Source code for utopya.reporter

"""Implementation of the reporter framework which can be used to report on the
progress or result of operations within utopya.

import logging
import os
import sys
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict, deque
from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta
from functools import partial
from shutil import get_terminal_size as _get_terminal_size
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Union

import numpy as np
import paramspace as psp

from .tools import TTY_COLS, format_time

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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[docs]class ReportFormat: """A report format aggregates callables for a single report parser and potentially multiple report writers. As a whole, it contains all arguments needed to generate a certain kind of report. It is used in :py:class:`utopya.reporter.Reporter` and derived classes, which are the classes that actually implement the parsers and writers. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, parser: Callable, writers: List[Callable], min_report_intv: float = None, ): """Initializes a ReportFormat object, which gathers callables needed to create a report in a certain format. Args: parser (Callable): The parser method to use writers (List[Callable]): The writer method(s) to use min_report_intv (float, optional): The minimum report interval of reports in this format. Determines the time (in seconds) that needs to have passed before the next report will be emitted. """ self.parser = parser self.writers = writers self._min_report_intv = None self.min_report_intv = min_report_intv self.num_reports = 0 self.last_report = dt.fromtimestamp(0) # waaay back
@property def min_report_intv(self) -> Union[timedelta, None]: """Returns the minimum report interval, i.e. the time that needs to have passed between two reports. """ return self._min_report_intv @min_report_intv.setter def min_report_intv(self, sec: float): """Set the minimum report interval, directly converting it into a timedelta value. """ self._min_report_intv = timedelta(seconds=sec) if sec else None @property def reporting_blocked(self) -> bool: """Determines whether this ReportFormat may be blocked from emission, e.g. because of the minimum report interval not having passed yet. If no minimum report interval is given, will always return False. Otherwise checks if at least that interval has passed since the last report. """ if not self.min_report_intv: return False return ( - self.last_report) < self.min_report_intv
[docs] def report( self, *, force: bool = False, parser_kwargs: dict = None ) -> bool: """Parses and writes a report corresponding to the callables defined in this report format. Args: force (bool, optional): If True, will ignore the minimum report interval and always perform a report. parser_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments passed on to the parser Returns: bool: Whether a report was generated or not """ if not force and self.reporting_blocked: # Do not report return False # Generate the report log.debug("Creating report using parser '%s' ...", self.parser) report = self.parser( report_no=self.num_reports, **(parser_kwargs if parser_kwargs else {}), ) log.debug("Parser created report of length %d.", len(report)) # Write the report for writer_name, writer in self.writers.items(): log.debug("Writing report using writer '%s' ...", writer_name) writer(report) # Update counter and last report time self.num_reports += 1 self.last_report = return True
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[docs]class Reporter: """The Reporter class holds general reporting capabilities. It needs to be subclassed in order to specialize its reporting functions. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, report_formats: Union[List[str], Dict[str, dict]] = None, default_format: str = None, report_dir: str = None, suppress_cr: bool = False, ): """Initialize the Reporter base class. Args: report_formats (Union[List[str], Dict[str, dict]], optional): The report formats to use with this reporter. If given as list of strings, the strings are the names of the report formats as well as those of the parsers; all other parameters are the defaults. If given as dict of dicts, the keys are the names of the formats and the inner dicts are the parameters to create report formats from. default_format (str, optional): The name of the default report format; if None is given, the .report method requires the name of a report format. report_dir (str, optional): if reporting to a file; this is the base directory that is reported to. suppress_cr (bool, optional): Whether to suppress carriage return characters in writers. This option is useful when the reporter is not the only class that writes to a stream. """ super().__init__() # Property-managed attributes self._report_formats = dict() self._default_format = None self._suppress_cr = False # Ensure the report_formats argument is a dict, then register them if report_formats is None: report_formats = dict() elif isinstance(report_formats, (list, tuple)): report_formats = {f: dict() for f in report_formats} for name, params in report_formats.items(): self.add_report_format(name, **params) # Set default report format if default_format: self.default_format = default_format # Store report directory if report_dir: self.report_dir = os.path.expanduser(str(report_dir)) else: self.report_dir = None # Other attributes self.suppress_cr = suppress_cr # NOTE writers need to implement this log.debug("Reporter.__init__ finished.")
