Source code for utopya.parameter

"""This module implements the :py:class:`~utopya.parameter.Parameter` class
which is used when validating model and simulation parameters.

import logging
import operator
from math import isinf as _isinf
from numbers import Number
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import paramspace as psp

from .exceptions import ValidationError

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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[docs]class Parameter: """The parameter class is used when a model parameter needs to be validated before commencing the model run. It can hold information on the parameter itself as well as its valid range and type and other meta-data. Per default, the ``Parameter`` class should be assumed to handle *scalar* parameters like numerical values or strings. For validating sequence-like parameters, corresponding specializing classes are to be implemeted. """ # fmt: off SHORTHAND_MODES: Dict[str, Callable] = { # .. numeric .......................................................... "is-positive": lambda d, **kws: dict( default=d, limits=(0, None), limits_mode="(]", **kws ), "is-positive-or-zero": lambda d, **kws: dict( default=d, limits=(0, None), limits_mode="[]", **kws ), "is-negative": lambda d, **kws: dict( default=d, limits=(None, 0), limits_mode="[)", **kws ), "is-negative-or-zero": lambda d, **kws: dict( default=d, limits=(None, 0), limits_mode="[]", **kws ), # .. float ............................................................ "is-probability": lambda d, **kws: dict( default=d, limits=(0, 1), dtype=float, **kws ), "is-in-unit-interval": lambda d, **kws: dict( default=d, limits=(0, 1), dtype=float, **kws ), # .. integer .......................................................... "is-int": lambda d, **kws: dict( default=d, dtype=int, **kws ), "is-positive-int": lambda d, **kws: dict( default=d, limits=(0, None), limits_mode="()", dtype=int, **kws ), "is-negative-int": lambda d, **kws: dict( default=d, limits=(None, 0), limits_mode="()", dtype=int, **kws ), "is-unsigned": lambda d, **kws: dict( default=d, limits=(0, None), limits_mode="[)", dtype="uint", **kws ), # .. other types ...................................................... "is-string": lambda d, **kws: dict( default=d, dtype=str, **kws ), "is-bool": lambda d, **kws: dict( default=d, dtype=bool, **kws ), } """Shorthand mode factory functions. These are used in the :py:meth:`~utopya.parameter.Parameter.from_shorthand` class method to generate a :py:class:`~utopya.parameter.Parameter` object more easily. Also, :py:mod:`utopya.yaml` registers each of these shorthand modes as a YAML constructor for tag ``!<mode>``. """ # fmt: on LIMIT_COMPS: Dict[str, Callable] = { "[":, "(":, "]": operator.le, ")":, } """Comparators for the ``limits`` check, depending on ``limits_mode``""" LIMIT_MODES: Sequence[str] = ("[]", "()", "[)", "(]") """Possible limit modes""" yaml_tag: str = "!param" """Default YAML tag to use for representing""" # .........................................................................
[docs] def __init__( self, *, default: Any, name: str = None, description: str = None, is_any_of: Sequence[Any] = None, limits: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = None, limits_mode: str = "[]", dtype: Union[str, type] = None, ): """Creates a new Parameter object, which holds a default value as well as some constraints on the possible values this parameter can assume. Args: default (Any): the default value of the parameter. name (str, optional): the name of the parameter. description (str, optional): a description of this parameter or its effects. is_any_of (Sequence[Any], optional): a sequence of possible values this parameter can assume. If this parameter is given, ``limits`` cannot be used. limits (Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]], optional): the upper and lower bounds of the parameter (only applicable to scalar numerals). If None, the bound is assumed to be negative or positive infinity, respectively. Whether boundary values are included into the interval is controlled by the ``limits_mode`` argument. This argument is mutually exclusive with ``is_any_of``! limits_mode (str, optional): whether to interpret the limits as an open, closed, or semi-closed interval. Possible values: ``'[]'`` (closed, default), ``'()'`` (open), ``'[)'``, and ``'(]'``. dtype (Union[str, type], optional): expected data type of this parameter. Accepts all strings that are accepted by :py:class:`numpy.dtype`, eg. ``int``, ``float``, ``uint16``, ``string``. Raises: TypeError: On a ``limits`` argument that was not tuple-like or if a ``limits`` argument was given but the ``default`` was a ValueError: if an invalid ``limits_mode`` is passed, if ``limits`` and ``is_any_of`` are *both* passed, or if the ``limits`` argument did not have length 2. """ if limits_mode not in self.LIMIT_MODES: raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized `limits_mode` argument " f"'{limits_mode}'! " f"Choose from: {', '.join(self.LIMIT_MODES)}" ) if limits and is_any_of: raise ValueError( "The arguments `limits` and `is_any_of` cannot " "be specified at the same time!" ) if limits is not None: # Ensure tuple, correct length, and numerical default value if not isinstance(limits, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError( "Expected a tuple-like `limits` argument, but " f"got {type(limits).__name__} with " f"value {limits}!" ) limits = tuple(limits) if len(limits) != 2: raise ValueError( "`limits` argument should be of length 2! " f"Got: {limits}" ) if default is not None and not isinstance(default, Number): raise TypeError( "Unable to use the `limits` argument for non-" f"numerical default value '{default}'! Use " "the `is_any_of` argument instead." ) self._default = default self._name = name self._description = description self._limits = limits self._limits_mode = limits_mode self._is_any_of = tuple(is_any_of) if is_any_of else None self._dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if dtype is not None else None self._from_shorthand = None
