Source code for

"""This module provides plotting functions to visualize cellular automata."""

import copy
import logging
import warnings
from math import ceil, sqrt
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.collections
import matplotlib.image
import matplotlib.patches
import matplotlib.transforms
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from import AbstractDataContainer
from dantro.plot import ColorManager
from dantro.plot.funcs.generic import make_facet_grid_plot
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

from import ensure_dict, recursive_update
from .. import DataManager, UniverseGroup
from . import PlotHelper, UniversePlotCreator, is_plot_func

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Increase log threshold for animation module

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def _prepare_hexgrid_data( data: Union[np.ndarray, xr.DataArray], *, x: str = None, y: str = None ) -> Tuple[xr.DataArray, str, str]: """Prepares data for :py:func:`imshow_hexagonal` by checking the given data and specified dimension names are consistent. """ if not isinstance(data, xr.DataArray): data = xr.DataArray(data) if data.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "Need 2-dimensional data for hexagonal grid plot, but got " f"{data.ndim}-dimensional data!\n{str(data)}" ) # May not have dimension arguments given, e.g. because this was a data # array. Assume that it's fine to just use the available two. # For simplicity, we don't allow to give only one of them. if not x and not y: x, y = data.dims elif x == y: raise ValueError( "Dimension names `x` and `y` need to be different, " f"but are both '{x}'!" ) elif (x is None) != (y is None): raise ValueError( "Need either both `x` and `y` dimension names or neither!" ) # Make sure data dimensions are ordered correctly data = data.transpose(x, y) return data, x, y
[docs]def _flatten_hexgrid_data(data: xr.DataArray) -> np.ndarray: """Flattens hexgrid data in a specific way. For consistency, this function should be used when calling :py:meth:`~matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection.set_array` on collections that represent hexagonal grid data. """ return
[docs]def _plot_ca_property( prop_name: str, *, hlpr: PlotHelper, data: xr.DataArray, default_imshow_kwargs: dict, imshow_hexagonal_extra_kwargs: dict = None, default_cbar_kwargs: dict = None, grid_structure: str = None, vmin: Optional[float] = None, vmax: Optional[float] = None, cmap: Union[str, dict] = None, norm: Union[str, dict] = None, add_colorbar: bool = True, set_axis_off: bool = True, title: str = None, imshow_kwargs: dict = None, cbar_labels: dict = None, cbar_label_kwargs: dict = None, cbar_tick_params: dict = None, no_cbar_markings: bool = False, **cbar_kwargs, ) -> mpl.image.AxesImage: """Helper function, used in :py:func:`caplot` to plot a property on the given axis. Returns the created axes image object. .. note:: The arguments here are those within the individual entries of the ``to_plot`` argument for the above plotting functions. Args: prop_name (str): The property to plot hlpr (PlotHelper): The plot helper data (xarray.DataArray): The array-like data to plot as an image default_imshow_kwargs (dict): Default arguments for the imshow call, updated with individually-specified ``imshow_kwargs``. imshow_hexagonal_extra_kwargs (dict): Default arguments for hexagonal grids, ignored otherwise. This updates the ``default_imshow_kwargs`` and is in turn updated with individually-specified ``imshow_kwargs``. default_cbar_kwargs (dict): Default arguments for the colorbar creation, updated with ``cbar_kwargs``. grid_structure (str, optional): Can be used to explicitly set the grid structure in cases where ``data.attrs['grid_structure']`` is not available or holds an invalid entry. This decides whether to use :py:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` or :py:func:`imshow_hexagonal`. Note that the ``grid_properties`` need to be passed via the ``imshow_kwargs`` argument below. vmin (float, optional): The lower limit to use for the colorbar range. vmax (float, optional): The upper limit to use for the colorbar range. cmap (Union[str, dict], optional): The colormap to use. If a dict is given, defines a (discrete) ``ListedColormap`` from the values. Handled by :py:class:`~dantro.plot.utils.color_mngr.ColorManager`. norm (Union[str, dict], optional): The normalization function to use. Handled by :py:class:`~dantro.plot.utils.color_mngr.ColorManager`. add_colorbar (bool, optional): If false, will not draw a colorbar. Default is true. set_axis_off (bool, optional): If true (default), will set the axis to invisible. title (str, optional): The subplot figure title imshow_kwargs (dict, optional): Depending on grid structure, is passed on either to :py:meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` or to :py:func:`.imshow_hexagonal`. cbar_labels (dict, optional): Passed to :py:class:`~dantro.plot.utils.color_mngr.ColorManager` to set up the label names alongside the given ``cmap`` and ``norm``. cbar_label_kwargs (dict, optional): Passed to :py:meth:`~dantro.plot.utils.color_mngr.ColorManager.create_cbar` for controlling the aesthetics of colorbar labels. cbar_tick_params (dict, optional): Passed to :py:meth:`~dantro.plot.utils.color_mngr.ColorManager.create_cbar` for controlling the aesthetics of colorbar ticks. no_cbar_markings (bool, optional): Whether to suppress colorbar markings (ticks and tick