# Properties .............................................................. @property def report_formats(self) -> dict: """Returns the dict of ReportFormat objects.""" return self._report_formats @property def default_format(self) -> Union[None, ReportFormat]: """Returns the default report format or None, if not set.""" return self._default_format @default_format.setter def default_format(self, name: str): """Given the name of the report formats, set the default value.""" if name is not None: self._default_format = self.report_formats[name] log.debug("Set default report format to '%s'.", name) else: self._default_format = None log.debug("Unset default report format.") @property def suppress_cr(self) -> bool: """Whether to suppress a carriage return. Objects using the reporter can set this property to communicate that they will be putting content into the stdout stream as well. The writers can check this property and adjust their behaviour accordingly. """ return self._suppress_cr @suppress_cr.setter def suppress_cr(self, val: bool): """Set the suppress_cr property. When setting this to True the first time, a linebreak is issued in order to not overwrite any previously written lines that ended with a carriage return character. """ if val and not self.suppress_cr: print("") self._suppress_cr = val # Public API ..............................................................
[docs] def add_report_format( self, name: str, *, parser: str = None, write_to: Union[str, Dict[str, dict]] = "stdout", min_report_intv: float = None, rf_kwargs: dict = None, **parser_kwargs, ): """Add a report format to this reporter. Args: name (str): The name of this format parser (str, optional): The name of the parser; if not given, the name of the report format is assumed write_to (Union[str, Dict[str, dict]], optional): The name of the writer. If this is a dict of dict, the keys will be interpreted as the names of the writers and the nested dict as the ``**kwargs`` to the writer function. min_report_intv (float, optional): The minimum report interval (in seconds) for this report format rf_kwargs (dict, optional): Further kwargs to ReportFormat.__init__ **parser_kwargs: The kwargs to the parser function Raises: ValueError: A report format with this ``name`` already exists """ if name in self.report_formats: raise ValueError( f"A report format with the name '{name}' already exists." ) # Get the parser and writer function parser = self._resolve_parser( parser if parser else name, **parser_kwargs ) writers = self._resolve_writers(write_to) # Initialise the ReportFormat object with the parsers and writers rf = ReportFormat( parser=parser, writers=writers, min_report_intv=min_report_intv, **(rf_kwargs if rf_kwargs else {}), ) self._report_formats[name] = rf log.debug( "Added report format '%s' to %s.", name, self.__class__.__name__ )
[docs] def report(self, report_format: str = None, **kwargs) -> bool: """Create a report with the given format; if none is given, the default format is used. Args: report_format (str, optional): The report format to use **kwargs: Passed on to the call Returns: bool: Whether there was a report Raises: ValueError: If no default format was set and no report format name was given """ # Get the report format to use if report_format is None: if self.default_format is None: raise ValueError( "Either a default format needs to be set for this " f"{self.__class__.__name__} or the name of the report " "format needs to be supplied to the .report method." ) rf = self.default_format else: rf = self.report_formats[report_format] # Delegate reporting to the ReportFormat class return**kwargs)
[docs] def parse_and_write( self, *, parser: Union[str, Callable], write_to: Union[str, Callable], **parser_kwargs, ): """This function allows to select a parser and writer explicitly. Args: parser (Union[str, Callable]): The parser method to use. write_to (Union[str, Callable]): The write method to use. Can also be a sequence of names and/or callables or a Dict. For allowed specification formats, see the ._resolve_writers method. **parser_kwargs: Passed to the parser, if given """ parser = self._resolve_parser(parser, **parser_kwargs) # Parse the report report = parser() log.debug( "Parsed report using '%s', got string of length %d.", parser, len(report), ) # Determine the writers and write writers = self._resolve_writers(write_to) for writer_name, writer in writers.items(): writer(report) log.debug("Wrote report using %s .", writer_name)
