Source code for utopya.model_registry.registry

"""This module implements the :py:class:`.ModelRegistry`, which combines
objects and makes it possible to register new models.

import copy
import logging
import os
from itertools import chain
from typing import Dict

import dantro.utils
from dantro.logging import CAUTION as _CAUTION

from .._yaml import load_yml, write_yml
from ..cfg import UTOPYA_CFG_DIR
from ..exceptions import BundleExistsError, MissingModelError
from import make_columns, pformat, recursive_update
from .entry import ModelRegistryEntry

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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[docs]class KeyOrderedDict(dantro.utils.KeyOrderedDict): """A key-ordered dict that expects string keys and sorts by the lower-case representation of keys. """ DEFAULT_KEY_COMPARATOR = lambda _, k: k.lower()
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[docs]class ModelRegistry: """The ModelRegistry class takes care of providing model information to the rest of the utopya package and, at the same time, maintains the model registry it is associated with. It provides a dict-like interface to access the stored registry entries under their model name. Via :py:meth:`.register_model_info`, a model can be registered and information can be added to it. Additionally, there are some functions that provide an overview over the registered models and the known information about them. """
[docs] def __init__(self, utopya_cfg_dir_path: str = None): """Loads the utopya model registry from the configuration at the given path. Args: UTOPYA_CFG_DIR_path (str, optional): The path to store the model registry folder in. """ self._paths = dict() self._paths["utopya_cfg"] = ( utopya_cfg_dir_path if utopya_cfg_dir_path is not None else UTOPYA_CFG_DIR ) self._paths["registry"] = os.path.join( self._paths["utopya_cfg"], "models" ) # If the directories at these paths do not exist, create them if not os.path.exists(self.registry_dir): # Suffices to create registry dir os.makedirs(self.registry_dir) # Create the model registry dict and populate it # Keys: model names # Values: ModelRegistryEntry objects self._registry = KeyOrderedDict() self._load_errors = dict() self._load_from_registry_dir() "Ready. Have %d model%s registered.", len(self), "s" if len(self) != 1 else "", )
@property def registry_dir(self) -> str: """The model registry directory path""" return self._paths["registry"] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._registry) # Information ............................................................. def __str__(self) -> str: return "<utopya.ModelRegistry; {} model{} registered>".format( len(self), "s" if len(self) != 1 else "" ) @property def info_str(self) -> str: """Returns a multi-line info string showing all registered models""" lines = [] lines.append( "utopya model registry ({} model{} registered)" "".format(len(self), "s" if len(self) != 1 else "") ) lines.append("-" * len(lines[-1]) + "\n") for model_name, _ in self.items(): lines.append(f"{model_name}") return "\n".join(lines) @property def info_str_detailed(self) -> str: """Returns a multi-line info string showing all registered models with additional details.""" lines = [] lines.append( "utopya model registry ({} model{} registered)" "".format(len(self), "s" if len(self) != 1 else "") ) lines.append("-" * len(lines[-1])) lines.append("Default bundles are marked (*)\n") for model_name, entry in self.items(): lines.append(f"{model_name}") # Bundle information lines.append( f" {len(entry)} bundle{'s' if len(entry) != 1 else ''}:" ) default_label = entry.default_label is_default = lambda l: l == default_label is_default_str = "(*)" lines += [ f" - {l} {is_default_str if is_default(l) else ''}" for l in entry.keys() ] # TODO Show more information here # Done for this model lines.append("") return "\n".join(lines) # TODO Improve output formats and amount of information # TODO Consider supporting machine-parseable form? # Dict interface ..........................................................
[docs] def keys(self): return self._registry.keys()
[docs] def values(self): return self._registry.values()
[docs] def items(self): return self._registry.items()
[docs] def __contains__(self, model_name: str) -> bool: """Whether an entry for the given model name exists in the registry""" return model_name in self._registry
