Source code for utopya.multiverse

"""Implementation of the :py:class:`~utopya.multiverse.Multiverse` class which
sits at the heart of utopya and supplies the main user interface for the
frontend. It allows to run a simulation and then evaluate it.

import copy
import itertools
import logging
import os
import re
import time
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from shutil import copy2
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

import paramspace as psp
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

from ._cluster import parse_node_list
from .cfg import get_cfg_path as _get_cfg_path
from .eval import DataManager, PlotManager
from .model_registry import ModelInfoBundle, get_info_bundle, load_model_cfg
from .parameter import ValidationError
from .project_registry import PROJECTS
from .reporter import WorkerManagerReporter
from .task import NoWorkTask, WorkerTask
from .tools import parse_num_steps, pformat, recursive_update
from .workermanager import WorkerManager
from .yaml import load_yml, write_yml

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class Multiverse: """The Multiverse is where a single simulation run is orchestrated from. It spawns multiple universes, each of which represents a single simulation of the selected model with the parameters specified by the meta configuration. The :py:class:`~utopya.workermanager.WorkerManager` takes care to perform these simulations in parallel. The :py:class:`.Multiverse` then interfaces with the :py:mod:`dantro` data processing pipeline using classes specialized in :py:mod:`utopya.eval`: The :py:class:`~utopya.eval.datamanager.DataManager` loads the created simulation output, making it available in a uniformly accessible and hierarchical data tree. Then, the :py:class:`~utopya.eval.plotmanager.PlotManager` handles plotting of that data. """ BASE_META_CFG_PATH = resource_filename("utopya", "cfg/base_cfg.yml") """Where the default meta configuration can be found""" USER_CFG_SEARCH_PATH = _get_cfg_path("user") """Where to look for the user configuration""" RUN_DIR_TIME_FSTR = "%y%m%d-%H%M%S" """The time format string for the run directory""" UTOPYA_BASE_PLOTS_PATH = resource_filename("utopya", "cfg/base_plots.yml") """Where the utopya base plots configuration can be found; this is passed to the :py:class:`~utopya.eval.plotmanager.PlotManager`. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, model_name: str = None, info_bundle: ModelInfoBundle = None, run_cfg_path: str = None, user_cfg_path: str = None, _shared_worker_manager: WorkerManager = None, **update_meta_cfg, ): """Initialize the Multiverse. Args: model_name (str, optional): The name of the model to run info_bundle (ModelInfoBundle, optional): The model information bundle that includes information about the executable path etc. If not given, will attempt to read it from the model registry. run_cfg_path (str, optional): The path to the run configuration. user_cfg_path (str, optional): If given, this is used to update the base configuration. If None, will look for it in the default path, see Multiverse.USER_CFG_SEARCH_PATH. _shared_worker_manager (WorkerManager, optional): If given, this already existing WorkerManager instance (and its reporter) will be used instead of initializing new instances. .. warning:: This argument is only exposed for internal purposes. It should not be used for production code and behavior of this argument may change at any time. **update_meta_cfg: Can be used to update the meta configuration generated from the previous configuration levels """ # First things first: get the info bundle if info_bundle is None: info_bundle = get_info_bundle( model_name=model_name, info_bundle=info_bundle ) self._info_bundle = info_bundle log.progress( "Initializing Multiverse for '%s' model ...", self.model_name ) # Setup property-managed attributes self._dirs = dict() self._model_executable = None self._tmpdir = None self._resolved_cluster_params = None # Create meta configuration and list of used config files mcfg, cfg_parts = self._create_meta_cfg( run_cfg_path=run_cfg_path, user_cfg_path=user_cfg_path, update_meta_cfg=update_meta_cfg, ) self._meta_cfg = mcfg"Built meta configuration.") log.remark(" Debug level: %d", self.debug_level) self._apply_debug_level() # In cluster mode, need to make some adjustments via additional dicts dm_cluster_kwargs = dict() wm_cluster_kwargs = dict() if self.cluster_mode: log.note("Cluster mode enabled.") self._resolved_cluster_params = self._resolve_cluster_params() rcps = self.resolved_cluster_params # creates a deep copy log.note( "This is node %d of %d.", rcps["node_index"] + 1, rcps["num_nodes"], ) # Changes to the meta configuration # To avoid config file collisions in the PlotManager: self._meta_cfg["plot_manager"]["cfg_exists_action"] = "skip" # _Additional_ arguments to pass to *Manager initializations below # ... for DataManager timestamp = rcps["timestamp"] dm_cluster_kwargs = dict( out_dir_kwargs=dict(timestamp=timestamp, exist_ok=True) ) # ... for WorkerManager wm_cluster_kwargs = dict( cluster_mode=True, resolved_cluster_params=rcps ) # Create the run directory and write the meta configuration into it. self._create_run_dir(**self.meta_cfg["paths"]) log.note("Run directory:\n %s", self.dirs["run"]) # Backup involved files, if not in cluster mode or on the relevant node if ( not self.cluster_mode or self.resolved_cluster_params["node_index"] == 0 ): # If not in cluster mode, should backup in any case. # In cluster mode, the first node is responsible for backing up # the configuration; all others can relax. self._perform_backup( **self.meta_cfg["backups"], cfg_parts=cfg_parts ) else: log.debug( "Not backing up config files, because it was already " "taken care of by the first node." ) # NOTE Not taking a try-except approach here because it might get # messy when multiple nodes try to backup the configuration # at the same time ... # Validate the parameters specified in the meta configuration self._validate_meta_cfg() # Prepare the executable self._prepare_executable(**self.meta_cfg["executable_control"]) # Create a DataManager instance self._dm = DataManager( self.dirs["run"], name=f"{self.model_name}_data", **self.meta_cfg["data_manager"], **dm_cluster_kwargs, ) log.progress("Initialized DataManager.") # Either create a WorkerManager instance and its associated reporter # or use an already existing WorkerManager that is also used elsewhere if not _shared_worker_manager: self._wm = WorkerManager( **self.meta_cfg["worker_manager"], **wm_cluster_kwargs ) self._reporter = WorkerManagerReporter( self.wm, mv=self, report_dir=self.dirs["run"], **self.meta_cfg["reporter"], ) else: self._wm = _shared_worker_manager self._reporter = self.wm.reporter"Using a shared WorkerManager instance and reporter.") # And instantiate the PlotManager with the model-specific plot config self._pm = self._setup_pm() log.progress("Initialized Multiverse.\n")
# Properties .............................................................. @property def debug_level(self) -> int: """The debug level""" return self.meta_cfg.get("debug_level", 0) @property def info_bundle(self) -> ModelInfoBundle: """The model info bundle for this Multiverse""" return self._info_bundle @property def model_name(self) -> str: """The model name associated with this Multiverse""" return self.info_bundle.model_name @property def model_executable(self) -> str: """The path to the model executable""" if self._model_executable is not None: # Use the executable from a temporary directory return self._model_executable execpath = self.info_bundle.executable if not execpath: raise ValueError( f"Model '{self.model_name}' does not have an executable " "registered that can be used to perform a simulation run!\n" "If you want to run simulations, specify an executable. " "In case you only want to use utopya's evaluation routines, " "no executable is needed, but only the evaluation pipeline is " "available and it seems like you tried to run a simulation." ) return execpath @property def model(self) -> "utopya.model.Model": """A model instance, created ad-hoc using the associated info bundle""" from .model import Model return Model(info_bundle=self.info_bundle) @property def meta_cfg(self) -> dict: """The meta configuration.""" return self._meta_cfg @property def dirs(self) -> dict: """Information on managed directories.""" return self._dirs @property def cluster_mode(self) -> bool: """Whether the Multiverse should run in cluster mode""" return self.meta_cfg["cluster_mode"] @property def cluster_params(self) -> dict: """Returns a copy of the cluster mode configuration parameters""" return copy.deepcopy(self.meta_cfg["cluster_params"]) @property def resolved_cluster_params(self) -> dict: """Returns a copy of the cluster configuration with all parameters resolved. This makes some additional keys available on the top level. """ # Return the cached value as a _copy_ to secure it against changes return copy.deepcopy(self._resolved_cluster_params) @property def dm(self) -> DataManager: """The Multiverse's DataManager.""" return self._dm @property def wm(self) -> WorkerManager: """The Multiverse's WorkerManager.""" return self._wm @property def pm(self) -> PlotManager: """The Multiverse's PlotManager.""" return self._pm # Public methods ..........................................................