# Private methods .........................................................
[docs] def _resolve_parser( self, parser: Union[str, Callable], **parser_kwargs ) -> Callable: """Given a string or a callable, returns the corresponding callable. Args: parser (Union[str, Callable]): If a callable is already given, returns that; otherwise looks for a parser method with the given name in the attributes of this class. **parser_kwargs: Arguments that should be passed to the parser. If given, a new function is created where these arguments are already included. Returns: Callable: The desired parser function Raises: ValueError: If no parser with the given name is available """ if not callable(parser): # A name was given; try to resolve from attributes try: parser = getattr(self, "_parse_" + parser) except AttributeError as err: raise ValueError( f"No parser named '{parser}' available in " f"{self.__class__.__name__}!" ) from err log.debug("Resolved parser: %s", str(parser)) # `parser` is now a callable. # May want to partially apply kwargs if parser_kwargs: log.debug("Binding `parser_kwargs` to parser method ...") parser = partial(parser, **parser_kwargs) return parser
[docs] def _resolve_writers(self, write_to) -> Dict[str, Callable]: """Resolves the given argument to a list of callable writer functions. Args: write_to: a specification of the writers to use. Allows many different ways of specifying the writer functions, depending on the type of the argument: - str: the name of the writer method of this reporter - Callable: the writer function to use - sequence of str and/or Callable: the names and/or functions to use - Dict[str, dict]: the names of the writer functions and additional keyword arguments. If the type is wrong, will raise. Returns: Dict[str, Callable]: the writers (key: name, value: writer method) Raises: TypeError: Invalid ``write_to`` argument ValueError: A writer with that name was already added or a writer with the given name is not available. """ def get_callable_name(c) -> str: """Returns the name of the callable by inspecting attributes""" if hasattr(c, "__name__"): return c.__name__ # Does not have that attribute, e.g. because it is a partial func return str(c) # The target dict of callables writers = {} # First, need to bring the argument into a uniform structure. # This requires checking the many possible input formats. # -- Single callable: can directly return if callable(write_to): return {get_callable_name(write_to): write_to} # -- Single string: bring it into dict format elif isinstance(write_to, str): write_to = {write_to: {}} # -- list: move the callables to the writers dict; string items remain. elif isinstance(write_to, (list, tuple)): wt = {} for item in write_to: if callable(item): # Check if already present if item in writers.values(): raise ValueError( "Given writer callable with name " f"'{get_callable_name(item)}' was already added!" ) writers[get_callable_name(item)] = item elif isinstance(item, str): # Add an empty entry to the new write_to dict wt[item] = dict() else: raise TypeError( f"One item of given `write_to` argument {write_to} " f"of type {type(write_to)} was neither a string nor a " "callable!" ) # Use the new write_to dict write_to = wt # Ensure that the format is a dict now if not isinstance(write_to, dict): raise TypeError( f"Invalid type {type(write_to)} for argument `write_to`!" ) # Now populate the writers dict with the remaining str-specified funcs for writer_name, params in write_to.items(): try: writer = getattr(self, "_write_to_" + writer_name) except AttributeError as err: raise ValueError( "No writer named '{}' available in {}!" "".format(writer_name, self.__class__.__name__) ) from err # If given, partially apply the params if params: writer = partial(writer, **params) # Store in dict of writers writers[writer_name] = writer log.debug("Added writer with name '%s'.", writer_name) return writers
# Parser methods .......................................................... # None available in the base class # Writer methods ..........................................................
[docs] def _write_to_stdout(self, s: str, *, flush: bool = True, **print_kws): """Writes the given string to stdout using the print function. Args: s (str): The string to write flush (bool, optional): Whether to flush directly; default: True **print_kws: Other print function keyword arguments """ if self.suppress_cr and print_kws.get("end") == "\r": # Enforce line feed print_kws["end"] = "\n" print(s, flush=flush, **print_kws)
[docs] def _write_to_stdout_noreturn(self, s: str, *, prepend=" "): """Writes to stdout without ending the line. Always flushes. Args: s (str): The string to write prepend (str, optional): Is prepended to the string; useful because the cursor might block this point of the terminal report_no (int, optional): accepted from ReportFormat call """ if not self.suppress_cr: print(prepend + s, flush=True, end="\r") else: print(prepend + s, flush=True, end="\n")
[docs] def _write_to_log( self, s: str, *, lvl: int = 10, skip_if_empty: bool = False ): """Writes the given string via the logging module. Args: s (str): The string to log lvl (int, optional): The level at which to log at; default is 10, corresponding to the ``DEBUG`` level skip_if_empty (bool, optional): Whether to skip writing if ``s`` is empty. """ if not s and skip_if_empty: return log.log(lvl, s)
[docs] def _write_to_file( self, s: str, *, path: str = "_report.txt", mode: str = "w", skip_if_empty: bool = False, ): """Writes the given string to a file Args: s (str): The string to write path (str, optional): The path to write it to; will be assumed relative to the ``report_dir`` attribute; if that is not given, ``path`` needs to be absolute. By default, assumes that there is a ``report_dir`` given. mode (str, optional): Writing mode of that file skip_if_empty (bool, optional): Whether to skip writing if ``s`` is empty. Raises: ValueError: If ``report_dir`` was not set and ``path`` is relative. """ if not s and skip_if_empty: log.debug("Not writing to file because the given string is empty.") return # For given relative paths, join them to the report directory if not os.path.isabs(path): if not self.report_dir: raise ValueError( "Need either an absolute `path` argument or initialize " f"the {self.__class__.__name__} with the `report_dir` " "argument such that `path` can be " "interpreted relative to that directory." ) path = os.path.join(self.report_dir, path) log.debug("Writing given string (length %d) to %s ...", len(s), path) with open(path, mode) as file: file.write(s) log.debug("Finished writing.")
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[docs]class WorkerManagerReporter(Reporter): """This class specializes the base :py:class:`~utopya.reporter.Reporter` to report on the :py:class:`~utopya.workermanager.WorkerManager` state and its progress. """ TTY_MARGIN = 4 """Margin to use when writing to terminal""" PROGRESS_BAR_SYMBOLS = dict( finished="▓", active_progress="▒", active="░", space=" " ) """Symbols to use in progress bar parser""" # .........................................................................