# Working on entries ......................................................
[docs] def __getitem__(self, model_name: str) -> ModelRegistryEntry: """Retrieve a deep copy of a model registration entry for the given model name. """ try: return self._registry[model_name] except KeyError as err: if model_name not in self._load_errors: raise MissingModelError( f"No model with name '{model_name}' found! Did you forget " f"to register it?\nAvailable models:\n" f"{make_columns(self.keys())}" ) from err load_err = self._load_errors[model_name]["exc"] raise MissingModelError( f"No model with name '{model_name}' available in model " "registry because there was an error loading it:\n\n" f"{type(load_err).__name__}: {load_err}\n\n" "Either fix the associated registry file manually or remove " "the entry for this model completely." )
[docs] def register_model_info( self, model_name: str, **bundle_kwargs ) -> ModelRegistryEntry: """Register information for a single model. This method also allows to create a new entry if a model does not exist. However, it will raise an error if the model was already registered and neither the skip nor the remove options were explicitly specified. Args: model_name (str): The name of the model to register **bundle_kwargs: Passed on to ``ModelRegistryEntry.add_bundle`` Returns: ModelRegistryEntry: The registry entry for this model. """ if model_name not in self: self._add_entry(model_name) if bundle_kwargs: self[model_name].add_bundle(**bundle_kwargs) # To be consistent with cases where no bundle is added, return the # entry, not the newly added bundle return self[model_name]
[docs] def remove_entry(self, model_name: str): """Removes a registry entry and deletes the associated registry file. Args: model_name (str): The name of the model entry that is to be removed Raises: ValueError: On invalid (non-existing) model """ try: entry = self._registry.pop(model_name) except KeyError as err: if model_name not in self._load_errors: raise ValueError( f"Could not remove entry for model '{model_name}', " "because no such model is registered.\nAvailable models:\n" f"{make_columns(self.keys())}" ) from err # Don't have an entry, but can still remove the file log.caution( "Removing (potentially corrupt) registry file " "for model '%s' ...", model_name, ) fpath = os.path.join(self.registry_dir, f"{model_name}.yml") os.remove(fpath)"Removed associated registry file: %s", fpath) return else: "Removed entry for model '%s' from model registry.", model_name ) os.remove(entry.registry_file_path) log.debug( "Removed associated registry file: %s", entry.registry_file_path )
# Entry goes out of scope now and is then be garbage-collected if it # does not exist anywhere else... Only if some action is taken on that # entry does it lead to file being created again. # Helpers .................................................................
[docs] def _add_entry(self, model_name: str) -> ModelRegistryEntry: """Create a :py:class:`~utopya.model_registry.entry.ModelRegistryEntry` object for the given model, which loads the associated data from the registry directory, and store it here in the registry. Args: model_name (str): Model name for which to add the :py:class:`utopya.model_registry.entry.ModelRegistryEntry` object. Raises: ValueError: If the model already exists. Returns: ModelRegistryEntry: The newly created entry """ if model_name in self: raise ValueError( "There already is a model registered under the name of " f"'{model_name}'! " "Use the add_bundle method to add information to it." ) entry = ModelRegistryEntry(model_name, registry_dir=self.registry_dir) self._registry[entry.model_name] = entry log.debug("Added registry entry for model '%s'.", entry.model_name) return entry
[docs] def _load_from_registry_dir(self): """Load all available entries from the registry directory. If called multiple times, will only load entries that are not already registered. """ "Loading entries from model registry directory:\n %s ...", self.registry_dir, ) new_entries = [] for fpath in os.listdir(self.registry_dir): model_name, ext = os.path.splitext(fpath) if not ext.lower() in (".yml", ".yaml") or model_name in self: continue # Try loading ... try: self._add_entry(model_name) except Exception as exc: self._load_errors[model_name] = dict(fpath=fpath, exc=exc) else: new_entries.append(model_name) # Inform about errors if self._load_errors: err_info = "\n\n".join( f"- {name}: {d['exc']}" for name, d in self._load_errors.items() ) log.error( "There were errors during loading of %d model(s):\n\n%s\n", len(self._load_errors), err_info, ) log.caution( "These missing models may cause errors later on; it is " "best to address them, e.g. by editing the model registry " "or by removing and re-registering the model.\n" ) log.debug( "Loaded %s new entr%s: %s", len(new_entries), "ies" if len(new_entries) != 1 else "y", ", ".join(new_entries), )