labels). **cbar_kwargs: Passed to :py:meth:`~dantro.plot.utils.color_mngr.ColorManager.create_cbar` Returns: matplotlib.image.AxesImage: The created axes image representing the CA property. Raises: ValueError: on invalid grid structure; supported structures are ``square`` and ``hexagonal`` """ # Set up the ColorManager cm = ColorManager( cmap=cmap, norm=norm, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, labels=cbar_labels ) # Determine grid structure grid_structure = ( grid_structure if grid_structure else data.attrs.get("grid_structure", "square") ) # Prepare imshow_kwargs, successively updating defaults. # Also need to be able to pass custom arguments to imshow_hexagonal, which # has a wider interface than regular imshow ... _imshow_kwargs = ensure_dict(default_imshow_kwargs) if grid_structure == "hexagonal": _imshow_kwargs = recursive_update( _imshow_kwargs, ensure_dict(imshow_hexagonal_extra_kwargs) ) _imshow_kwargs = recursive_update( _imshow_kwargs, ensure_dict(imshow_kwargs) ) # Create imshow(-like) object on the currently selected axis if grid_structure == "square" or grid_structure is None: im = data.T, cmap=cm.cmap, norm=cm.norm, animated=True, rasterized=True, origin="lower", aspect="equal", **_imshow_kwargs, ) elif grid_structure == "hexagonal": im = imshow_hexagonal( data=data,, cmap=cm.cmap, norm=cm.norm, animated=True, rasterized=True, **_imshow_kwargs, ) else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported grid structure '{grid_structure}'!\n" "Choose from: square, hexagonal" ) # Remove main axis labels and ticks and provide some default options if set_axis_off:"off") hlpr.provide_defaults("set_title", title=(title if title else prop_name)) # .. Colorbar ............................................................. if not add_colorbar: return im # else: draw the colorbar # Determine which artist to use; for hexagonal grids, need to attach the # PolyCollection, because it holds the data array. artist = im if grid_structure == "hexagonal": artist = im.hexagons # Parse colorbar kwargs, setting some default values default_cbar_kwargs = ensure_dict(default_cbar_kwargs) cbar_kwargs = recursive_update( copy.deepcopy(default_cbar_kwargs), cbar_kwargs ) cbar_kwargs["fraction"] = cbar_kwargs.get("fraction", 0.05) cbar_kwargs["pad"] = cbar_kwargs.get("pad", 0.02) # Draw the colorbar, then store it in the AxesImage to have it accesible cbar = cm.create_cbar( artist, fig=hlpr.fig,, label_kwargs=cbar_label_kwargs, tick_params=cbar_tick_params, **cbar_kwargs, ) im.cbar = cbar # May want to remove markings if no_cbar_markings: cbar.set_ticks([])[])[]) return im
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -- Plot functions ----------------------------------------------------------- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def imshow_hexagonal( data: Union[xr.DataArray, np.ndarray], *, ax: "matplotlib.axes.Axes" = None, x: str = None, y: str = None, grid_properties: dict = {}, update_grid_properties: dict = {}, grid_properties_keys: dict = {}, extent: tuple = None, scale: float = 1.01, draw_centers: bool = False, draw_center_radius: float = 0.1, draw_center_kwargs: dict = {}, hide_ticks: bool = None, cmap: str = None, norm: str = None, vmin: float = None, vmax: float = None, collection_kwargs: dict = {}, **im_kwargs, ) -> mpl.image.AxesImage: """Visualizes data using a grid of hexagons (⬢ or ⬣). Owing to the many ways in which a hexagonal grid can be visualized, this function requires more information than :py:meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow`. These so called *grid properties* need to be passed via the ``grid_properties`` argument or directly alongside the data via ``data.attrs`` (for :py:class:`~xarray.DataArray`). The following grid properties are available: coordinate_mode (str): In which way the data is stored. Currently only supports ``offset`` mode, i.e. with offset row and column coordinates. Coordinates of individual cells need not be given, nor can they be given: Assuming a regular hexagonal grid, all coordinates and sizes are completely deduced from the shape of the given data and the other grid parameters like ``pointy_top`` and ``offset_mode``. pointy_top (bool): Whether the hexagons have a pointy top (⬢) or a flat top (⬣). More precisely, with a pointy top, there is only a single vertex at the top and bottom of the hexagon (i.e. along the ``y`` dimension and the top/bottom of the resulting plot). offset_mode (str): Whether ``even`` or ``odd`` rows or columns are offset towards higher values. In other words: For pointy tops, offset every second *row* toward the right. For flat tops, offset every second *column* towards the top. Offset distance is half a cell's width and half a cell's height, respectively. space_size (Tuple[float, float], optional): The size of the space in ``(width, height)`` that the hexagonal grid cells cover. If given, will make the assumption that the available number of hexagons in each dimension reach from one end of the space to the other, even if that means that the hexagons become distorted along the dimensions. If *not* given, will assume regular hexagons and use arbitrary units to cover the space; these hexagons will *not* be distorted. space_offset (Tuple[float, float], optional): Translates the space by ``(offset_x, offset_y)``. Also applies to the case where ``space_size`` was not given. Effectively, this refers to the coordinates of the bottom left-hand corner of the space. space_boundary (str, optional): Whether the space (regardless of explicitly given or deduced) describes the ``outer`` or ``inner`` boundary of the hexagonal grid. The ``outer`` boundary (default) goes through the outermost vertices of the outermost cells. The ``inner`` boundary goes through some hexagon center, cutting off pointy tops and protruding parts of the hexagons such that the whole space is covered by hexagonal cells. For example, grid properties may look like this: .. code-block:: yaml grid_properties: # -- Required: coordinate_mode: offset pointy_top: true offset_mode: even # -- Optional: space_size: [8, 8] space_offset: [-4, -4] space_boundary: outer With some 2D dummy grid data of shape ``(21, 24)``, the corresponding output would be as follows. The darker cells denote the boundary and the corners; the lighter cells correspond to a "vertical" line in the third column of the grid. .. image:: ../_static/_gen/imshow_hex/small_with_space_outer.pdf :target: ../_static/_gen/imshow_hex/small_with_space_outer.pdf :width: 100% By setting the space boundary parameter to ``inner``, the domain size remains the same, but the boundary cells are partially cut off: .. image:: ../_static/_gen/imshow_hex/small_with_space_inner.pdf :target: ../_static/_gen/imshow_hex/small_with_space_inner.pdf :width: 100% Removing all optional parameters, specifically the ``space_size``, the size of the domain is arbitrary, so no labels are drawn. In addition, we can also mark the hexagon centers: .. image:: ../_static/_gen/imshow_hex/small_centers_marked.pdf :target: ../_static/_gen/imshow_hex/small_centers_marked.pdf :width: 100% Changing to flat tops and ``odd`` offset mode results in a figure with a different aspect ratio, while the hexagons remain regular. .. image:: ../_static/_gen/imshow_hex/small_flat_top_odd.pdf :target: ../_static/_gen/imshow_hex/small_flat_top_odd.pdf :width: 100% When specifying the domain size again, the hexagons need to be scaled non-uniformly to cover the domain: .. image:: ../_static/_gen/imshow_hex/small_flat_top_odd_with_space.pdf :target: ../_static/_gen/imshow_hex/small_flat_top_odd_with_space.pdf :width: 100% .. hint:: For an excellent introduction to hexagonal grid representations, see `this article <>`_. .. admonition:: See also * :py:func:`caplot` integrates this function. * :ref:`plot_funcs_ca_hex` documents usage and shows more examples. Args: data (Union[xarray.DataArray, numpy.ndarray]): 2D array-like data that holds the grid information that is to be plotted. If the data is given as :py:class:`~xarray.DataArray`, its ``attrs`` are used to *update* the given ``grid_properties``. ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional): The axes to draw to; if not given, will use the current axes. x (str, optional): Name of the data dimension that is to be represented on the x-axis of the plot. If not given, will use the first data dimension. y (str, optional): Name of the data dimension that is to be represented on the x-axis of the plot. If not given, will use the second data dimension. grid_properties (dict, optional): The grid properties dict, which needs to specify the above properties in order to determine how to represent the data. This dict is first updated with potentially available ``data.attrs`` and subsequently updated with the ``update_grid_properties``. update_grid_properties (dict, optional): Updates the grid properties, see above. grid_properties_keys (dict, optional): A mapping that can be used if the given data has grid properties given under different names. For instance, ``{"space_size": "size"}`` would read the ``size`` entry instead of ``space_size``. extent (tuple, optional): A custom space *extent*, denoting the edges ``(left, right, bottom, top)`` of the domain *in data units*. scale (float, optional): A scaling factor for the size of the hexagons. The default value is very slightly larger than 1 to reduce aliasing artefacts on exactly overlapping hexagon edges. Scaling is uniform. draw_centers (bool, optional): Whether to additionally draw the center points of all hexagons. draw_center_radius (float, optional): The relative radius of the center points in units of ``min(cell_width, cell_height) / 2``. draw_center_kwargs (dict, optional): Additional arguments that are passed to the :py:class:`~matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection` used to draw the center points. hide_ticks (bool, optional): Whether to hide the ticks and tick labels. If None, will hide ticks if no ``space_size`` grid property was given (in which case the units are assumed irrelevant). cmap (str, optional): The colormap to use norm (str, optional): The normalization to use vmin (float, optional): The minimum value of the color range to use vmax (float, optional): The maximum value of the color range to use collection_kwargs (dict, optional): Passed on to the :py:class:`~matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection` that is used to represent the hexagons. **im_kwargs: Passed on to :py:class:`matplotlib.image.AxesImage` that is created from the whole axis. Can be used to set ``interpolation`` or similar options. Returns: matplotlib.image.AxesImage: The imshow-like object containing the hexagonal grid. """ # .. constants ............................................................ sqrt_3 = np.sqrt(3) # 2 * sin(60°) # Regular unit hexagon vertices in clockwise direction. # Define one with a pointy and one with a flat top (easier than rotating). unit_hexagon_pointy_top = np.array( [ [0, 1], [sqrt_3 / 2, +1 / 2], [sqrt_3 / 2, -1 / 2], [0, -1], [-sqrt_3 / 2, -1 / 2], [-sqrt_3 / 2, +1 / 2], ] ) unit_hexagon_flat_top = np.array( [ [1, 0], [+1 / 2, sqrt_3 / 2], [-1 / 2, sqrt_3 / 2], [-1, 0], [-1 / 2, -sqrt_3 / 2], [+1 / 2, -sqrt_3 / 2], ] ) # .. Prepare data ......................................................... # Bring data into a uniform shape: 2D xr.DataArray data, x, y = _prepare_hexgrid_data(data, x=x, y=y) # Aggregate grid properties grid_properties = ensure_dict(copy.deepcopy(grid_properties)) grid_properties.update(data.attrs) grid_properties.update(ensure_dict(copy.deepcopy(update_grid_properties))) if not grid_properties: raise ValueError( "Could not determine grid properties! " "Either pass them explicitly via the `grid_properties` or " "`update_grid_properties` arguments or, if `data` is given as " "an xr.DataArray, add them to `data.attrs`." ) # .. Get hexgrid information .............................................. GRID_PROP_KEYS = ( "coordinate_mode", "pointy_top", "offset_mode", "space_size", "space_offset", "space_boundary", ) _keys = {k: grid_properties_keys.get(k, k) for k in GRID_PROP_KEYS} # Extract attribute values and give a useful error message if that fails try: coordinate_mode = grid_properties[_keys["coordinate_mode"]] pointy_top = grid_properties[_keys["pointy_top"]] offset_mode = grid_properties[_keys["offset_mode"]] space_size = grid_properties.get(_keys["space_size"]) space_given = space_size is not None space_offset = grid_properties.get(_keys["space_offset"], (0.0, 0.0)) boundary = grid_properties.get(_keys["space_boundary"], "outer") except KeyError as err: _gp = "\n".join(f" {k:18}: {v}" for k, v in grid_properties.items()) _km = "\n".join(f" {k:16} -> {v}" for k, v in _keys.items()) raise ValueError( f"Missing grid property {err} for imshow_hexagonal! Make sure the " "required metadata is available and the key mapping is correct.\n" f"Data attributes:\n{data.attrs}" f"\n\nAggregated grid properties (after updates):\n{_gp}" f"\n\nKey mapping (old -> new):\n{_km}" ) from err # May have an explicitly given extent, in which case the space size and # offset given by the grid properties needs to be overwritten. if extent: _l, _r, _b, _t = extent space_size = (abs(_r - _l), abs(_t - _b)) space_offset = (min(_l, _r), min(_b, _t)) # Check validity COORDINATE_MODES = ("offset",) if coordinate_mode not in COORDINATE_MODES: raise ValueError( f"Invalid coordinate mode '{coordinate_mode}'! " "Hexagonal grid property `coordinate_mode` needs to be one of: " f"{', '.join(COORDINATE_MODES)}" ) if offset_mode not in ("even", "odd"): raise ValueError( f"Invalid offset mode '{offset_mode}'! Hexagonal grid property " "`offset_mode` needs to be 'even' or 'odd'." ) if boundary not in ("outer", "inner"): raise ValueError( f"Invalid space boundary '{boundary}'! Hexagonal grid property " "`space_boundary` needs to be 'outer' or 'inner'." ) # .. Calculations ......................................................... # Determine number of cells in x and y direction (of the final plot) n_x = data.sizes[x] n_y = data.sizes[y] ids_x = np.arange(n_x) ids_y = np.arange(n_y) # Issue a warning if there are too few cells. if n_x < 2 or n_y < 2: warnings.warn( "Plotting a hexagonal grid with fewer than two cells in any " "dimension may lead to unexpected results!", UserWarning, ) # Decide on which unit hexagon to use if pointy_top: unit_hexagon = unit_hexagon_pointy_top else: unit_hexagon = unit_hexagon_flat_top # Depending on whether the space is known, need to go different ways: # - If known, deduce s and scale hexagon accordingly. # - If not known, use s = 1 and compute the size of the space instead. if space_given: # With a space given, the size of the hexagon may be different in the # x and y direction in order to cover the whole space with the # available number of cells. # # However, a scaled hexagon no longer has a characteristic size `s`, # but needs two parameters to describe the scaling: `lx` and `ly`. # These are slightly different than `s`, but depending on which pointy # end aligns with which dimension, one of them is equal to what would # be `s` in a regular hexagon. # To reduce pitfalls of using `s` further down, we deliberately do NOT # define it here. # First, compute the boundaries (lower, upper) along each dimension space_x = (space_offset[0], space_offset[0] + space_size[0]) space_y = (space_offset[1], space_offset[1] + space_size[1]) space_width, space_height = space_size # Now deduce the scaling factors, depending on pointyness and position # of the boundary: if pointy_top: if boundary == "outer": offs_corr = 1 if n_x > 1 else 0 # offset correction lx = 2 * space_width / (sqrt_3 * (2 * n_x + offs_corr)) ly = 2 * space_height / (3 * n_y + 1) else: lx = 2 * space_width / (sqrt_3 * (2 * n_x - 1)) ly = 2 * space_height / (3 * n_y - 1) cell_width = sqrt_3 * lx # sic! lx is a scaling factor cell_height = 2 * ly else: # flat top if boundary == "outer": offs_corr = 1 if n_y > 1 else 0 lx = 2 * space_width / (3 * n_x + 1) ly = 2 * space_height / (sqrt_3 * (2 * n_y + offs_corr)) else: lx = 2 * space_width / (3 * n_x - 1) ly = 2 * space_height / (sqrt_3 * (2 * n_y - 1)) cell_width = 2 * lx cell_height = sqrt_3 * ly # sic! ly is a scaling factor # Scale and transform the hexagon accordingly. # This may lead to elongation along x or y dimensions. # Note the use of lx and ly here, not cell_width and cell_height. # This is