[docs] def __init__( self, wm: "utopya.workermanager.WorkerManager", *, mv: "utopya.multiverse.Multiverse" = None, **reporter_kwargs, ): """Initialize the specialized reporter for the :py:class:`~utopya.workermanager.WorkerManager`. It is aware of the WorkerManager and may additionally have acces to the :py:class:`~utopya.multiverse.Multiverse` it is embedded in, which provides additional information to report parsers. Args: wm (utopya.workermanager.WorkerManager): The associated WorkerManager instance mv (utopya.multiverse.Multiverse, optional): The Multiverse this reporter is used in. If this is provided, it can be used in report parsers, e.g. to provide additional information on simulations. **reporter_kwargs: Passed on to parent method """ super().__init__(**reporter_kwargs) # Make sure that formats 'while_working' and 'after_work' are available if "while_working" not in self.report_formats: log.debug( "No report format 'while_working' found; adding one " "because it is needed by the WorkerManager." ) self.add_report_format( "while_working", parser="progress_bar", write_to="stdout_noreturn", ) if "after_work" not in self.report_formats: log.debug( "No report format 'after_work' found; adding one " "because it is needed by the WorkerManager." ) self.add_report_format( "after_work", parser="progress_bar", write_to="stdout_noreturn" ) # Other attributes = mv self.runtimes = [] self.exit_codes = Counter() self._eta_info = dict() # Store the WorkerManager and associate it with this reporter self._wm = wm wm.reporter = self log.debug("Associated reporter with WorkerManager.") log.debug("WorkerManagerReporter initialised.")
@property def wm(self) -> "utopya.workermanager.WorkerManager": """Returns the associated :py:class:`~utopya.workermanager.WorkerManager` """ return self._wm # Properties that extract info from the WorkerManager ..................... @property def task_counters(self) -> OrderedDict: """Returns a dict of task counters containing the following entries: - ``total``: total number of registered WorkerManager tasks - ``active``: number of currently active tasks - ``finished``: number of finished tasks, *including* tasks that were stopped via a stop condition - ``stopped``: number of tasks for which stop conditions were fulfilled, see :ref:`stop_conds` """ num = OrderedDict() num["total"] = self.wm.task_count num["active"] = len(self.wm.active_tasks) num["finished"] = self.wm.num_finished_tasks num["stopped"] = len(self.wm.stopped_tasks) return num @property def wm_progress(self) -> float: """The WorkerManager's progress, between 0 and 1.""" cntr = self.task_counters if cntr["total"] == 0: return 0.0 active_progress = self.wm_active_tasks_progress # in [0, 1] return ( cntr["finished"] / cntr["total"] + active_progress * cntr["active"] / cntr["total"] ) @property def wm_active_tasks_progress(self) -> float: """The active tasks' progress. If there are no active tasks in the worker manager, returns 0. """ progs = [t.progress for t in self._wm.active_tasks] if progs: return np.mean(progs) return 0.0 @property def wm_elapsed(self) -> Union[timedelta, None]: """Seconds elapsed since start of working or None if not yet started""" times = self.wm.times if times["start_working"] is None: # Not started yet return None elif times["end_working"] is None: # Currently working: measure against now return - times["start_working"] # Finished working: measure against end of work return times["end_working"] - times["start_working"] @property def wm_times(self) -> dict: """Return the characteristics of WorkerManager times. Calls :py:meth:`~utopya.reporter.WorkerManagerReporter.get_progress_info` without any additional arguments. """ return self.get_progress_info() # Methods working on data .................................................