[docs] def run(self, *, sweep: bool = None): """Starts a simulation run. Specifically, this method adds simulation tasks to the associated WorkerManager, locks its task list, and then invokes the :py:meth:`~utopya.workermanager.WorkerManager.start_working` method which performs all the simulation tasks. If cluster mode is enabled, this will split up the parameter space into (ideally) equally sized parts and only run one of these parts, depending on the cluster node this Multiverse is being invoked on. .. note:: As this method locks the task list of the :py:class:`~utopya.workermanager.WorkerManager`, no further tasks can be added henceforth. This means, that each Multiverse instance can only perform a single simulation run. Args: sweep (bool, optional): Whether to perform a sweep or not. If None, the value will be read from the ``perform_sweep`` key of the meta-configuration. """"Preparing for simulation run ...") # Add tasks, then prevent adding further tasks to disallow further runs self._add_sim_tasks(sweep=sweep) self.wm.tasks.lock() # Tell the WorkerManager to start working (is a blocking call) self.wm.start_working(**self.meta_cfg["run_kwargs"]) # Done! :) log.success("Finished simulation run. Wohoo. :)\n")
[docs] def run_single(self): """Runs a single simulation using the parameter space's default value. See :py:meth:`` for more information. """ return
[docs] def run_sweep(self): """Runs a parameter sweep. See :py:meth:`` for more information. """ return
[docs] def renew_plot_manager(self, **update_kwargs): """Tries to set up a new PlotManager. If this succeeds, the old one is discarded and the new one is associated with this Multiverse. Args: **update_kwargs: Passed on to PlotManager.__init__ """ try: pm = self._setup_pm(**update_kwargs) except Exception as exc: raise ValueError( "Failed setting up a new PlotManager! " "The old PlotManager remains." ) from exc self._pm = pm
# Helpers .................................................................
[docs] def _create_meta_cfg( self, *, run_cfg_path: str, user_cfg_path: str, update_meta_cfg: dict ) -> dict: """Create the meta configuration from several parts and store it. The final configuration dict is built from multiple components, where one is always recursively updating the previous level. The resulting configuration is the meta configuration and is stored to the ``meta_cfg`` attribute. The parts are recorded in the ``cfg_parts`` dict and returned such that a backup can be created. Args: run_cfg_path (str): path to the run configuration user_cfg_path (str): path to the user configuration file update_meta_cfg (dict): will be used to update the resulting dict Returns: dict: dict of the parts that were needed to create the meta config. The dict-key corresponds to the part name, the value is the payload which can be either a path to a cfg file or a dict """"Building meta-configuration ...") # Read in the base meta configuration base_cfg = load_yml(self.BASE_META_CFG_PATH) # Framework- and project-level configuration files framework_cfg = {} framework_cfg_path = None project_cfg = {} project_cfg_path = None model_mv_cfg = {} model_mv_cfg_path = None project_name = self.info_bundle.project_name if project_name: project = self.info_bundle.project # Framework-level framework_name = project.get("framework_name") if framework_name: framework_project = PROJECTS[framework_name] framework_cfg_path = framework_project["paths"].get( "mv_project_cfg" ) if framework_cfg_path: framework_cfg = load_yml(framework_cfg_path) # Project level if project_name != framework_name: project_cfg_path = self.info_bundle.project["paths"].get( "mv_project_cfg" ) if project_cfg_path: project_cfg = load_yml(project_cfg_path) # There might be a model-specific configuration if model_mv_cfg_path := self.info_bundle.paths.get("mv_model_cfg"): model_mv_cfg = load_yml(model_mv_cfg_path) # Decide whether to read in the user configuration from the default # search location or use a user-passed one if user_cfg_path is None: log.debug( "Looking for user configuration file in default " "location, %s", self.USER_CFG_SEARCH_PATH, ) if os.path.isfile(self.USER_CFG_SEARCH_PATH): user_cfg_path = self.USER_CFG_SEARCH_PATH else: # No user cfg will be loaded log.debug("No file found at the default search location.") elif user_cfg_path is False: log.debug( "Not loading the user configuration from the default " "search path: %s", self.USER_CFG_SEARCH_PATH, ) user_cfg = None if user_cfg_path: user_cfg = load_yml(user_cfg_path) # Read in the configuration corresponding to the chosen model (model_cfg, model_cfg_path, params_to_validate) = load_model_cfg( info_bundle=self.info_bundle ) # NOTE Unlike the other configuration files, this does not attach at # root level of the meta configuration but parameter_space.<model_name> # in order to allow it to be used as the default configuration for an # _instance_ of that model. # Read in the run configuration run_cfg = None if run_cfg_path: log.note("Run configuration:\n %s", run_cfg_path) try: run_cfg = load_yml(run_cfg_path) except FileNotFoundError as err: raise FileNotFoundError( f"No run config could be found at {run_cfg_path}!" ) from err # Make sure its parameter_space entry is a true dict and not a # ParamSpace object, which needs to be resolved to a dict. if isinstance(run_cfg.get("parameter_space"), psp.ParamSpace): run_cfg["parameter_space"] = run_cfg["parameter_space"]._dict # FIXME Should not be using the private interface here. This is # only necessary in the first place because ParamSpace # does not behave like a dict as much as it should... # Once recursive_update works within ParamSpace, this # can be removed again. else: log.note( "Using default run configuration:\n %s\n", model_cfg_path ) # After this point it is assumed that all values are valid. # Those keys or values will throw errors once they are used ... # Now perform the recursive update steps # Start with the base configuration meta_tmp = base_cfg # Update with framework and project config, if available if framework_cfg: log.debug("Updating with framework configuration ...") meta_tmp = recursive_update(meta_tmp, framework_cfg) if project_cfg: log.debug("Updating with project configuration ...") meta_tmp = recursive_update(meta_tmp, project_cfg) if model_mv_cfg: log.debug("Updating with model-specific configuration ...") meta_tmp = recursive_update(meta_tmp, model_mv_cfg) # Update with user configuration, if given if user_cfg: log.debug("Updating with user configuration ...") meta_tmp = recursive_update(meta_tmp, user_cfg) # In order to incorporate the model config, the parameter space is # needed. We can already be sure that the parameter_space key exists, # because it is added as part of the base_cfg. pspace = meta_tmp["parameter_space"] # Adjust parameter space to include model configuration at a specified # key; also communicate that key explicitly. log.debug( "Updating parameter space with default model configuration for " "model '%s' ...", self.model_name, ) pspace[self.model_name] = recursive_update( pspace.get(self.model_name, {}), model_cfg ) pspace["root_model_name"] = self.model_name # NOTE this works because meta_tmp is a dict and thus mutable :) # On top of all of that: add the run configuration, if given if run_cfg: log.debug("Updating with run configuration ...") meta_tmp = recursive_update(meta_tmp, run_cfg) # ... and the update_meta_cfg dictionary if update_meta_cfg: log.debug("Updating with given `update_meta_cfg` dictionary ...") meta_tmp = recursive_update( meta_tmp, copy.deepcopy(update_meta_cfg) ) # NOTE using deep copy to make sure that usage of the dict will not # interfere with the Multiverse's meta config # Make `parameter_space` a ParamSpace object pspace = meta_tmp["parameter_space"] meta_tmp["parameter_space"] = psp.ParamSpace(pspace) log.debug("Converted parameter_space to ParamSpace object.") # Add the parameters that require validation meta_tmp["parameters_to_validate"] = params_to_validate log.debug( "Added %d parameters requiring validation.", len(params_to_validate), ) # Prepare dict to store paths for config files in (for later backup) log.debug("Preparing dict of config parts ...") cfg_parts = dict( base=self.BASE_META_CFG_PATH, framework=framework_cfg_path, project=project_cfg_path, model_mv=model_mv_cfg, user=user_cfg_path, model=model_cfg_path, run=run_cfg_path, update=update_meta_cfg, ) return meta_tmp, cfg_parts
