Source code for utopya.model

"""Provides the :py:class:`.Model` to work interactively with registered
utopya models"""

import glob
import logging
import os
import warnings
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

from import adjusted_log_levels as _adjusted_log_levels
from import make_columns as _make_columns

from .cfg import load_from_cfg_dir
from .eval import DataManager
from .model_registry import ModelInfoBundle, get_info_bundle, load_model_cfg
from .multiverse import DistributedMultiverse, FrozenMultiverse, Multiverse

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class Model: """A class to work with Utopia models interactively. It attaches to a certain model and makes it easy to load config files, create a Multiverse from them, run it, and work with it further... """ CONFIG_SET_MODEL_SOURCE_SUBDIRS = ("cfgs", "cfg_sets", "config_sets") """Directories within the model source directories to search through when looking for configuration sets. These are *not* used if the utopya config contains an entry overwriting this."""
[docs] def __init__( self, *, name: str = None, info_bundle: ModelInfoBundle = None, bundle_label: str = None, base_dir: str = None, sim_errors: str = None, use_tmpdir: bool = False, ): """Initialize the ModelTest for the given model name Args: name (str, optional): Name of the model to attach to. If not given, need to pass info_bundle. info_bundle (ModelInfoBundle, optional): The required information to work with this model. If not given, will attempt to find the model in the model registry via ``name`` or ``bundle_label``. bundle_label (str, optional): A label to use for identifying the info bundle. base_dir (str, optional): For convenience, can specify this path which will be seen as the base path for config files; if set, arguments that allow specifying configuration files can specify them relative to this directory. sim_errors (str, optional): Whether to raise errors from Multiverse use_tmpdir (bool, optional): Whether to use a temporary directory to write data to. The default value can be set here; but the flag can be overwritten in the create_mv and create_run_load methods. For ``false``, the regular model output directory is used. Raises: ValueError: Upon bad ``base_dir`` """ # First, determine which model info bundle to use self._info_bundle = get_info_bundle( model_name=name, info_bundle=info_bundle, bundle_label=bundle_label ) log.progress("Initializing Model instance for '%s' ...", # Show some project and framework information fw_name = None if self._info_bundle.project: fw_name = self._info_bundle.project.framework_name log.note(" Project: %s", self._info_bundle.project_name) log.note(" Framework: %s", fw_name) # Store other attributes self._sim_errors = sim_errors self._use_tmpdir = use_tmpdir self._base_dir = "" if base_dir: base_dir = os.path.expanduser(base_dir) if not os.path.isabs(base_dir): raise ValueError( "Given base_dir path {} should be absolute, " "but was not!".format(base_dir) ) elif not os.path.exists(base_dir) or not os.path.isdir(base_dir): raise ValueError( "Given base_dir path {} does not seem to " "exist or is not a directory!" "".format(base_dir) ) self._base_dir = base_dir # Need to store Multiverses etc. such that they don't go out of scope self._mvs = []
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """Returns an informative string for this Model instance""" return f"<Utopia '{}' model>"
# Properties .............................................................. @property def info_bundle(self) -> ModelInfoBundle: """The model info bundle""" return self._info_bundle @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of this Model object, which is at the same time the name of the attached model. """ return self.info_bundle.model_name @property def base_dir(self) -> str: """Returns the path to the base directory, if set during init. This is the path to a directory from which config files can be loaded using relative paths. """ return self._base_dir @property def default_model_cfg(self) -> dict: """Returns the default model configuration by loading it from the file specified in the info bundle. """ cfg, _, _ = load_model_cfg(info_bundle=self.info_bundle) return cfg @property def default_config_set_search_dirs(self) -> List[str]: """Returns the default config set search directories for this model in the order of precedence: - defined on the project-level via ``cfg_set_abs_search_dirs``; these may also be format strings supporting the following set of keys: ``model_name``, ``project_base_dir``, and ``model_source_dir`` (if set). If no project is associated, there will be no additional search directories. - names of subdirectories relative to the model source directory, defined in ``cfg_set_model_source_subdirs``. If no model source directory is known, no search directories will be added. If no project is associated, a standard set of search directories is used: ``cfgs``, ``cfg_sets``, ``config_sets``, as defined in :py:attr:`.CONFIG_SET_MODEL_SOURCE_SUBDIRS`. .. note:: The output *may* contain relative paths. """ search_dirs = [] project = self.info_bundle.project model_source_dir = self.info_bundle.paths.get("source_dir") # Project-level search directories, potentially format strings if project and project.cfg_set_abs_search_dirs: format_kwargs = dict( project_base_dir=project.paths.base_dir,, ) if model_source_dir: format_kwargs["model_source_dir"] = model_source_dir search_dirs += [ d.format(**format_kwargs) for d in project.cfg_set_abs_search_dirs ] # Relative to model source directory if model_source_dir: if project and project.cfg_set_model_source_subdirs: subdirs = project.cfg_set_model_source_subdirs else: subdirs = self.CONFIG_SET_MODEL_SOURCE_SUBDIRS for subdir in subdirs: search_dirs.append(os.path.join(model_source_dir, subdir)) return search_dirs @property def default_config_sets(self) -> Dict[str, dict]: """Config sets at the default search locations. To retrieve an *individual* config set, consider using :py:meth:`~utopya.model.Model.get_config_set` instead of this property. For more information, see :ref:`config_sets`. """ return self.get_config_sets( search_dirs=self.default_config_set_search_dirs ) # Simulation control ......................................................