[docs] def register_task(self, task: "utopya.task.WorkerTask"): """Given the task object, extracts and stores some information like its run time or its exit code. Exit codes are aggregated over multiple registrations. This can be used as a callback function from a WorkerTask object. Args: task (utopya.task.WorkerTask): The WorkerTask to extract information from. """ if "run_time" in task.profiling: self.runtimes.append(task.profiling["run_time"]) self.exit_codes[task.worker_status] += 1
[docs] def calc_runtime_statistics( self, min_num: int = 10 ) -> Union[OrderedDict, None]: """Calculates the current runtime statistics. Args: min_num (int, optional): Minimum number of runtimes that need to be registered for these statistics to actually be computed. If below this number, will return None. Returns: Union[OrderedDict, None]: The runtime statistics or None, if there were too few entries. """ if not self.runtimes or len(self.runtimes) < min_num: return None # Throw out Nones and convert to np.array rts = np.array([rt for rt in self.runtimes if rt is not None]) d = OrderedDict() d["total (CPU)"] = np.sum(rts) d["total (wall)"] = self.wm_elapsed.total_seconds() d["mean"] = np.mean(rts) d[" (last 50%)"] = np.mean(rts[-len(rts) // 2 :]) d[" (last 20%)"] = np.mean(rts[-len(rts) // 5 :]) d[" (last 5%)"] = np.mean(rts[-len(rts) // 20 :]) d["std"] = np.std(rts) d["min"] = np.min(rts) d["at 25%"] = np.percentile(rts, 25) d["median"] = np.median(rts) d["at 75%"] = np.percentile(rts, 75) d["max"] = np.max(rts) return d
[docs] def get_progress_info(self, **eta_options) -> Dict[str, float]: """Compiles a dict containing progress information for the current work session. Args: **eta_options: Passed on to method calculating ``est_left``, :py:meth:`._compute_est_left`. Returns: Dict[str, float]: Progress information. Guaranteed to contain the keys ``start``, ``now``, ``elapsed``, ``est_left``, ``est_end``, and ``end``. """ d = dict( start=self.wm.times["start_working"],, elapsed=self.wm_elapsed, est_left=None, est_end=None, end=self.wm.times["end_working"], ) # Add estimate time remaining and ETA, if the WorkerManager started. if d["start"] is not None: progress = self.wm_progress if progress > 0.0: d["est_left"] = self._compute_est_left( progress=progress, elapsed=d["elapsed"], **eta_options ) if d["est_left"] is not None: d["est_end"] = d["now"] + d["est_left"] return d
[docs] def _compute_est_left( self, *, progress: float, elapsed: timedelta, mode: str = "from_start", progress_buffer_size: int = 60, ) -> timedelta: """Computes the estimated time left until the end of the work session (ETA) using the current progress value and the elapsed time. Depending on ``mode``, additional information may be included in the calculation. Args: progress (float): The current progress value, in (0, 1] elapsed (datetime.timedelta): The elapsed time since start mode (str, optional): By which mode to calculate the ETA. Available modes are: - ``from_start``, where ETA is computed from the start of work session. - ``from_buffer``, where ETA is computed from a more recent point during the work session. This uses a buffer to keep track of recent progress and computes the ETA against the oldest record (controlled by argument ``progress_buffer_size``), giving more accurate estimates for long-running work sessions. progress_buffer_size (int, optional): The size of the ring buffer used in ``from_buffer`` mode. Returns: datetime.timedelta: Estimate for how much time is left until the end of the work session. """ if mode is None or mode == "from_start": return ((1.0 - progress) / progress) * elapsed elif mode == "from_buffer": # Get / set up the progress buffer: a circular buffer which holds # at most ``progress_buffer_size`` elements. # Each element is a (progress, elapsed) tuple. try: pbuf = self._eta_info["progress_buffer"] except KeyError: log.debug( "Setting up progress buffer (maxlen: %d) ...", progress_buffer_size, ) pbuf = deque( [(0.0, timedelta(0.0))], maxlen=progress_buffer_size ) self._eta_info["progress_buffer"] = pbuf # Add new information to buffer pbuf.append((progress, elapsed)) # Compute progress speed compared to first element of buffer _progress, _elapsed = pbuf[0] dp = progress - _progress if elapsed == _elapsed or dp <= 1.0e-16: # Buffer useless or too little progress made; use simpler mode return self._compute_est_left( progress=progress, elapsed=elapsed, mode="from_start" ) return ((1.0 - progress) / dp) * (elapsed - _elapsed) else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid ETA computation mode '{mode}'! " "Available modes: from_start, from_buffer" )