[docs] def _apply_debug_level(self, lvl: int = None): """Depending on the debug level, applies certain settings to the Multiverse and the runtime environment. .. note:: This does *not* (yet) set the corresponding debug flags for the ``PlotManager``, ``DataManager``, or ``WorkerManager``! """ lvl = lvl if lvl is not None else self.debug_level if lvl >= 2: warnings.simplefilter("always", DeprecationWarning)
[docs] def _create_run_dir( self, *, out_dir: str, model_note: str = None, dir_permissions: dict = None, ) -> None: """Create the folder structure for the run output. For the chosen model name and current timestamp, the run directory will be of form <timestamp>_<model_note> and be part of the following directory tree: :: utopya_output model_a 180301-125410_my_model_note config data uni000 uni001 ... eval model_b 180301-125412_my_first_sim 180301-125413_my_second_sim If running in cluster mode, the cluster parameters are resolved and used to determine the name of the simulation. The pattern then does not include a timestamp as each node might return not quite the same value. Instead, a value from an environment variable is used. The resulting path can have different forms, depending on which environment variables were present; required parts are denoted by a ``*`` in the following pattern; if the value of the other entries is not available, the connecting underscore will not be used: :: {timestamp}_{job id*}_{cluster}_{job account}_{job name}_{note} Args: out_dir (str): The base output directory, where all Utopia output is stored. model_note (str, optional): The note to add to the run directory of the current run. dir_permissions (Dict[str, str]): If given, will set directory permissions on the specified managed directories of this Multiverse. The keys of this dict should be entries of the :py:attr:`.dirs` attribute, values should be octal permissions values given as a string. Raises: RuntimeError: If the simulation directory already existed. This should not occur, as the timestamp is unique. If it occurs, you either started two simulations very close to each other or something is seriously wrong. Strange time zone perhaps? """ # Define a list of format string parts, starting with timestamp fstr_parts = ["{timestamp:}"] # Add respective information, depending on mode if not self.cluster_mode: # Available information is only the timestamp and the model note fstr_kwargs = dict( timestamp=time.strftime(self.RUN_DIR_TIME_FSTR), model_note=model_note, ) else: # In cluster mode, need to resolve cluster parameters first rcps = self.resolved_cluster_params # Now, gather all information for the format string that will # determine the name of the output directory. Make all the info # available that was supplied from environment variables fstr_kwargs = { k: v for k, v in rcps.items() if k not in ("custom_out_dir",) } # Parse timestamp and model note separately timestr = time.strftime( self.RUN_DIR_TIME_FSTR, time.gmtime(rcps["timestamp"]) ) fstr_kwargs["timestamp"] = timestr # overwrites existing fstr_kwargs["model_note"] = model_note # may be None # Add the additional run dir format string parts; its the user's # responsibility to supply something reasonable here. if self.cluster_params.get("additional_run_dir_fstrs"): fstr_parts += self.cluster_params["additional_run_dir_fstrs"] # Now, also allow a custom output directory if rcps.get("custom_out_dir"): out_dir = rcps["custom_out_dir"] # Have the model note as suffix if model_note: fstr_parts += ["{model_note:}"] # fstr_parts and fstr_kwargs ready now. Carry out the format operation. fstr = "_".join(fstr_parts) run_dir_name = fstr.format(**fstr_kwargs) log.debug("Determined run directory name: %s", run_dir_name) # Parse the output directory, then build the run directory path log.debug("Creating path for run directory inside %s ...", out_dir) out_dir = os.path.expanduser(str(out_dir)) run_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, self.model_name, run_dir_name) log.debug("Built run directory path: %s", run_dir) self.dirs["run"] = run_dir # ... and create it. In cluster mode, it may already exist. try: os.makedirs(run_dir, exist_ok=self.cluster_mode) except OSError as err: raise RuntimeError( "Simulation directory already exists. This " "should not have happened and is probably due " "to two simulations having been started at " "almost the same time. Try to start the " "simulation again or add a unique model note." ) from err log.debug("Created run directory.") # Create the subfolders that are always assumed to be present for subdir in ("config", "data", "eval"): subdir_path = os.path.join(run_dir, subdir) os.makedirs(subdir_path, exist_ok=self.cluster_mode) self.dirs[subdir] = subdir_path log.debug("Created subdirectories: %s", self._dirs) # May want to adapt directory permissions if not dir_permissions: return for dirname, mode in dir_permissions.items(): if mode is None: continue mode = int(str(mode), 8) log.debug( "Setting permissions on %s directory to %s ...", dirname, oct(mode), ) os.chmod(self.dirs[dirname], mode)
[docs] def _get_run_dir(self, *, out_dir: str, run_dir: str, **__): """Helper function to find the run directory from arguments given to :py:meth:`~utopya.multiverse.Multiverse.__init__`. This is not actually used in :py:class:`~utopya.multiverse.Multiverse` but in :py:class:`~utopya.multiverse.FrozenMultiverse` and :py:class:`~utopya.multiverse.DistributedMultiverse`. Args: out_dir (str): The output directory run_dir (str): The run directory to use ``**__``: ignored Raises: IOError: No directory found to use as run directory TypeError: When run_dir was not a string """ PATTERN = r"\d{6}-\d{6}_?.*" # Create model directory path (where the to-be-loaded data is expected) out_dir = os.path.expanduser(str(out_dir)) model_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, self.model_name) if not os.path.isdir(model_dir): # Just create it, there's no harm in that ... os.makedirs(model_dir) # Distinguish different types of values for the run_dir argument if run_dir is None:"Trying to identify the most recent run directory ...") # Create list of _directories_ matching timestamp pattern dirs = [ d for d in sorted(os.listdir(model_dir)) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(model_dir, d)) and re.match(PATTERN, os.path.basename(d)) ] if not dirs: raise FileNotFoundError( "Could not find a run directory to load for evaluation " f"of model '{self.model_name}'!\n" f"Model output directory: {model_dir}\n\n" "Did you perform a simulation yet? If you are using this " "model only for evaluation, place your data in a new " "subdirectory in that folder (using timestamp as name)." ) # Use the latest to choose the run directory run_dir = os.path.join(model_dir, dirs[-1]) elif isinstance(run_dir, str): run_dir = os.path.expanduser(run_dir) # Distinguish absolute and relative paths and those starting with # a timestamp-like pattern, which can be looked up from the model # directory. if os.path.isabs(run_dir): log.debug("Received absolute run_dir, using that one.") elif re.match(PATTERN, run_dir): # Looks like a relative path within the model directory "Received timestamp '%s' for run_dir; trying to find " "one within the model output directory ...", run_dir, ) run_dir = os.path.join(model_dir, run_dir) else: # Is not an absolute path and not a timestamp; thus a path # relative to the current working directory run_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), run_dir) else: raise TypeError( "Argument run_dir needs to be None, an absolute " "path, or a path relative to the model output " f"directory, but it was: {run_dir}" ) # Check if the directory exists if not os.path.isdir(run_dir): raise OSError(f"No run directory found at '{run_dir}'!") # Store the path and associate the subdirectories self.dirs["run"] = run_dir for subdir in ("config", "eval", "data"): subdir_path = os.path.join(run_dir, subdir) if not os.path.exists(subdir_path): raise FileNotFoundError( "Missing '%s' subdirectory in `run_dir` %s!", subdir, run_dir, ) self.dirs[subdir] = subdir_path