[docs] def create_mv( self, *, from_cfg: str = None, from_cfg_set: str = None, run_cfg_path: str = None, use_tmpdir: bool = None, **update_meta_cfg, ) -> Multiverse: """Creates a :py:class:`utopya.multiverse.Multiverse` for this model, optionally loading a configuration from a file and updating it with further keys. Args: from_cfg (str, optional): The name of the config file (relative to the base directory) to be used. from_cfg_set (str, optional): Name of the config set to retrieve the run config from. Mutually exclusive with ``from_cfg`` and ``run_cfg_path``. run_cfg_path (str, optional): The path of the run config to use. Can not be passed if ``from_cfg`` or ``from_cfg_set`` arguments were given. use_tmpdir (bool, optional): Whether to use a temporary directory to write the data to. If not given, uses default value set at initialization. **update_meta_cfg: Can be used to update the meta configuration Returns: Multiverse: The created Multiverse object Raises: ValueError: If more than one of the run config selecting arguments (``from_cfg``, ``from_cfg_set``, ``run_cfg_path``) were given. """ # A dict that can be filled with objects to store in self._mvs objs_to_store = dict() # May want to use config file relative to base directory or a run # directory from a config set. Need to check that only one of them # was given. if bool(from_cfg) + bool(from_cfg_set) + bool(run_cfg_path) > 1: raise ValueError( "Can pass at most one of the arguments `from_cfg`, " "`from_cfg_set`, or `run_cfg_path` but got more than one!" ) if from_cfg: if os.path.isabs(from_cfg) and not self.base_dir: raise ValueError( "Missing base_dir to handle relative path in " "`from_cfg` argument." ) run_cfg_path = os.path.join(self.base_dir, from_cfg) elif from_cfg_set: run_cfg_path = self.get_config_set(from_cfg_set)["run"] # Check whether a temporary directory is desired use_tmpdir = use_tmpdir if use_tmpdir is not None else self._use_tmpdir if use_tmpdir: tmpdir = self._create_tmpdir() objs_to_store["out_dir"] = tmpdir # Use update_meta_cfg to communicate it to the Multiverse if "paths" not in update_meta_cfg: update_meta_cfg["paths"] = dict( else: update_meta_cfg["paths"]["out_dir"] = # Also set the exit handling value, if not already set # TODO do this in a more elegant way _se = self._sim_errors if _se and "worker_manager" not in update_meta_cfg: update_meta_cfg["worker_manager"] = dict(nonzero_exit_handling=_se) elif ( _se and "nonzero_exit_handling" not in update_meta_cfg["worker_manager"] ): update_meta_cfg["worker_manager"]["nonzero_exit_handling"] = _se # else: entry was already set; don't set it again # Create the Multiverse and store it, to not let it go out of scope mv = Multiverse(, info_bundle=self.info_bundle, run_cfg_path=run_cfg_path, **update_meta_cfg, ) self._store_mv(mv, **objs_to_store) return mv
[docs] def create_frozen_mv(self, **fmv_kwargs) -> FrozenMultiverse: """Create a :py:class:`utopya.multiverse.FrozenMultiverse`, coupling it to a run directory. Use this method if you want to load an *existing* simulation run. Args: **fmv_kwargs: Passed on to :py:meth:`utopya.multiverse.FrozenMultiverse.__init__` """ mv = FrozenMultiverse(, **fmv_kwargs) self._store_mv(mv) return mv
[docs] def create_distributed_mv(self, **dmv_kwargs) -> DistributedMultiverse: """Create a :py:class:`utopya.multiverse.FrozenMultiverse`, coupling it to a run directory. Use this method if you want to load an *existing* simulation run. Args: **fmv_kwargs: Passed on to :py:meth:`utopya.multiverse.FrozenMultiverse.__init__` """ mv = DistributedMultiverse(, **dmv_kwargs) self._store_mv(mv) return mv