# Parser methods .......................................................... # One-line parsers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[docs] def _parse_task_counters(self, *, report_no: int = None) -> str: """Return a string that shows the task counters of the WorkerManager Args: report_no (int, optional): A counter variable passed by the :py:class:`~utopya.reporter.ReportFormat` call, indicating how often this parser was called so far. Returns: str: A str representation of the task counters of the WorkerManager """ return ", ".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in self.task_counters.items()])
[docs] def _parse_progress(self, *, report_no: int = None) -> str: """Returns a progress string Args: report_no (int, optional): A counter variable passed by the :py:class:`~utopya.reporter.ReportFormat` call, indicating how often this parser was called so far. Returns: str: A simple progress indicator """ cntr = self.task_counters if cntr["total"] <= 0: return "(No tasks assigned to WorkerManager yet.)" return "Finished {fin:>{digs:}d} / {tot:d} ({p:.1f}%)" "".format( fin=cntr["finished"], tot=cntr["total"], digs=len(str(cntr["total"])), p=cntr["finished"] / cntr["total"] * 100, )
[docs] def _parse_progress_bar( self, *, num_cols: Union[str, int] = "fixed", fstr: str = " ╠{ticks[0]:}{ticks[1]:}{ticks[2]:}{ticks[3]:}{info:}{times:}", info_fstr: str = "{total_progress:>5.1f}% ", show_times: bool = False, times_fstr: str = "| {elapsed:} elapsed | ~{est_left:} left ", times_fstr_final: str = "| finished in {elapsed:} ", times_kwargs: dict = {}, report_no: int = None, ) -> str: """Returns a progress bar. It shows the amount of finished tasks, active tasks, and a percentage. Args: num_cols (Union[str, int], optional): The number of columns available for creating the progress bar. Can also be a string ``adaptive`` to poll terminal size upon each call, or ``fixed`` to use the number of columns determined at import time. fstr (str, optional): The format string for the final output. Should contain the ``ticks`` 4-tuple, which makes up the progress bar, and can optionally contain the``info`` and ``times`` segments, formatted using the respective format string arguments. info_fstr (str, optional): The format string for the ``info`` section of the final output. Available keys: - ``total_progress`` - ``active_progress`` - ``cnt``, the task counters dictionary, see: :py:meth:`~utopya.reporter.WorkerManagerReporter.task_counters` show_times (bool, optional): Whether to show a short version of the results of the times parser times_fstr (str, optional): Format string for times information times_fstr_final (str, optional): Format string for times information once the work session has ended times_kwargs (dict, optional): Passed on to ``times`` parser. Only used if ``show_times`` is set. report_no (int, optional): A counter variable passed by the :py:class:`~utopya.reporter.ReportFormat` call, indicating how often this parser was called so far. Returns: str: The one-line progress bar """ # Get the task counter and check that some tasks have been assigned cntr = self.task_counters if cntr["total"] <= 0: return "(No tasks assigned to WorkerManager yet.)" # Determine the format string for the times if show_times: if self.wm_progress == 1.0: times_fstr = times_fstr_final times_str = self._parse_times(fstr=times_fstr, **times_kwargs) else: times_str = "" # Determine number of available columns if num_cols == "adaptive": num_cols = ( _get_terminal_size((TTY_COLS, 20)).columns - self.TTY_MARGIN ) elif num_cols == "fixed": num_cols = TTY_COLS - self.TTY_MARGIN # Get the active tasks' mean progress and calculate the total progress # (calling the wm_progress property would lead to inconsistencies) active_progress = self.wm_active_tasks_progress total_progress = ( cntr["finished"] / cntr["total"] + active_progress * cntr["active"] / cntr["total"] ) # Get the information string ready info_str = info_fstr.format( total_progress=total_progress * 100, active_progress=active_progress * 100, cnt=cntr, ) # Determine the progress bar width pb_width = num_cols - (5 + len(info_str) + len(times_str)) # Only return percentage indicator if the width would be _very_ short if pb_width < 4: return " {:>5.1f}% ".format(cntr["finished"] / cntr["total"] * 100) # Calculate the ticks for finished tasks ticks = dict() factor = pb_width / cntr["total"] ticks["finished"] = int(round(cntr["finished"] * factor)) # Calculate the active ticks and those in progress # NOTE Important to round only one of the two, leads to artifacts # otherwise ticks["active_progress"] = int( active_progress * cntr["active"] * factor ) ticks["active"] = ( int(round(cntr["active"] * factor)) - ticks["active_progress"] ) # Calculate spaces from the sum of all of the above ticks["space"] = pb_width - sum(ticks.values()) # Have all info now, let's go format! syms = self.PROGRESS_BAR_SYMBOLS return fstr.format( ticks=( syms["finished"] * ticks["finished"], syms["active_progress"] * ticks["active_progress"], syms["active"] * ticks["active"], syms["space"] * ticks["space"], ), info=info_str, times=times_str, )