[docs] def _setup_pm(self, **update_kwargs) -> PlotManager: """Helper function to setup a PlotManager instance""" pm_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(self.meta_cfg["plot_manager"]) if update_kwargs: pm_kwargs = recursive_update(pm_kwargs, update_kwargs) base_cfg_pools = pm_kwargs.pop( "base_cfg_pools", ["utopya_base", "model_base"] )"Initializing PlotManager ...") pm = PlotManager(, _model_info_bundle=self.info_bundle, default_plots_cfg=self.info_bundle.paths.get("default_plots"), base_cfg_pools=self._parse_base_cfg_pools(base_cfg_pools), **pm_kwargs, ) log.progress("Initialized PlotManager.") log.note( "Available base plot configuration pools:\n %s", ", ".join(pm.base_cfg_pools.keys()), ) log.note( "Output directory: %s", pm._out_dir if pm._out_dir else "\n " +["out"], ) return pm
[docs] def _parse_base_cfg_pools( self, base_cfg_pools: List[Union[str, Tuple[str, Union[str, dict]]]] ) -> List[Tuple[str, Union[str, dict]]]: """Prepares the ``base_cfg_pools`` argument to be valid input to the PlotManager. This method resolves format strings and thus allows to more generically define base config pools. Possible formats for each entry of ``base_cfg_pools`` argument are: - A 2-tuple ``(name, pool dict)`` which specifies the name of the base config pool alongside with the pool entries. - A 2-tuple ``(name, path to pool config file)``, which is later loaded by the PlotManager - A shortcut key which resolves to the corresponding 2-tuple. Available shortcuts are: ``utopya_base``, ``framework_base``, ``project_base``, and ``model_base``. Both the pool name and path may be format strings which get resolved with the ``model_name`` key and (in the case of the path) the full ``paths`` dict of the current model's info bundle. A format string may look like this: "{paths[source_dir]}/{model_name}_more_plots.yml" "~/some/more/plots/{model_name}/plots.yml" If such a path cannot be resolved, an error is logged and an empty pool is used instead; this allows for more flexibility in defining locations for additional config pools. Args: base_cfg_pools (List[Union[str, Tuple[str, Union[str, dict]]]]): The unparsed specification of config pools. """ def parse_entry( entry: Union[str, list, tuple], replacements: dict ) -> Tuple[str, Union[str, dict]]: """Unpacks an entry into (name, pool) format and resolves any remaining format specifiers in the name or pool path. """ if isinstance(entry, str): try: pool_name, pool = replacements[entry] except KeyError as err: _avail = ", ".join(replacements) raise ValueError( f"Invalid base config pool shortcut key '{entry}'! " f"Available shortcuts are: {_avail}. " "Use one of those or specify the config pool as a " "2-tuple in form (name, path to pool)." ) from err else: pool_name, pool = entry # Parse pool name and the path to the pool config file pool_name = pool_name.format(model_name=self.model_name) if isinstance(pool, str): pool = pool.format(model_name=self.model_name, paths=paths) pool = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(pool)) if not os.path.isfile(pool): log.error( "No base plot config pool file found at:\n %s", pool ) log.caution("Using an empty pool instead.") pool = {} # Make sure it is either a dict or a string, not a Path-like object if not isinstance(pool, dict): pool = str(pool) return pool_name, pool if not isinstance(base_cfg_pools, list): raise TypeError( "Base config pools need to be specified as a list of " f"2-tuples or strings, got {type(base_cfg_pools)}!" ) paths = self.info_bundle.paths replacements = dict( utopya_base=("utopya", self.UTOPYA_BASE_PLOTS_PATH), framework_base=("framework", {}), project_base=("project", {}), model_base=("{model_name:}_base", paths.get("base_plots", {})), ) project = self.info_bundle.project if project: fw_name = project.get("framework_name") if fw_name: fw_project = PROJECTS[fw_name] replacements["framework_base"] = ( "framework", fw_project["paths"].get("project_base_plots"), ) # Only add a project-level replacement if it is different from the # framework-level replacement if self.info_bundle.project_name != fw_name and project[ "paths" ].get("project_base_plots"): replacements["project_base"] = ( "project", project["paths"].get("project_base_plots"), ) return [parse_entry(p, replacements) for p in base_cfg_pools]
[docs] def _perform_backup( self, *, cfg_parts: dict, backup_cfg_files: bool = True, backup_executable: bool = False, include_git_info: bool = True, ) -> None: """Performs a backup of that information that can be used to recreate a simulation. The configuration files are backed up into the ``config`` subdirectory of the run directory. All other relevant information is stored in an additionally created ``backup`` subdirectory. .. warning:: These backups are created prior to the start of the actual simulation run and contains information known at that point. Any changes to the meta configuration made *after* initialization of the Multiverse will not be reflected in these backups. In particular, the ``perform_sweep`` and ``parameter_space`` entries of the meta configuration may not reflect which form of parameter space iteration was actually performed, because the ``run_single`` and ``run_sweep`` methods overwrite this behavior. To that end, that information is separately stored once the ``run`` methods are invoked. Args: cfg_parts (dict): A dict of either paths to configuration files or dict-like data that is to be dumped into a configuration file. backup_cfg_files (bool, optional): Whether to backup the individual configuration files (i.e. the ``cfg_parts`` information). If false, the meta configuration will still be backed up. backup_executable (bool, optional): Whether to backup the executable. Note that these files can sometimes be quite large. include_git_info (bool, optional): If True, will store information about the state of the project's (and framework's, if existent) git repository. """"Performing backups ...") cfg_dir = self.dirs["config"] # Write the meta config to the config directory. write_yml(self.meta_cfg, path=os.path.join(cfg_dir, "meta_cfg.yml")) log.note(" Backed up meta configuration.") # Store the *full* parameter space and its metadata # NOTE This data may not be equivalent to the parameter space that is # used for a simulation run; another backup is performed when # adding the corresponding simulation tasks. _pspace_info = dict(perform_sweep=self.meta_cfg.get("perform_sweep")) self._perform_pspace_backup( self.meta_cfg["parameter_space"], filename="full_parameter_space", **_pspace_info, ) # If configured, backup the other cfg files one by one. if backup_cfg_files: log.debug( "Backing up %d involved configuration parts...", len(cfg_parts) ) for part_name, val in cfg_parts.items(): _path = os.path.join(cfg_dir, part_name + "_cfg.yml") # Distinguish two types of payload that will be saved: if isinstance(val, str): # Assumed to be path to a config file; copy it log.debug("Copying %s config ...", part_name) copy2(val, _path) elif isinstance(val, dict): log.debug("Dumping %s config dict ...", part_name) write_yml(val, path=_path) log.note(" Backed up all involved configuration files.") # If enabled, back up the executable as well if backup_executable: backup_dir = os.path.join(self.dirs["run"], "backup") os.makedirs(backup_dir, exist_ok=True) copy2( self.model_executable, os.path.join(backup_dir, self.model_name), ) log.note(" Backed up executable.") # If enabled, store git repository information if include_git_info: prj = self.info_bundle.project if prj is not None: prj_info = prj.get_git_info(include_patch_info=True) patch = prj_info.pop("git_diff") _patch_path = os.path.join(cfg_dir, "git_diff_project.patch") prj_info["git_diff"] = _patch_path # write info _path = os.path.join(cfg_dir, "git_info_project.yml") write_yml(prj_info, path=_path) # write patch file with open(_patch_path, "w") as f: f.write(patch) log.note(" Stored project's git info and patch.") fw = prj.framework_project if fw is not None: fw_info = fw.get_git_info(include_patch_info=True) patch = fw_info.pop("git_diff") _patch_path = os.path.join( cfg_dir, "git_diff_framework.patch" ) fw_info["git_diff"] = _patch_path # write info _path = os.path.join(cfg_dir, "git_info_framework.yml") write_yml(fw_info, path=_path) # write patch file with open(_patch_path, "w") as f: f.write(patch) log.note(" Stored framework's git info and patch.")