because lx/ly == 1 if the hexagon is regular (the available # space's aspect ratio is 1:sqrt(3)/2 ). # In contrast, cell_width / cell_height will be sqrt(3)/2 == 1.15470… # for a unit hexagon, thus not suitable as scaling factors. hexagon = scale * np.array([lx, ly]) * unit_hexagon else: # Space was not given, can choose s and deduce space as we desire. # # Also, the hexagon will be regular: a _uniformly_ scaled unit hexagon. # Thus, we do not need to worry about scaling factors like above, but # the side length `s` alone suffices. s = 1 hexagon = scale * s * unit_hexagon if pointy_top: cell_width = s * sqrt_3 cell_height = 2 * s if boundary == "outer": offs_corr = 0.5 if n_x > 1 else 0 space_x = (0.0, (n_x + offs_corr) * cell_width) space_y = (0.0, 3 / 2 * n_y * s + s / 2) else: space_x = (cell_width / 2, n_x * cell_width) space_y = (s / 2, 3 / 2 * n_y * s) else: # flat top cell_width = 2 * s cell_height = s * sqrt_3 if boundary == "outer": offs_corr = 0.5 if n_y > 1 else 0 space_x = (0.0, 3 / 2 * n_x * s + s / 2) space_y = (0.0, (n_y + offs_corr) * cell_height) else: space_x = (s / 2, 3 / 2 * n_x * s) space_y = (cell_height / 2, n_y * cell_height) space_size = (space_x[1], space_y[1]) space_width, space_height = space_size space_x = (space_offset[0] + space_x[0], space_offset[0] + space_x[1]) space_y = (space_offset[1] + space_y[0], space_offset[1] + space_y[1]) # .. Compute cell positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # Temporary position values -- without row/col offsets! if pointy_top: if boundary == "outer": _pos_x = np.linspace( space_x[0] + cell_width / 2, space_x[1] - cell_width, # due to row offset n_x, ) _pos_y = np.linspace( space_y[0] + cell_height / 2, space_y[1] - cell_height / 2, n_y, ) else: _pos_x = np.linspace( space_x[0], space_x[1] - cell_width / 2, # due to row offset n_x, ) _pos_y = np.linspace( space_y[0] + cell_height / 4, space_y[1] - cell_height / 4, n_y, ) else: # flat top if boundary == "outer": _pos_x = np.linspace( space_x[0] + cell_width / 2, space_x[1] - cell_width / 2, n_x, ) _pos_y = np.linspace( space_y[0] + cell_height / 2, space_y[1] - cell_height, # due to col offset n_y, ) else: _pos_x = np.linspace( space_x[0] + cell_width / 4, space_x[1] - cell_width / 4, n_x, ) _pos_y = np.linspace( space_y[0], space_y[1] - cell_height / 2, # due to col offset n_y, ) # Bring into the form that's required for imshow x_offsets, y_offsets = np.meshgrid(_pos_x, _pos_y) # Add the offset towards higher values if pointy_top: if n_x > 1: offset = cell_width / 2 if offset_mode == "even": x_offsets[ids_y % 2 == 0, ...] += offset else: x_offsets[ids_y % 2 == 1, ...] += offset else: if n_y > 1: offset = cell_height / 2 if offset_mode == "even": y_offsets[..., ids_x % 2 == 0] += offset else: y_offsets[..., ids_x % 2 == 1] += offset # .. Create the PolyCollection ............................................ # At this point, need the following information to generate the collection # of hexagons: # - the appropriately transformed hexagon # - x and y offsets (2D arrays, flattened and combined) collection_kwargs = ensure_dict(collection_kwargs) # Here we go ... pcoll = mpl.collections.PolyCollection( [hexagon], offsets=np.transpose([x_offsets.flatten(), y_offsets.flatten()]), transOffset=mpl.transforms.AffineDeltaTransform(ax.transData), # # Pass collection-related kwargs linewidths=collection_kwargs.get("linewidths", 0), **collection_kwargs, ) # NOTE There also is a RegularPolyCollection, but that is a massive pain # because it expects the sizes to be given in units of the canvas # (area in *points squared*), which depends on the representation and # not on the data. # The PolyCollection does not have that issue because the polygons # need to be drawn "by hand". This way, all information can be # supplied in units of data space when using the data transformation # of the offsets. # Set the data (in a consistently flattened form) pcoll.set_array(_flatten_hexgrid_data(data)) # Set cmap stuff, norm, limits pcoll.set_cmap(cmap) pcoll.set_norm(norm) pcoll.set_clim(vmin, vmax) # .. Add to axis .......................................................... if ax is None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.gca() ax.add_collection(pcoll) # Use same length scale in x and y and set space limits ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_xlim(*space_x) ax.set_ylim(*space_y) # Allow marking the center points of the hexagons # # Again need to use a manually created collection such that positions and # sizes can be given in data units. # The radius factor is a heuristic value for an "effective" `s` parameter # for the shorter side of the hexagon. if draw_centers: circle = mpl.patches.Circle( (0, 0), radius=min(cell_width, cell_height) / 2 * draw_center_radius, ) draw_center_kwargs = ensure_dict(draw_center_kwargs) ccoll = mpl.collections.PatchCollection( [circle], offsets=np.transpose([x_offsets.flatten(), y_offsets.flatten()]), transOffset=mpl.transforms.AffineDeltaTransform(ax.transData), # linewidths=draw_center_kwargs.pop("linewidths", 0), **draw_center_kwargs, ) ax.add_collection(ccoll) # If space was not known, don't show axis labels if hide_ticks or (not space_given and hide_ticks is None): ax.tick_params( axis="both", left=False, top=False, right=False, bottom=False, labelleft=False, labeltop=False, labelright=False, labelbottom=False, ) # Create axes image to have the same result object as imshow does, # including interpolation features etc im = mpl.image.AxesImage(ax, **im_kwargs) im.hexagons = pcoll # Do some post-processing im.set_cmap(cmap) im.set_clim(vmin, vmax) # Some callbacks # def on_changed(collection): # hbar.set_cmap(collection.get_cmap()) # hbar.set_clim(collection.get_clim()) # vbar.set_cmap(collection.get_cmap()) # vbar.set_clim(collection.get_clim()) # pcoll.callbacks.connect("changed", on_changed) return im