[docs] def create_run_load( self, *, from_cfg: str = None, run_cfg_path: str = None, from_cfg_set: str = None, use_tmpdir: bool = None, print_tree: bool = True, **update_meta_cfg, ) -> Tuple[Multiverse, DataManager]: """Chains the :py:meth:`.create_mv`, ````, and ```` methods calls together and returns a ``(Multiverse, DataManager)`` tuple. Args: from_cfg (str, optional): The name of the config file (relative to the base directory) to be used. from_cfg_set (str, optional): Name of the config set to retrieve the run config from. Mutually exclusive with ``from_cfg`` and ``run_cfg_path``. run_cfg_path (str, optional): The path of the run config to use. Can not be passed if ``from_cfg`` or ``from_cfg_set`` arguments were given. use_tmpdir (bool, optional): Whether to use a temporary directory to write the data to. If not given, uses default value set at initialization. print_tree (bool, optional): Whether to print the loaded data tree **update_meta_cfg: Arguments passed to the create_mv function Returns: Tuple[Multiverse, DataManager]: The created Multiverse and the corresponding DataManager (with data already loaded). """ mv = self.create_mv( from_cfg=from_cfg, from_cfg_set=from_cfg_set, run_cfg_path=run_cfg_path, use_tmpdir=use_tmpdir, **update_meta_cfg, ) return mv,
# Config set retrieval ....................................................
[docs] def get_config_set(self, name: str = None) -> Dict[str, str]: """Returns a configuration set: a dict containing paths to run and/or eval configuration files. These are accessible via the keys ``run`` and ``eval``. Config sets are retrieved from multiple locations: * The ``cfgs`` directory in the model's source directory * The user-specified lookup directories, specified in the utopya configuration as ``config_set_search_dirs`` * If ``name`` is an absolute or relative path, and a directory exists at the specified location, the parent directory is interpreted as a search path. This uses :py:meth:`~utopya.model.Model.get_config_sets` to retrieve all available configuration sets from the above paths and then selects the one with the given ``name``. Config sets that are found later overwrite those with the same name found in previous searches and log a warning message (which can be controlled with the ``warn`` argument); sets are *not* merged. For more information, see :ref:`config_sets`. Args: name (str, optional): The name of the config set to retrieve. This may also be a local path, which is looked up prior to the default search directories. """ search_dirs = [] # The name argument may be path-like, and we may want to include that # as well, but only if the directory actually exists. # In that case, the last path segment should be regarded as the name. _path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(name)) if not os.path.isabs(_path): _path = os.path.abspath(_path) # However, we need to robustly identify the actual config set name from # the path in such a case. # Simplest assumption: check if such a directory actually exists, in # which case the user probably wanted to search it for a config set. # If there is a typo in the path, the whole directory will be searched # in the error message anyway ... if os.path.isdir(_path): name = os.path.basename(_path) search_dirs.append(os.path.dirname(_path)) else: log.remark( "Given config set name was not interpretable as an " "additional search path (or the directory does not exist)." ) # Append the default search directories, then start searching search_dirs += self.default_config_set_search_dirs for search_dir in search_dirs: cfg_sets = self._find_config_sets(search_dir, cfg_sets={}) if name not in cfg_sets: continue cfg_set = cfg_sets[name] log.note( "Found config set named '%s' (contains: %s).", name, ", ".join(f"{k}.yml" for k in cfg_set.keys() if k != "dir"), ) return cfg_set # else: did not find the config set. # Provide a useful error message, in which the local directory is # *always* searched, such that the user does not have to check manually # whether the directory exists but simply sees in this error message # whether there was a typo in `name`. search_dirs = [ os.path.dirname(_path) ] + self.default_config_set_search_dirs _search_dirs = "\n".join(f" - {s}" for s in search_dirs) with _adjusted_log_levels(("utopya.model", logging.WARNING)): _avail = self.get_config_sets(search_dirs=search_dirs, warn=False) raise ValueError( f"No config set with name '{name}' could be found in any of the " f"following search directories:\n{_search_dirs}\n\n" "Check that a subdirectory of the desired name exists at any of " "the above locations and contains a `run.yml` and/or `eval.yml` " "file.\n" "Available config sets:\n" f"{_make_columns(_avail) if _avail else ' (none available)'}" )