[docs] def _perform_pspace_backup( self, pspace: psp.ParamSpace, *, filename: str = "parameter_space", **info_kwargs, ): """Stores the given parameter space and its metadata into the ``config`` directory. Two files will be produced: - ``config/{filename}.yml``: the passed ``pspace`` object - ``config/{filename}_info.yml``: the passed ``pspace`` object's info dictionary containing relevant metadata (and the additionally passed ``info_kwargs``) .. note:: This method is separated from the regular backup method :py:meth:`Multiverse._perform_backup` because the parameter space that is *used* during a simulation run may be a lower-dimensional version of the one the Multiverse was initialized with. To that end, :py:meth:`.run` will invoke this backup function again once the relevant information is fully determined. This is important because it is needed to communicate the correct information about the sweep to objects downstream in the pipeline (e.g. :py:class:`~utopya.eval.plotcreators.MultiversePlotCreator`). Args: pspace (paramspace.paramspace.ParamSpace): The ParamSpace object to save as backup. filename (str, optional): The filename (without extension!) to use. (This is also used for the log message, with underscores changed to spaces.) **info_kwargs: Additional kwargs that are to be stored in the meta- data dict. """ cfg_dir = self.dirs["config"] write_yml(pspace, path=os.path.join(cfg_dir, f"{filename}.yml")) write_yml( dict(**pspace.get_info_dict(), **info_kwargs), path=os.path.join(cfg_dir, f"{filename}_info.yml"), ) log.note(" Backed up %s and metadata.", filename.replace("_", " "))
[docs] def _prepare_executable(self, *, run_from_tmpdir: bool = False) -> None: """Prepares the model executable, potentially copying it to a temporary location. Note that ``run_from_tmpdir`` requires the executable to be relocatable to another location, i.e. be position-independent. Args: run_from_tmpdir (bool, optional): Whether to copy the executable to a temporary directory that goes out of scope once the Multiverse instance goes out of scope. Raises: FileNotFoundError: On missing file at model binary path PermissionError: On wrong access rights of file at the binary path """ execpath = self.model_executable # Make sure it exists and is executable if not os.path.isfile(execpath): raise FileNotFoundError( "No file found at the specified executable " f"path for model '{self.model_name}'! " "If your model needs building, did you build it?\n" f"Expected file at: {execpath}" ) elif not os.access(execpath, os.X_OK): raise PermissionError( f"The specified executable path for model '{self.model_name}' " "does not point to an executable file. Did you set the " f"correct access rights?\n" "Use the chmod command to mark the file as executable:\n\n" f" chmod +x {execpath}\n" ) if run_from_tmpdir: self._tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix=self.model_name) tmp_execpath = os.path.join(, os.path.basename(execpath) )"Copying executable to temporary directory ...") log.debug(" Original: %s", execpath) log.debug(" Temporary: %s", tmp_execpath) copy2(execpath, tmp_execpath) execpath = tmp_execpath self._model_executable = execpath
[docs] def _resolve_cluster_params(self) -> dict: # TODO Outsource! """This resolves the cluster parameters, e.g. by setting parameters depending on certain environment variables. This function is called by the resolved_cluster_params property. Returns: dict: The resolved cluster configuration parameters Raises: ValueError: If a required environment variable was missing or empty """ log.debug("Resolving cluster parameters from environment ...") # Get a copy of the meta configuration parameters cps = self.cluster_params # Determine the environment to use; defaults to os.environ env = cps.get("env") if cps.get("env") else dict(os.environ) # Get the mapping of environment variables to target variables mngr = cps["manager"] var_map = cps["env_var_names"][mngr] # Resolve the variables from the environment, requiring them to not # be empty resolved = { target_key: env.get(var_name) for target_key, var_name in var_map.items() if env.get(var_name) } # Check that all required keys are available required = ("job_id", "num_nodes", "node_list", "node_name") if any([var not in resolved for var in required]): _missing = ", ".join([k for k in required if k not in resolved]) raise ValueError( f"Missing required environment variable(s): {_missing} ! " "Make sure that the corresponding environment variables are " "set and that the mapping is correct!\n" f" Mapping for manager '{mngr}':\n{pformat(var_map)}\n\n" f" Full environment:\n{pformat(env)}\n\n" ) # Now do some postprocessing on some of the values # Ensure integers resolved["job_id"] = int(resolved["job_id"]) resolved["num_nodes"] = int(resolved["num_nodes"]) if "num_procs" in resolved: resolved["num_procs"] = int(resolved["num_procs"]) if "timestamp" in resolved: resolved["timestamp"] = int(resolved["timestamp"]) # Ensure reproducible node list format: ordered list parse_mode = self.cluster_params["node_list_parser_params"][mngr] try: node_list = parse_node_list( resolved["node_list"], mode=parse_mode, rcps=resolved ) except Exception as exc: raise ValueError( f"Failed parsing node list {resolved['node_list']} into a " f"uniform format using parsing mode '{parse_mode}' and " f"cluster manager '{mngr}'! " "Check the cluster mode configuration, the relevant " "environment variables, and the chained error message.\n" f"Cluster parameters:\n{pformat(self.cluster_params)}\n\n" f"Parameters resolved so far:\n{pformat(resolved)}" ) from exc resolved["node_list"] = node_list # Calculated values, needed in # node_index: the offset in the modulo operation resolved["node_index"] = node_list.index(resolved["node_name"]) # Return the resolved values log.debug("Resolved cluster parameters:\n%s", pformat(resolved)) return resolved
[docs] def _setup_universe( self, *, worker_kwargs: dict, model_name: str, model_executable: str, uni_cfg: dict, uni_basename: str, ) -> dict: """Setup function for individual universes. This is called before the worker process starts working on the universe. Args: worker_kwargs (dict): the current status of the worker_kwargs dictionary; is always passed to a task setup function model_name (str): The name of the model model_executable (str): path to the binary to execute uni_cfg (dict): the configuration to create a yml file from which is then needed by the model uni_basename (str): Basename of the universe to use for folder creation, i.e.: zero-padded universe number, e.g. uni0042 Returns: dict: kwargs for the process to be run when task is grabbed by Worker. """ # Generate paths uni_dir = os.path.join(self.dirs["data"], uni_basename) uni_cfg_path = os.path.join(uni_dir, "config.yml") # Create universe directory path using the basename self._setup_universe_dir(uni_dir, uni_basename=uni_basename) uni_cfg = self._setup_universe_config( uni_cfg=uni_cfg, uni_dir=uni_dir, uni_cfg_path=uni_cfg_path ) wk = self._setup_universe_worker_kwargs( model_executable=model_executable, uni_dir=uni_dir, uni_cfg_path=uni_cfg_path, uni_cfg=uni_cfg, **worker_kwargs, ) return wk
[docs] def _setup_universe_dir(self, uni_dir: str, *, uni_basename: str) -> None: """Determines the universe directory and, if needed, creates it. This is invoked from :py:meth:`~._setup_universe` and is carried out directly before work on that universe starts. Args: uni_basename (str): The basename of the universe to create the run directory for. """ os.mkdir(uni_dir) log.debug("Created universe directory:\n %s", uni_dir)