@make_facet_grid_plot( map_as="dataarray", register_as_kind="imshow_hexagonal", encodings=("x", "y"), supported_hue_styles=(), parse_cmap_and_norm_kwargs=True, ) def imshow_hexagonal_facet_grid( data: xr.DataArray, *, hlpr: PlotHelper, _is_facetgrid: bool, x: str = None, y: str = None, extend: str = None, levels: int = None, add_labels: bool = True, add_colorbar: bool = True, cbar_kwargs: dict = None, **kwargs, ) -> mpl.image.AxesImage: """Wrapper around :py:func:`imshow_hexagonal` that makes it work as a standalone, DAG-supporting and *faceting* plotting function. Uses :py:class:`~dantro.plot.funcs.generic.make_facet_grid_plot` wrapper. For more arguments, see the respective docstrings. Args: data (xr.DataArray): The to-be-plotted data as prepared by the wrapper. hlpr (PlotHelper): The plot helper _is_facetgrid (bool): *Internally used variable* that denotes whether the invocation is part of a facet grid plot. x (str, optional): Which data dimension to represent on the x-axis y (str, optional): Which data dimension to represent on the y-axis extend (str, optional): Whether to extend the colorbar levels (int, optional): Number of discrete colormap levels to use; *currently not supported!* add_labels (bool, optional): Whether to add labels to the x and y axis. add_colorbar (bool, optional): Whether to add a colorbar. cbar_kwargs (dict, optional): Colorbar kwargs that are *only used if no facet grid* is created. **Note:** This interface is subject to change, aim being that the arguments can be supplied in the same way for faceting and non-faceting invocations of this function. **kwargs: Passed on to :py:func:`imshow_hexagonal` """ if levels: raise NotImplementedError("`levels` argument not yet supported") im = imshow_hexagonal( data,, x=x, y=y, **kwargs, ) if not _is_facetgrid: if add_labels: if add_colorbar: # TODO This should read information from the FacetGrid's # cbar_kwargs, which are also parsed there... problem being # that there is no FacetGrid object available here. # However, the arguments should be parsed in the same way! cbar = hlpr.fig.colorbar( im,, extend=extend, **ensure_dict(cbar_kwargs), ) return im # .............................................................................
[docs]@is_plot_func(use_dag=True, supports_animation=True) def caplot( *, hlpr: PlotHelper, data: dict, to_plot: Dict[str, dict], from_dataset: xr.Dataset = None, frames: str = "time", frames_isel: Union[int, Sequence] = None, grid_structure: str = None, aspect: float = 1.0, aspect_pad: float = 0.1, size: float = None, col_wrap: Union[int, str, bool] = "auto", imshow_hexagonal_extra_kwargs: dict = None, default_imshow_kwargs: dict = None, default_cbar_kwargs: dict = dict(fraction=0.04, aspect=20), suptitle_fstr: str = "{} = {}", suptitle_kwargs: dict = None, ): """Plots an animated series of one or many 2D Cellular Automata states. The data used for plotting is assembled from ``data`` using the keys that are specified in ``to_plot``. Alternatively, the ``from_dataset`` argument can be used to pass a dataset which contains all the required data. The keys in ``to_plot`` should match the names of data variables. The values in ``to_plot`` specify the individual subplots' properties like the color map that is to be used or the minimum or maximum values. For plotting square grids, :py:meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` is used and generates output like this: .. image:: ../_static/_gen/caplot/snapshot_square.pdf :target: ../_static/_gen/caplot/snapshot_square.pdf :width: 100% For a grid with hexagonal cells, :py:func:`imshow_hexagonal` is used; more details on how the cells are mapped to the space can be found there. The output (for the same dummy data as used above) may look like this: .. image:: ../_static/_gen/caplot/snapshot_hex.pdf :target: ../_static/_gen/caplot/snapshot_hex.pdf :width: 100% Finally, this plot function is specialized to generate animations along the ``frames`` dimension of the data, e.g. ``time``: .. raw:: html <video width="720" src="../_static/_gen/caplot/anim_square.mp4" controls></video> .. raw:: html <video width="720" src="../_static/_gen/caplot/anim_hex.mp4" controls></video> .. admonition:: Requirements on the CA data The selected data (keys in ``to_plot`` that correspond to DAG results in ``data``) should have two *spatial* dimensions and one data dimension that goes along the ``frames`` dimension. All coordinates should be identical, otherwise the behavior is not defined or alignment might fail. **For hexagonal grid structure**, note the requirements given in :py:func:`imshow_hexagonal`. .. admonition:: See also * :ref:`plot_funcs_ca` * :ref:`plot_funcs_ca_hex` Args: hlpr (PlotHelper): The plot helper instance data (dict): The selected data to_plot (Dict[str, dict]): Which data to plot and how. The keys of this dict refer to an item within the selected ``data`` or the given dataset. Each of these keys is expected to hold yet another dict, supporting the following configuration options (all optional): - ``title`` (str, optional): The title for this