Source code for utopya.eval.plothelper

"""Implements utopya's PlotHelper specialization"""

import dantro.plot

[docs]class PlotHelper(dantro.plot.PlotHelper): """A specialization of dantro's :py:class:`~dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper` which is used for creating :py:mod:`matplotlib.pyplot`-based plots using :py:class:`~utopya.eval.plotcreators.PyPlotCreator`. This can be used to add additional helpers for use in utopya without requiring changes to dantro. .. note:: The helpers implemented here should try to adhere to the interface exemplified by the dantro :py:class:`~dantro.plot.plot_helper.PlotHelper`, with the aim that they can then be migrated into dantro in the long run. """
# .. Helper methods ....................................................... # Can add helper methods here, prefixed with _hlpr_