[docs] def _setup_universe_config( self, *, uni_cfg: dict, uni_dir: str, uni_cfg_path: str, ) -> dict: """Sets up the universe configuration and writes it to a file. This is invoked from :py:meth:`~._setup_universe` and is carried out directly before work on that universe starts. Args: uni_cfg (dict): The given universe configuration uni_dir (str): The universe directory, added to the configuration uni_cfg_path (str): Where to store the uni configuration at Returns: dict: The (potentially updated) universe configuration """ # Store output directory and determine a path to the output hdf5 file uni_cfg["output_dir"] = uni_dir uni_cfg["output_path"] = os.path.join(uni_dir, "data.h5") # Parse the potentially string-valued number of steps values, and # other step-like arguments. Raises an error if they are negative. uni_cfg["num_steps"] = parse_num_steps(uni_cfg["num_steps"]) uni_cfg["write_every"] = parse_num_steps(uni_cfg["write_every"]) uni_cfg["write_start"] = parse_num_steps(uni_cfg["write_start"]) # Write the universe config to file write_yml(uni_cfg, path=uni_cfg_path) return uni_cfg
[docs] def _setup_universe_worker_kwargs( self, *, model_executable: str, uni_cfg_path: str, uni_cfg: dict, uni_dir: str, save_streams: bool = False, **worker_kwargs, ) -> dict: """Assembles worker kwargs for a specific universe. This is invoked from :py:meth:`~._setup_universe` and is carried out directly before work on that universe starts. Returns: dict: the combined worker kwargs, including ``args`` for running the model executable. """ # Build args tuple for task assignment; only need to pass the path # to the configuration file args = (model_executable, uni_cfg_path) # Assemble the worker_kwargs dict wk = dict( args=args, read_stdout=True, stdout_parser="yaml_dict", save_streams=save_streams, **worker_kwargs, ) # Determine where to save the streams to, if enabled if save_streams: wk["save_streams_to"] = os.path.join(uni_dir, "{name:}.log") return wk
[docs] def _get_TaskCls(self, *, perform_task: bool = True, **_) -> type: if perform_task: return WorkerTask return NoWorkTask
[docs] def _add_sim_task( self, *, uni_id_str: str, uni_cfg: dict, is_sweep: bool ) -> None: """Helper function that handles task assignment to the WorkerManager. This function creates a WorkerTask that will perform the following actions **once it is grabbed and worked at**: - Create a universe (folder) for the task (simulation) - Write that universe's configuration to a yaml file in that folder - Create the correct arguments for the call to the model binary To that end, this method gathers all necessary arguments and registers a WorkerTask with the WorkerManager. Args: uni_id_str (str): The zero-padded uni id string uni_cfg (dict): given by ParamSpace. Defines how many simulations should be started is_sweep (bool): Flag is needed to distinguish between sweeps and single simulations. With this information, the forwarding of a simulation's output stream can be controlled. Raises: RuntimeError: If adding the simulation task failed """ # Generate the universe basename, which will be used for the folder # and the task name uni_basename = f"uni{uni_id_str}" # Create the dict that will be passed as arguments to setup_universe setup_kwargs = dict( model_name=self.model_name, model_executable=self.model_executable, uni_cfg=uni_cfg, uni_basename=uni_basename, ) # Process worker_kwargs wk = self.meta_cfg.get("worker_kwargs") if wk and wk.get("forward_streams") == "in_single_run": # Reverse the flag to determine whether to forward streams wk["forward_streams"] = not is_sweep wk["forward_kwargs"] = dict(forward_raw=True) # Try to add a task to the worker manager TaskCls = self._get_TaskCls(**wk) try: self.wm.add_task( TaskCls=TaskCls, name=uni_basename, priority=None, setup_func=self._setup_universe, setup_kwargs=setup_kwargs, worker_kwargs=wk, ) except RuntimeError as err: # Task list was locked, probably because there already was a run raise RuntimeError( f"Could not add simulation task for universe '{uni_basename}'! " "Did you already perform a run with this Multiverse?" ) from err log.debug("Added simulation task: %s.", uni_basename)
[docs] def _add_sim_tasks(self, *, sweep: bool = None) -> int: """Adds the simulation tasks needed for a single run or for a sweep. Args: sweep (bool, optional): Whether tasks for a parameter sweep should be added or only for a single universe. If None, will read the ``perform_sweep`` key from the meta-configuration. Returns: int: The number of added tasks. Raises: ValueError: On ``sweep == True`` and zero-volume parameter space. """ if sweep is None: sweep = self.meta_cfg.get("perform_sweep", False) pspace = self.meta_cfg["parameter_space"] if not sweep: # Only need the default state of the parameter space uni_cfg = pspace.default # Make a backup of the parameter space that is *actually* used self._perform_pspace_backup( psp.ParamSpace(uni_cfg), filename="parameter_space", perform_sweep=False, ) # Add the task to the worker manager. log.progress("Adding task for simulation of a single universe ...") self._add_sim_task(uni_id_str="0", uni_cfg=uni_cfg, is_sweep=False) return 1 # -- else: tasks for parameter sweep needed if pspace.volume < 1: raise ValueError( "The parameter space has no sweeps configured! " "Refusing to run a sweep. You can either call " "the run_single method or add sweeps to your " "run configuration using the !sweep YAML tags." ) # Get the parameter space iterator and the number of already-existing # tasks (to later compute the number of _added_ tasks) psp_iter = pspace.iterator(with_info="state_no_str") _num_tasks = len(self.wm.tasks) # Distinguish whether to do a regular sweep or we are in cluster mode if not self.cluster_mode: # Make a backup of the parameter space that is *actually* used self._perform_pspace_backup( pspace, filename="parameter_space", perform_sweep=True ) # Do a sweep over the whole activated parameter space vol = pspace.volume log.progress( "Adding tasks for simulation of %d universes ...", vol ) for i, (uni_cfg, uni_id_str) in enumerate(psp_iter): self._add_sim_task( uni_id_str=uni_id_str, uni_cfg=uni_cfg, is_sweep=True ) print( f" Added simulation task: {uni_id_str} ({i+1}/{vol})", end="\r", ) else: # Prepare a cluster mode sweep"Preparing cluster mode sweep ...") # Get the resolved cluster parameters # These include the following values: # num_nodes: The total number of nodes to simulate on. This # is what determines the modulo value. # node_index: Equivalent to the modulo offset, which depends # on the position of this Multiverse's node in the # sequence of all nodes. rcps = self.resolved_cluster_params num_nodes = rcps["num_nodes"] node_index = rcps["node_index"] # Back up the actually-used parameter space. Do this only on the # first node to avoid file-writing conflicts between nodes if node_index == 0: self._perform_pspace_backup( pspace, filename="parameter_space", perform_sweep=True ) # Inform about the number of universes to be simulated log.progress( "Adding tasks for cluster-mode simulation of " "%d universes on this node (%d of %d) ...", ( pspace.volume // num_nodes + (pspace.volume % num_nodes > node_index) ), node_index + 1, num_nodes, ) for i, (uni_cfg, uni_id_str) in enumerate(psp_iter): # Skip if this node is not responsible if (i - node_index) % num_nodes != 0: log.debug("Skipping: %s", uni_id_str) continue # Is valid for this node, add the simulation task self._add_sim_task( uni_id_str=uni_id_str, uni_cfg=uni_cfg, is_sweep=True ) num_new_tasks = len(self.wm.tasks) - _num_tasks"Added %d tasks.", num_new_tasks) return num_new_tasks