[docs] def get_config_sets( self, *, search_dirs: List[str] = None, warn: bool = True, cfg_sets: dict = None, ) -> Dict[str, dict]: """Searches for all available configuration sets in the given search directories, aggregating them into one dict. The search is done in *reverse* order of the paths given in ``search_dirs``, i.e. starting from those directories with the lowest precedence. If configuration sets with the same name are encountered, warnings are emitted, but the one with higher precedence (appearing more towards the front of ``search_dirs``, i.e. the later-searched one) will take precedence. .. note:: This will *not* merge configuration sets from different search directories, e.g. if one contained only an eval configuration and the other contained only a run configuration, a warning will be emitted but the entry from the later-searched directory will be used. Args: search_dirs (List[str], optional): The directories to search sequentially for config sets. If not given, will use the default config set search directories, see :py:attr:`~utopya.model.Model.default_config_set_search_dirs`. warn (bool, optional): Whether to warn (via log message), if the search yields a config set with a name that already existed. cfg_sets (dict, optional): If given, aggregate newly found config sets into this dict. Otherwise, start with an empty one. """ if search_dirs is None: search_dirs = self.default_config_set_search_dirs cfg_sets = cfg_sets if cfg_sets is not None else dict() for search_dir in reversed(search_dirs): cfg_sets = self._find_config_sets( search_dir, cfg_sets=cfg_sets, warn=warn ) return cfg_sets
# Helpers .................................................................
[docs] def _store_mv(self, mv: Multiverse, **kwargs) -> None: """Stores a created Multiverse object and all the kwargs in a dict""" self._mvs.append(dict(mv=mv, **kwargs))
[docs] def _create_tmpdir(self) -> TemporaryDirectory: """Create a TemporaryDirectory""" return TemporaryDirectory(, suffix=f"_mv{len(self._mvs)}" )
[docs] def _find_config_sets( self, search_dir: str, *, cfg_sets: dict, warn: bool = True ) -> Dict[str, dict]: """Looks for config sets in the given directory and aggregates them into the given ``cfg_sets`` dict, warning if an entry already exists. Args: search_dir (str): The directory to search for configuration sets. Can be an absolute or relative path; ``~`` is expanded. cfg_sets (dict): The dict to populate with the results, each entry being one config set. warn (bool, optional): Whether to warn (via log message) if an entry already exists. """ # Make absolute search_dir = os.path.expanduser(search_dir) if not os.path.isabs(search_dir): search_dir = os.path.abspath(search_dir) log.remark("Searching for config sets in:\n %s", search_dir) if not os.path.isdir(search_dir): log.remark("No directory found at given search path.") return cfg_sets dn = 0 for cs_name in os.listdir(search_dir): log.debug("Inspecting subdirectory '%s' ...", cs_name) search_subdir = os.path.join(search_dir, cs_name) found_cfgs = dict() # Run configuration run_cfg = os.path.join(search_subdir, "run.yml") if os.path.exists(run_cfg): found_cfgs["run"] = run_cfg # Eval configuration eval_cfg = os.path.join(search_subdir, "eval.yml") if os.path.exists(eval_cfg): found_cfgs["eval"] = eval_cfg # Only add entry, if configs were found if found_cfgs: dn += 1 if ( warn and cs_name in cfg_sets and search_subdir != cfg_sets[cs_name]["dir"] ): log.caution( "A config set named '%s' was already found at:\n %s\n" "It will be overwritten with the one found at:\n %s", cs_name, cfg_sets[cs_name]["dir"], search_subdir, ) cfg_sets[cs_name] = dict(dir=search_subdir, **found_cfgs) log.remark("Found %d config set%s.", dn, "s" if dn != 1 else "") return cfg_sets