# .. Magic Methods ........................................................
[docs] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """Returns True for parameters with equal behavior.""" if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False return all( v == other.__dict__[k] for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in ("_from_shorthand",) )
def __str__(self) -> str: info = { attr[1:]: getattr(self, attr) for attr in ("_name", "_is_any_of", "_dtype", "_limits") if getattr(self, attr) is not None } if info: if "limits" in info: info["limits_mode"] = repr(self._limits_mode) info_str = ", ".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in info.items()]) return f"<Parameter, default: {self._default}, {info_str}>" return f"<Parameter, default: {self._default}>" # .. Properties ........................................................... @property def default(self): """The default value for this parameter""" return self._default @property def name(self): """The name of this parameter""" return self._name @property def description(self): """The description of this parameter""" return self._description @property def limits(self) -> Union[tuple, None]: """The limits of this parameter""" return self._limits @property def limits_mode(self) -> str: """The mode used when evaluating the limits""" return self._limits_mode @property def is_any_of(self) -> Tuple[Any]: """Possible values this parameter may assume""" return self._is_any_of @property def dtype(self) -> Union[np.dtype, None]: """The expected data type of this parameter""" return self._dtype # .........................................................................
[docs] def validate(self, value: Any, *, raise_exc: bool = True) -> bool: """Checks whether the given value would be a valid parameter. The checks for the corresponding arguments are carried out in the following order: 1. ``is_any_of`` 2. ``dtype`` 3. ``limits`` The data type is checked according to the numpy type hierarchy, see `docs <>`__. To reduce strictness, the following additional compatibilities are taken into account: - for unsigned integer ``dtype``, a signed integer-type ``value`` is compatible if ``value >= 0`` - for floating-point ``dtype``, integer-type ``value`` are always considered compatible - for floating-point ``dtype``, ``value`` of all floating-point- types are considered compatible, even if they have a lower precision (note the coercion test below, though) Additionally, it is checked whether ``value`` is representable as the target data type. This is done by coercing ``value`` to ``dtype`` and then checking for equality (using np.isclose). Args: value (Any): The value to test. raise_exc (bool, optional): Whether to raise an exception or not. Returns: bool: Whether or not the given value is a valid parameter. Raises: ValidationError: If validation failed or is impossible (for instance due to ambiguous validity parameters). This error message contains further information on why validation failed. """ def was_invalid(msg: str) -> bool: """Handles the case where the given value was not valid. This helper function raises a ``ValidationError`` if ``raise_exc`` flag is set, returns False otherwise. """ if raise_exc: raise ValidationError(msg) return False # Check explicitly given permissible values first if self.is_any_of and value not in self.is_any_of: _valid_opts = ", ".join([repr(e) for e in self.is_any_of]) return was_invalid( f"value {repr(value)} is not permissible. " f"Valid options are: {_valid_opts}" ) # Check the type if self.dtype: _is_subtype = np.issubdtype(type(value), self.dtype) _float_compatible = np.issubdtype(self.dtype, np.floating) and ( np.issubdtype(type(value), np.integer) or np.issubdtype(type(value), np.floating) ) _uint_compatible = ( np.issubdtype(self.dtype, np.unsignedinteger) and np.issubdtype(type(value), np.integer) and value >= 0 ) if not (_is_subtype or _float_compatible or _uint_compatible): return was_invalid( f"required {self.dtype}-compatible type, but got " f"{type(value).__name__} with value {repr(value)}." ) # For numerical values, check that type coercion would not lead to # value changes, e.g. due to values not being representable if ( np.issubdtype(self.dtype, np.number) and np.issubdtype(type(value), np.number) and not np.isnan(value) ): _coerced_value = self.dtype.type(value) _is_equal = _coerced_value == value _is_close = np.isclose(_coerced_value, value) # NOTE This is done instead of np.can_cast, which would look # only at the types and thus be too strict. By taking # into account the actual value, we are more compatible. if not (_is_equal or _is_close): return was_invalid( f"the {type(value).