[docs] def _validate_meta_cfg(self) -> bool: """Goes through the parameters that require validation, validates them, and creates a useful error message if there were invalid parameters. Returns: bool: True if all parameters are valid; None if no check was done. Note that False will never be returned, but a ValidationError will be raised instead. Raises: ValidationError: If validation failed. """ to_validate = self.meta_cfg.get("parameters_to_validate", {}) if not to_validate:"Skipping parameter validation: nothing to validate.") return None elif not self.meta_cfg.get("perform_validation", True):"Skipping parameter validation: is deactivated.") return None"Validating %d parameters ...", len(to_validate)) pspace = self.meta_cfg["parameter_space"] log.remark("Parameter space volume: %d", pspace.volume) if pspace.volume >= 1000: log.note( "This may take a few seconds. To skip validation, set " "the `perform_validation` flag to False." ) # The dict to collect details on invalid parameters in. # - Keys are key sequences (tuple of str) # - Values are sets of error _messages_, hence suppressing duplicates invalid_params = defaultdict(set) # Iterate over the whole parameter space, including the default point # TODO Can improve performance by directly checking sweep dimensions. # ... but be very careful about robustness here! for params in itertools.chain(pspace, [pspace.default]): for key_seq, param in to_validate.items(): # Retrieve the value from this point in parameter space value =, keys=key_seq) # Validate it and store the error _message_ if invalid try: param.validate(value) except ValidationError as exc: invalid_params[key_seq].add(str(exc)) if not invalid_params: log.note("All parameters valid.") return True # else: Validation failed. Create an informative error message msg = ( f"Validation failed for {len(invalid_params)} " f"parameter{'s' if len(invalid_params) > 1 else ''}:\n\n" ) # Get the length of longest key sequence (used for alignment) _nd = max(len(".".join(ks)) for ks in invalid_params.keys()) for key_seq, errs in invalid_params.items(): path = ".".join(key_seq) if len(errs) == 1: msg += f" - {path:<{_nd}s} : {list(errs)[0]}\n" else: _details = "\n".join([f" - {e}" for e in errs]) msg += ( f" - {path:<{_nd}s} : validation failed for " f"{len(errs)} sweep values:\n{_details}\n" ) msg += ( "\nInspect the details above and adjust the run configuration " "accordingly.\n" ) raise ValidationError(msg)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class FrozenMultiverse(Multiverse): """A frozen Multiverse is like a Multiverse, but frozen. It is initialized from a finished :py:class:`~utopya.multiverse.Multiverse` run and re-creates all the attributes from that data, e.g.: the meta configuration, a DataManager, and a PlotManager. .. note:: A frozen multiverse is no longer able to perform any simulations. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, model_name: str = None, info_bundle: ModelInfoBundle = None, run_dir: str = None, run_cfg_path: str = None, user_cfg_path: str = None, use_meta_cfg_from_run_dir: bool = False, **update_meta_cfg, ): """Initializes the FrozenMultiverse from a model name and the name of a run directory. Note that this also takes arguments to specify the run configuration to use. Args: model_name (str): The name of the model to load. From this, the model output directory is determined and the run_dir will be seen as relative to that directory. info_bundle (ModelInfoBundle, optional): The model information bundle that includes information about the binary path etc. If not given, will attempt to read it from the model registry. run_dir (str, optional): The run directory to load. Can be a path relative to the current working directory, an absolute path, or the timestamp of the run directory. If not given, will use the most recent timestamp. run_cfg_path (str, optional): The path to the run configuration. user_cfg_path (str, optional): If given, this is used to update the base configuration. If None, will look for it in the default path, see Multiverse.USER_CFG_SEARCH_PATH. use_meta_cfg_from_run_dir (bool, optional): If True, will load the meta configuration from the given run directory; only works for absolute run directories. **update_meta_cfg: Can be used to update the meta configuration generated from the previous configuration levels """ # First things first: get the info bundle self._info_bundle = get_info_bundle( model_name=model_name, info_bundle=info_bundle ) log.progress( "Initializing FrozenMultiverse for '%s' model ...", self.model_name ) # Initialize property-managed attributes self._meta_cfg = None self._dirs = dict() self._resolved_cluster_params = None # Decide whether to load the meta configuration from the given run # directory or the currently available one. if ( use_meta_cfg_from_run_dir and isinstance(run_dir, str) and os.path.isabs(run_dir) ): raise NotImplementedError("use_meta_cfg_from_run_dir") # Find the meta config backup file and load it # Alternatively, create it from the singular backup files ... #"Trying to load meta configuration from given absolute " # "run directory ...") # Update it with the given update_meta_cfg dict else: # Need to create a meta configuration from the currently available # values. mcfg, _ = self._create_meta_cfg( run_cfg_path=run_cfg_path, user_cfg_path=user_cfg_path, update_meta_cfg=update_meta_cfg, ) # Only keep selected entries from the meta configuration. The rest is # not needed and is deleted in order to not confuse the user with # potentially varying versions of the meta config. self._meta_cfg = { k: v for k, v in mcfg.items() if k in ( "debug_level", "paths", "data_manager", "plot_manager", "cluster_mode", "cluster_params", ) }"Built meta configuration.") log.remark(" Debug level: %d", self.debug_level) self._apply_debug_level() # Need to make some DataManager adjustments; do so via update dicts dm_cluster_kwargs = dict() if self.cluster_mode: log.note("Cluster mode enabled.") self._resolved_cluster_params = self._resolve_cluster_params() rcps = self.resolved_cluster_params # creates a deep copy log.note( "This is node %d of %d.", rcps["node_index"] + 1, rcps["num_nodes"], ) # Changes to the meta configuration # To avoid config file collisions in the PlotManager: self._meta_cfg["plot_manager"]["cfg_exists_action"] = "skip" # _Additional_ arguments to pass to DataManager.__init__ below timestamp = rcps["timestamp"] dm_cluster_kwargs = dict( out_dir_kwargs=dict(timestamp=timestamp, exist_ok=True) ) # Generate the path to the run directory that is to be loaded self._get_run_dir(**self.meta_cfg["paths"], run_dir=run_dir) log.note("Run directory:\n %s", self.dirs["run"]) # Create a data manager self._dm = DataManager( self.dirs["run"], name=f"{self.model_name}_data", **self.meta_cfg["data_manager"], **dm_cluster_kwargs, ) log.progress("Initialized DataManager.") # Instantiate the PlotManager via the helper method self._pm = self._setup_pm() log.progress("Initialized FrozenMultiverse.\n")
[docs] def _create_run_dir(self, *_, **__): """Overload of parent method, for safety: we should not create a new run directory.""" raise AttributeError( f"`_create_run_dir` method should not be called from {type(self)}" )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class DistributedMultiverse(FrozenMultiverse): """A distributed Multiverse is like a Multiverse, but initialized from an existing meta-configuration. It re-creates the WorkerManager attributes from that configuration and is not allowed to change the meta-configuration that was loaded. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, run_dir: str, model_name: str = None, info_bundle: ModelInfoBundle = None, ): """Initializes a DistributedMultiverse from a model name and the name of an existing run directory. Args: run_dir (str, optional): The run directory to load. Can be a path relative to the current working directory, an absolute path, or the timestamp of the run directory. If not given, will use the most recent timestamp. model_name (str): The name of the model to load. From this, the model output directory is determined and the run_dir will be seen as relative to that directory. info_bundle (ModelInfoBundle, optional): The model information bundle that includes information about the binary path etc. If not given, will attempt to read it from the model registry. """ # First things first: get the info bundle if info_bundle is None: info_bundle = get_info_bundle( model_name=model_name, info_bundle=info_bundle ) self._info_bundle = info_bundle log.progress( "Initializing DistributedMultiverse for '%s' model ...", self.model_name, ) # Initialize property-managed attributes self._dirs = dict() self._model_executable = None self._tmpdir = None self._clear_existing_output = False # Generate the path to the run directory that is to be loaded # TODO Extract out dir from available infos self._get_run_dir(out_dir=None, run_dir=run_dir) log.note("Run directory:\n %s", self.dirs["run"]) # Load the meta config meta_cfg_path = os.path.join(run_dir, "config", "meta_cfg.yml") if not os.path.isfile(meta_cfg_path): raise ValueError( "No meta config found in run dir {} at {}!", run_dir, meta_cfg_path, ) log.debug("Loading from meta config at %s ...", meta_cfg_path) # Only keep selected entries from the meta configuration. The rest is # not needed and is deleted in order to not confuse the user with # potentially varying versions of the meta config. mcfg = load_yml(meta_cfg_path) self._meta_cfg = { k: v for k, v in mcfg.items() if k not in ( "data_manager", "plot_manager", "cluster_mode", "cluster_params", ) } self._meta_cfg["cluster_mode"] = False"Restored meta-configuration.") log.remark(" Debug level: %d", self.debug_level) self._apply_debug_level() # Prepare the executable self._prepare_executable(**self.meta_cfg["executable_control"]) self._wm = WorkerManager(**self.meta_cfg["worker_manager"]) self._reporter = WorkerManagerReporter( self.wm, mv=self, report_dir=self.dirs["run"], **self.meta_cfg["reporter"], ) log.progress("Initialized DistributedMultiverse.\n")
[docs] def run_selection( self, *, uni_id_strs: List[str], num_workers=None, clear_existing_output: bool = False, ): """Starts a simulation run for specified universes. Specifically, this method adds simulation tasks to the associated WorkerManager, locks its task list, and then invokes the :py:meth:`~utopya.workermanager.WorkerManager.start_working` method which performs all the simulation tasks. .. note:: As this method locks the task list of the :py:class:`~utopya.workermanager.WorkerManager`, no further tasks can be added henceforth. This means, that each Multiverse instance can only perform a single simulation run. Args: uni_id_strs(List[str]): The list of universe ID strings to run, e.g. '00154'. Note that leading zeros are required. num_workers (int, optional): Specify the number of workers to use, overwriting the setting from the meta-configuration. clear_existing_output (bool, optional): Whether to remove existing files from the universe outpout directories. Only the configuration file will not be deleted. """ "Preparing for simulation run of %d universe(s) (%s) ...", len(uni_id_strs), uni_id_strs, ) # Store parameter, used during universe dir setup self._clear_existing_output = clear_existing_output # Generate all possible parameter space combinations pspace = self.meta_cfg["parameter_space"] psp_iter = pspace.iterator(with_info="state_no_str") uni_cfgs = dict() for uni_cfg, uni_id_str in psp_iter: uni_cfgs[uni_id_str] = uni_cfg # Now, add the respective tasks, if the selection matches is_sweep = len(uni_id_strs) > 1 for i, uni_id_str in enumerate(uni_id_strs): if uni_id_str.startswith("uni"): uni_id_str = uni_id_str[3:] uni_cfg = uni_cfgs.get(uni_id_str, None) if uni_cfg is None: raise ValueError(f"No universe '{uni_id_str}' found!") self._add_sim_task( uni_id_str=uni_id_str, uni_cfg=uni_cfg, is_sweep=is_sweep, ) self.wm.tasks.lock() if num_workers is not None: self.wm.num_workers = num_workers # Tell the WorkerManager to start working (is a blocking call) self.wm.start_working(**self.meta_cfg["run_kwargs"]) # Done! :) log.success("Finished simulation run. Wohoo. :)\n")
[docs] def run( self, *, num_workers=None, clear_existing_output: bool = False, skip_existing_output: bool = False, ): """Starts a simulation run for all universes. Overload of parent method that allows for universes to be skipped if output already exists from a previous run. Args: num_workers (int, optional): Specify the number of workers available. clear_existing_output (bool, optional): Whether to remove files in the output directory of the universes other than the configuration file. skip_existing_output (bool, optional): Whether to skip universes if output already exists. """ ALLOWED_FILES = ("config.yml",) # make sure these are sorted"Preparing for repeated simulation run ...") # Store parameter, used during universe dir setup self._clear_existing_output = clear_existing_output # Generate all possible parameter space combinations pspace = self.meta_cfg["parameter_space"] psp_iter = pspace.iterator(with_info="state_no_str") # Gather uni configs # TODO Rework this: skip-existing decision should be taken later! uni_cfgs = dict() for uni_cfg, uni_id_str in psp_iter: if skip_existing_output: output_exists = False uni_basename = f"uni{uni_id_str}" uni_dir = os.path.join(self.dirs["data"], uni_basename) # Check existence of path and its content if os.path.isdir(uni_dir): for file in os.listdir(uni_dir): if file not in ALLOWED_FILES: output_exists = True break # only add uni to tasks if no output exists if not output_exists: uni_cfgs[uni_id_str] = uni_cfg else: uni_cfgs[uni_id_str] = uni_cfg" Found %d universe(s) to work on.", len(uni_cfgs)) # Now, add the respective tasks, if the selection matches is_sweep = len(uni_cfgs) > 1 for uni_id_str, uni_cfg in uni_cfgs.items(): self._add_sim_task( uni_id_str=uni_id_str, uni_cfg=uni_cfg, is_sweep=is_sweep, ) self.wm.tasks.lock() if num_workers is not None: self.wm.num_workers = num_workers # Tell the WorkerManager to start working (is a blocking call) self.wm.start_working(**self.meta_cfg["run_kwargs"]) # Done! :) log.success("Finished simulation run. Wohoo. :)\n")
[docs] def _prepare_executable(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: if self.meta_cfg["backups"]["backup_executable"]: execpath = os.path.join( self.dirs["run"], "backup", self.model_name ) if not os.path.isfile(execpath): raise FileNotFoundError(f"No executable found at {execpath}!") log.remark("Restored executable at:\n %s", execpath) self._model_executable = execpath return super()._prepare_executable(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _perform_pspace_backup(*args, **kwargs): log.debug( " Skipping parameter space backup (was already read from backup)." )
# .. Overloads for universe setup .........................................
[docs] def _get_TaskCls(self, **_) -> type: return WorkerTask
[docs] def _setup_universe_dir(self, uni_dir: str, *, uni_basename: str): """Overload of parent method that allows for universe directories to already exist.""" ALLOWED_FILES = ("config.yml",) # make sure these are sorted if not os.path.isdir(uni_dir): # Easy, set up from scratch: super()._setup_universe_dir( uni_dir=uni_dir, uni_basename=uni_basename ) return # else: already exists. # Allow to remove existing output from the directory if self._clear_existing_output and len(os.listdir(uni_dir)) > 1: for file in os.listdir(uni_dir): if file in ALLOWED_FILES: continue os.remove(os.path.join(uni_dir, file)) # Check that the universe directory is empty existing_files = os.listdir(uni_dir) if existing_files and sorted(existing_files) != list(ALLOWED_FILES): raise RuntimeError( f"Output directory of universe '{uni_basename}' contains " f"files other than ({', '.join(ALLOWED_FILES)}). " "Did you already perform a run on this universe? " f"Found the following files: {', '.join(existing_files)}" )
[docs] def _setup_universe_config(self, *, uni_cfg_path: str, **kwargs) -> dict: """Overload of parent method that checks if a universe config already exists and, if so, loads that one instead of storing a new one. """ if os.path.isfile(uni_cfg_path): # Can restore it log.debug("Restoring universe config from:\n %s.", uni_cfg_path) uni_cfg = load_yml(uni_cfg_path) else: # Need to create it uni_cfg = super()._setup_universe_config( uni_cfg_path=uni_cfg_path, **kwargs ) return uni_cfg