[docs] def _parse_times( self, *, fstr: str = "Elapsed: {elapsed:<8s} | Est. left: {est_left:<8s} | Est. end: {est_end:<10s}", timefstr_short: str = "%H:%M:%S", timefstr_full: str = "%d.%m., %H:%M:%S", use_relative: bool = True, times: dict = None, report_no: int = None, **progress_info_kwargs, ) -> str: """Parses the WorkerManager's time information, including estimated time left or others. Args: fstr (str, optional): The main format string; gets as keys the results of the WorkerManager time information. Available keys: ``elapsed``, ``est_left``, ``est_end``, ``start``, ``now``, ``end``. timefstr_short (str, optional): A time format string for absolute dates; short version. timefstr_full (str, optional): A time format string for absolute dates; long (ideally: full) version. use_relative (bool, optional): Whether for a date difference of 1 to use relative dates, e.g. ``Today, 13:37``. times (dict, optional): A dict of times to use; this is mainly for testing purposes! report_no (int, optional): The report number passed by ReportFormat **progress_info_kwargs: Passed on to method calculating progress :py:meth:`~utopya.reporter.WorkerManagerReporter.get_progress_info` Returns: str: A string representation of the time information """ # If no explicit times were given, calculate them now if times is None: times = self.get_progress_info(**progress_info_kwargs) # The dict of strings that is filled and passed to the fstr tstrs = dict() # Convert some values to duration strings if times["elapsed"]: tstrs["elapsed"] = format_time(times["elapsed"]) else: tstrs["elapsed"] = "(not started)" if times["est_left"]: tstrs["est_left"] = format_time(times["est_left"], max_num_parts=2) else: # No est_left available # Distinguish between finished and not started simulaltions if self.wm_progress == 1.0: tstrs["est_left"] = "(finished)" else: tstrs["est_left"] = "∞" # Check if the start and end times are given if not (times["start"] and times["est_end"]): # Not given -> not started yet tstrs["start"] = "(not started)" tstrs["now"] = times["now"].strftime(timefstr_full) tstrs["est_end"] = "(unknown)" tstrs["end"] = "(unknown)" else: # Were given. # Decide which time format string to use, depending on whether # start and end are on the same day, and whether to put a manual # prefix in front prefixes = dict() # Calculate timedelta in days delta_days = (times["est_end"].date() - times["start"].date()).days if delta_days == 0: # All on the same day -> use short format, no prefixes timefstr = timefstr_abs = timefstr_short elif delta_days == 1 and use_relative: # Use short format with prefixes timefstr = timefstr_short timefstr_abs = timefstr_full if times["now"].date() == times["start"].date(): # Same day as start -> end is tomorrow prefixes["start"] = "Today, " prefixes["est_end"] = "Tomorrow, " else: # Same day as est end -> start was yesterday prefixes["start"] = "Yesterday, " prefixes["est_end"] = "Today, " else: # Full format timefstr = timefstr_abs = timefstr_full # Create the strings tstrs["start"] = times["start"].strftime(timefstr) tstrs["now"] = times["now"].strftime(timefstr_abs) tstrs["est_end"] = times["est_end"].strftime(timefstr) if times["end"]: tstrs["end"] = times["end"].strftime(timefstr_abs) else: tstrs["end"] = "(unknown)" # Add prefixes for key, prefix in prefixes.items(): tstrs[key] = prefix + tstrs[key] return fstr.format(**tstrs)
# Multi-line parsers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[docs] def _parse_runtime_stats( self, *, fstr: str = " {k:<13s} {v:}", join_char="\n", ms_precision: int = 1, report_no: int = None, ) -> str: """Parses the runtime statistics dict into a multiline string Args: fstr (str, optional): The format string to use. Gets passed the keys ``k`` and ``v`` where ``k`` is the name of the entry and ``v`` its value. Note that ``v`` is a non-numeric value. join_char (str, optional): The join character / string to join the elements together. ms_precision (int, optional): Number of digits to represent the milliseconds part of the runtimes. report_no (int, optional): A counter variable passed by the :py:class:`~utopya.reporter.ReportFormat` call, indicating how often this parser was called so far. Returns: str: The multi-line runtime statistics """ rtstats = self.calc_runtime_statistics() parts = [ fstr.format(k=k, v=format_time(v, ms_precision=ms_precision)) for k, v in rtstats.items() ] return join_char.join(parts)
[docs] def _parse_report( self, *, fstr: str = " {k:<{w:}s} {v:}", min_num: int = 4, report_no: int = None, show_individual_runtimes: bool = True, task_label_singular: str = "task", task_label_plural: str = "tasks", ) -> str: """Parses a report for all tasks that were being worked on into a multiline string. The headings can be adjusted by keyword arguments. Args: fstr (str, optional): The format string to use. Gets passed the keys ``k`` and ``v`` where ``k`` is the name of the entry and ``v`` its value. Note that this format string is also used with ``v`` being a non-numeric value. Also, ``w`` can be used to have a key column of constant width. min_num (int, optional): The minimum number of universes needed to calculate runtime statistics. report_no (int, optional): A counter variable passed by the :py:class:`~utopya.reporter.ReportFormat` call, indicating how often this parser was called so far. show_individual_runtimes (bool, optional): Whether to report individual universe runtimes; default: True. This should be disabled if there are a huge number of universes. task_label_singular (str, optional): The label to use in the report when referring to a single task. task_label_plural (str, optional): The label to use in the report when referring to multiple tasks. Returns: str: The multi-line simulation report string """ # List that contains the parts that will be written parts = [] # Calculate the runtime statistics and add them to the parts rtstats = self.calc_runtime_statistics(min_num=min_num) if rtstats is not None: parts += ["Runtime Statistics"] parts += ["------------------"] parts += [""] parts += [ "The statistics below are calculated from all " f"individual {task_label_singular} run times." ] parts += [""] parts += [ " # {}: {} / {}".format( task_label_plural, len(self.runtimes), len(self.wm.tasks) ) ] parts += [""] parts += [ fstr.format(k=k, v=format_time(v, ms_precision=1), w=12) for k, v in rtstats.items() ] parts += [""] parts += [""] # In cluster mode, add more information if self.wm.cluster_mode: _rcps = self.wm.resolved_cluster_params parts += ["Cluster Mode Information"] parts += ["------------------------"] parts += [""] parts += [ fstr.format(k=k, v=_rcps[k], w=12) for k in ( "node_name", "node_index", "num_nodes", "node_list", "job_id", "job_name", "job_account", "cluster_name", "num_procs", ) if _rcps.get(k) is not None ] parts += [""] parts += [""] # If stop conditions were fulfilled, inform about those if self.wm.stop_conditions: def task_names(sc: set) -> str: if not sc.fulfilled_for: return "(None)" return ", ".join(sorted( for t in sc.fulfilled_for)) parts += ["Stop Conditions"] parts += ["---------------"] parts += [""] parts += [ f" {len(self.runtimes)} / {len(self.wm.tasks)} " f"{task_label_plural} were stopped due to at least one " "of the following stop conditions:" ] parts += [""] parts += [ f" {sc}\n" f" {task_names(sc)}\n" for sc in self.wm.stop_conditions ] parts += [""] parts += [""] # Add individual universe run times if show_individual_runtimes: parts += [f"{task_label_singular.capitalize()} Runtimes"] parts += ["-" * len(parts[-1])] parts += [""] max_name_len = max([12] + [len( for t in self.wm.tasks]) for task in self.wm.tasks: if "run_time" in task.profiling: rt = task.profiling["run_time"] parts += [ fstr.format(, v=format_time(rt, ms_precision=1), w=max_name_len, ) ] return " \n".join(parts)
[docs] def _parse_pspace_info( self, *, fstr: str, only_for_sweep: bool = True, report_no: int = None ) -> str: """Provides information about the parameter space. Extracts the ``parameter_space`` from the associated Multiverse's meta configuration and provides information on that. If there are multiple tasks specified, it is assumed that a sweep is or was being carried out and an information string is retrieved from the :py:class:`paramspace.paramspace.ParamSpace` object, which is then returned. If only a single task was defined, returns an empty string. Args: report_no (int, optional): A counter variable passed by the :py:class:`~utopya.reporter.ReportFormat` call, indicating how often this parser was called so far. Returns: str: If there is more than one task, returns the result of :py:meth:`paramspace.paramspace.ParamSpace.get_info_str`. If not, returns a string denoting that there was only one task. """ if is None: raise ValueError( "No Multiverse associated with this reporter! " "Cannot parse ParamSpace information." ) pspace =["parameter_space"] if not isinstance(pspace, psp.ParamSpace): raise TypeError(f"Expected a ParamSpace object, got:\n\n{pspace}") if only_for_sweep and len(self.wm.tasks) <= 1: return "" return fstr.format(sweep_info=pspace.get_info_str())
# Writer methods ..........................................................
[docs] def _write_to_file( self, *args, path: str = "_report.txt", cluster_mode_path: str = "{0:}_{node_name:}{ext:}", **kwargs, ): """Overloads the parent method with capabilities needed in cluster mode All args and kwargs are passed through. If in cluster mode, the path is changed such that it includes the name of the node. Args: *args: Passed on to parent method path (str, optional): The path to save to cluster_mode_path (str, optional): The format string to use for the path in cluster mode. _Requires_ to contain the format key ``{0:}`` which retains the given ``path``, extension split off. Extension can be used via ``ext`` (already includes the dot). Additional format keys: ``node_name``, ``job_id``. **kwargs: Passed on to parent method """ if not self.wm.cluster_mode: return super()._write_to_file(*args, path=path, **kwargs) # else: in cluster mode. Use the information to build a new path base_path, ext = os.path.splitext(path) fstr_args = [base_path] fstr_kwargs = dict(ext=ext) fstr_kwargs["node_name"] = self.wm.resolved_cluster_params["node_name"] fstr_kwargs["job_id"] = self.wm.resolved_cluster_params["job_id"] # Build the new path, then let the parent do the rest path = cluster_mode_path.format(*fstr_args, **fstr_kwargs) return super()._write_to_file(*args, path=path, **kwargs)