sub-plot. - ``cmap`` (Union[str, list, dict], optional): Which colormap to use. This argument is handled by the :py:class:`~dantro.plot.utils.color_mngr.ColorManager`, providing many ways in which to define the colormap. For instance, by passing mapping from labels to colors, a discrete colormap is created: The keys will be the labels and the values will be their colors. Association happens in the order of entries, with values being inferred from ``vmin`` and ``vmax``, if given. For more information and examples, see the docstring of the :py:class:`~dantro.plot.utils.color_mngr.ColorManager`. - ``norm`` (Union[str, dict], optional): The normalization function to use, also handled by the :py:class:`~dantro.plot.utils.color_mngr.ColorManager`. - ``vmin`` (float, optional): The fixed lower data limit for this property; if not given, uses auto-scaling, which may lead to jumps in the animation. Can also be ``'min'`` in which case the *global* minimum of the available data is used. - ``vmax`` (float, optional): Same as ``vmin``, but with the maximum and allowing ``'max'`` argument for choosing the global maximum. - ``label`` (str, optional): The *colorbar* label. - ``imshow_kwargs`` (dict, optional): Passed on to the imshow invocation, i.e. to :py:meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` or :py:meth:`imshow_hexagonal`. - ``**kwargs``: Further arguments control the colorbar appearance, their labels, ticks, and other plot specifics. For more detailed information about available arguments, see :py:func:`._plot_ca_property`, which takes care of plotting the individual ``to_plot`` entries. from_dataset (xarray.Dataset, optional): If given, will use this object instead of assembling a dataset from ``data`` and ``to_plot`` keys. frames (str, optional): Name of the animated dimension, typically the time dimension. frames_isel (Union[int, Sequence], optional): The index selector for the frames dimension. Can be a single integer but also a range expression. grid_structure (str, optional): The underlying grid structure, can be ``square``, ``hexagonal``, or ``triangular`` (not implemented). If None, will try to read it from the individual properties' data attribute ``grid_structure``. aspect (float, optional): The aspect ratio (width/height) of the subplots; should match the aspect ratio of the data. aspect_pad (float, optional): A factor that is added to the calcuation of the subplots width. This can be used to create a horizontal padding between subplots. size (float, optional): The height in inches of a subplot. Is used to determine the subplot size with the width being calculated by ``size * (aspect + aspect_pad)``. col_wrap (Union[int, str, bool], optional): Controls column wrapping. If ``auto``, will compute a column wrapping that leads to an (approximately) square subplots layout (not taking into account the subplots aspect ratio, only the grid layout). This will start producing a column wrapping with four or more properties to plot. default_imshow_kwargs (dict, optional): The default parameters passed to the underlying imshow plotting function. These are updated by the values given via ``to_plot``. default_cbar_kwargs (dict, optional): The default parameters for the colorbar that is added to applicable subplots. These are updated by the parameters given under ``to_plot``. suptitle_fstr (str, optional): A format string used to create the suptitle string. Passed arguments are ``frames`` and the currently selected frames *coordinate* (not the index!). If this evaluates to False, will not create a figure suptitle. suptitle_kwargs (dict, optional): Passed on to ``fig.suptitle``. """ # Helper functions ........................................................ def get_grid_structure(d: xr.DataArray) -> str: """Retrieves the grid structure from data attributes""" grid_structure = d.attrs.get("grid_structure") if isinstance(grid_structure, np.ndarray): grid_structure = grid_structure.item() return grid_structure def prepare_data(data: dict, *, prop_name: str) -> xr.DataArray: """Prepares data for (later) creating an :py:class:`xarray.Dataset`""" d = data[prop_name] if isinstance(d, AbstractDataContainer): d = return d def select_data(ds: xr.Dataset, name: str, isel: dict) -> xr.DataArray: """Selects a slice of data for plotting using :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.isel` on the data variable ``name``.""" return ds[name].isel(isel) def set_suptitle(data: xr.DataArray): """Sets the suptitle""" if not suptitle_fstr: return hlpr.fig.suptitle( suptitle_fstr.format(frames, data.coords[frames].item()), **(suptitle_kwargs if suptitle_kwargs else {}), ) # Prepare the data ........................................................ # Work on a copy of the plot spec to_plot = copy.deepcopy(to_plot) # Bring data into xr.Dataset form log.note("Preparing data for CA plot ...") if from_dataset: log.remark("Using explicitly passed dataset ...") ds = from_dataset else: log.remark("Constructing dataset ...") ds = xr.Dataset({p: prepare_data(data, prop_name=p) for p in to_plot}) # Check that frames dimension is available if not frames or frames not in ds.coords: _avail = ", ".join(ds.coords.keys()) raise ValueError( f"Invalid `frames` coordinate dimension '{frames}'! " f"Available coordinates: {_avail}" ) # Apply selection along frames dimension if frames_isel is not None: if isinstance(frames_isel, int): frames_isel = [frames_isel] _selector = {frames: frames_isel} log.remark("Applying index selection %s ...", _selector) ds = ds.isel(_selector, drop=False) # TODO x-y mapping? # TODO Automate aspect computation from x and y dimensions # Depending on length of coordinate dimension, ensure that animation mode # is enabled or disabled. num_frames = ds.coords[frames].size if num_frames > 1: hlpr.enable_animation() else: hlpr.disable_animation() # If not given, retrieve the structure from the data variable's attributes. if not grid_structure: structures = {p: get_grid_structure(ds[p]) for p in to_plot} if len(set(structures.values())) != 1: raise ValueError( "Mismatch in grid structure; all grid structures need to be " f"the same but were: {structures}\n" "This may have resulted from data attributes being lost in a " "data transformation. If so, one alternative to re-adding the " "data attributes (via the `update_with_attrs_from` operation) " "is to specify `grid_structure` explicitly. " "For hexagonal grids, grid properties can also be passed via " "`imshow_kwargs.grid_properties`." ) grid_structure = next(iter(structures.values())) # Evaluate limits argument for all properties for prop_name, spec in to_plot.items(): if spec.get("vmin") == "min": spec["vmin"] = ds[prop_name].min().item() if spec.get("vmax") == "max": spec["vmax"] = ds[prop_name].max().item() # Inform about the data that is to be plotted log.note( "Performing CA plot for %d data variable%s ...", len(to_plot), "" if len(to_plot) == 1 else "s", ) log.remark(" Data variables: %s", ", ".join(to_plot)) log.remark( " Dimensions: %s", ", ".join(f"{k}: {s}" for k, s in ds.sizes.items()), ) log.remark(" Grid structure: %s", grid_structure) # Some final checks ... if len(ds.sizes) != 3: raise ValueError( "Dataset shape needs to be 3-dimensional, but was: " f"{dict(ds.sizes)}! Full dataset:\n{ds}" ) # Prepare the figure ...................................................... # Evaluate column wrapping if col_wrap and not (col_wrap == "auto" and len(to_plot) < 4): if col_wrap == "auto": col_wrap = ceil(sqrt(len(to_plot))) log.remark(" Column wrapping: %s", col_wrap) ncols = col_wrap nrows = ceil(len(to_plot) / col_wrap) axis_map = { p: dict(col=i % col_wrap, row=i // col_wrap) for i, p in enumerate(to_plot) } else: ncols = len(to_plot) nrows = 1 axis_map = {p: dict(col=col, row=0) for col, p in enumerate(to_plot)} # Determine the figsize from the size argument (height) and data aspect. if not size: size = mpl.rcParams["figure.figsize"][1] figsize = (size * (aspect + aspect_pad), size) # Create the figure and set all axes as invisible. This is needed because # col_wrap may lead to some subplots being completely empty. hlpr.setup_figure( figsize=figsize, scale_figsize_with_subplots_shape=True, ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, ) for ax in hlpr.axes.flat: ax.set_visible(False) # Do the single plot for all data variables, looping through subfigures. # This creates the first imshow objects, which are being kept track of # such that they can later be updated. # This also sets the axes as visible again, but only for those that have # a property assigned to them. ims = dict() for i, (prop_name, props) in enumerate(to_plot.items()): hlpr.select_axis(**axis_map[prop_name]) # Select the appropriate data, then plot the data variable data = select_data(ds, prop_name, {frames: 0}) ims[prop_name] = _plot_ca_property( prop_name, hlpr=hlpr, data=data, grid_structure=grid_structure, default_imshow_kwargs=default_imshow_kwargs, imshow_hexagonal_extra_kwargs=imshow_hexagonal_extra_kwargs, default_cbar_kwargs=default_cbar_kwargs, **props, ) # Use this data for setting the figure suptitle if i == 0: set_suptitle(data) # End of single frame CA state plot function .............................. # The above variables are all available below, but the update function is # supposed to start plotting anew, starting from frame 0. def update_data(): """Updates the data of the imshow objects""" def need_autoscale(*, vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap=None, **_) -> bool: """Returns True if there are no bounds (vmin, vmax) given or if a discrete colormap is created from a dict""" return vmin is None and vmax is None and not isinstance(cmap, dict) log.note("Plotting animation with %d frames ...", num_frames) # Determine whether a autoscaling is needed for a property: needs_autoscale = { n: need_autoscale(**spec) for n, spec in to_plot.items() } # Frame iteration for frame_idx in range(num_frames): log.debug("Plotting frame %d ...", frame_idx) for i, (prop_name, props) in enumerate(to_plot.items()): hlpr.select_axis(**axis_map[prop_name]) frame_data = select_data(ds, prop_name, {frames: frame_idx}) # Depending on grid structure, update data or plot anew if grid_structure == "hexagonal": # Update imshow_hexagonal data according as would otherwise # happen inside that function frame_data, _, _ = _prepare_hexgrid_data( frame_data, x=props.get("x"), y=props.get("y") ) ims[prop_name].hexagons.set_array( _flatten_hexgrid_data(frame_data) ) if needs_autoscale[prop_name]: ims[prop_name].hexagons.autoscale() else: # Update imshow data without creating a new object ims[prop_name].set_data(frame_data.T) if needs_autoscale[prop_name]: ims[prop_name].autoscale() # Use the first subplot's data for setting the figure suptitle if i == 0: set_suptitle(frame_data) # Done with this frame; yield control to the animation framework. yield # Register this update method with the helper, which takes care of the rest hlpr.register_animation_update(update_data)