__name__} value {repr(value)} " "cannot be correctly represented as the required " f"type, {self.dtype}, but would be coerced to " f"{repr(_coerced_value)} != {repr(value)}" ) # Check value is within the given limits if self.limits: # Type should be numerical if not isinstance(value, Number): return was_invalid( f"required numerical value in order to validate limits, " f"but got {type(value).__name__} with value {repr(value)}." ) # Can now assume that it is numerical. Change Nones to ±inf lims = list(self.limits) if lims[0] is None: lims[0] = -float("inf") if lims[1] is None: lims[1] = float("inf") # Get comparison operators according to limits mode comp_l = self.LIMIT_COMPS[self.limits_mode[0]] comp_r = self.LIMIT_COMPS[self.limits_mode[1]] if not (comp_l(value, lims[0]) and comp_r(value, lims[1])): # For ±inf bounds, adjust the shown interval to "open" return was_invalid( "required value in interval " f"{self.limits_mode[0] if not _isinf(lims[0]) else '('}" f"{lims[0]}, {lims[1]}" f"{self.limits_mode[1] if not _isinf(lims[1]) else ')'}, " f"but got {repr(value)}." ) # If this point is reached, all checks passed: Parameter is valid. return True
# .. Class methods ........................................................
[docs] @classmethod def from_shorthand(cls, default: Any, *, mode: str, **kwargs): r"""Constructs a Parameter object from a given shorthand mode. Args: default (Any): the default value for the parameter mode (str): A valid shorthand mode, see :py:attr:`~utopya.parameter.Parameter.SHORTHAND_MODES` **kwargs: any further arguments for Parameter ininitialization, see :py:meth:`~utopya.parameter.Parameter.__init__`. Returns: a Parameter object """ try: d = cls.SHORTHAND_MODES[mode](default, **kwargs) except KeyError as err: raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized shorthand mode '{mode}'! " f"Needs to be one of: {', '.join(cls.SHORTHAND_MODES)}" ) from err p = cls(**d) p._from_shorthand = dict(default=default, mode=mode, kwargs=kwargs) return p
[docs] @classmethod def to_yaml(cls, representer, node): """Represent this Parameter object as a YAML mapping. Args: representer (ruamel.yaml.representer): The representer module node (Parameter): The node, i.e. an instance of this class Returns: a yaml mapping that is able to recreate this object """ if node._from_shorthand and not node._from_shorthand.get("kwargs"): default = node._from_shorthand["default"] mode = node._from_shorthand["mode"] return representer.represent_scalar(f"!{mode}", str(default)) # Not constructed from shorthand d = {} d["default"] = node.default if node.limits: d["limits"] = node.limits d["limits_mode"] = node.limits_mode elif node.is_any_of: d["is_any_of"] = node.is_any_of if node.dtype: d["dtype"] = str(node.dtype) return representer.represent_mapping(cls.yaml_tag, d)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, constructor, node): """The default constructor for Parameter objects, expecting a YAML node that is mapping-like. """ return cls(**constructor.construct_mapping(node, deep=True))
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[docs]def extract_validation_objects( model_cfg: dict, *, model_name: str ) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: """Extracts all :py:class:`~utopya.parameter.Parameter` objects from a model configuration (a nested dict), replacing them with their default values. Returns both the modified model configuration well as the Parameter objects (keyed by the key sequence necessary to reach them within the model configuration). Args: model_cfg (dict): the model configuration to inspect model_name (str): the name of the model Returns: Tuple[dict, dict]: a tuple of (model config, parameters to validate). The model config contains the passed config dict in which all Parameter class elements have been replaced by their default entries. The second entry is a dictionary consisting of the Parameter class objects (requiring validation) with keys being key sequences to those Parameter objects. Note that the key sequence is relative to the level *above* the model configuration, with ``model_name`` as a common entry for all returned values. """ # Collect Parameter objects is_Parameter_obj = lambda e: isinstance(e, Parameter) to_validate = model_cfg, select_func=is_Parameter_obj, prepend_info=("keys",) ) # Replace by default values set_default_val = lambda e: e.default model_cfg = model_cfg, select_func=is_Parameter_obj, replace_func=set_default_val ) # Prepend the model name to the key sequence such that the key sequences # attach *one level above* the model configuration, i.e. at the level of # the `parameter_space`. to_validate = { (model_name,) + ks: v for ks, v in dict(to_validate).items() } return model_cfg, to_validate