custom module paths available to import '%s' from.", module, ) raise log.debug( "Module '%s' could not be imported with a default sys.path, " "but custom plot modules are available. Attempting to " "import it with %d additional path(s) being available.", module, len(custom_module_paths), ) # Go over the specified custom paths and try to import them, gathering # detailed error information if that fails errors = dict() for key, mod_path in custom_module_paths.items(): # In order to be able to import modules at the given path, the # sys.path needs to include the _parent_ directory of this path. parent_dir = os.path.dirname(mod_path) # Enter two context managers, taking care to return both sys.path # and sys.modules back to the same state as they were before their # invocation. # The latter context manager is crucial because module imports lead # to a cache entry even if a subsequent attempt to import a part of # the module string was the cause of an error (which makes sense). # Example: a failing `` import would still lead to a # cache entry of the `model_plots` module; however, attempting to # then import `` will make the lookup _only_ in the # cached module. As we want several import attempts here, the cache # is not desired. add_sys_path = dantro._import_tools.added_sys_path(parent_dir) tmp_sys_modules = dantro._import_tools.temporary_sys_modules( reset_only_on_fail=True ) with add_sys_path, tmp_sys_modules: try: mod = super()._get_module_via_import( module=module, **kwargs ) except ModuleNotFoundError as err: _tb = err.__traceback__ errors[parent_dir] = dict( err=err, tb=_tb, tb_lines=traceback.format_tb(_tb), ) else: log.debug( "Found module '%s' after having added custom plot " "module path labelled '%s' (%s) to the sys.path.", mod, key, mod_path, ) return mod # All imports failed. Inform extensively about errors to help debugging err_info = "\n".join( f"-- Error at custom plot module path {p} : {e['err']}\n\n" " Abbreviated traceback:\n" f"{e['tb_lines'][0]} ...\n" f"{e['tb_lines'][-1]}" for p, e in errors.items() ) raise ModuleNotFoundError( f"Could not import module '{module}'! It was found neither among " "the installed packages nor among the custom plot modules.\n" "\n" "The following errors were encountered at the respective custom " "plot module search paths:\n\n" f"{err_info}\n" "NOTE: This error can have two reasons:\n" f" (1) the '{module}' module does not exist in the specified " " search location.\n" " (2) during import of the plot module you specified, an " "_unrelated_ ModuleNotFoundError occurred somewhere inside _your_ " "code.\n" "To debug, check the error messages and tracebacks above to find " "out which of the two is preventing module import." )