Source code for utopya.workermanager

"""The :py:class:`.WorkerManager` is a central part of utopya in that it
spawns and controls the tasks (:py:class:`~utopya.task.WorkerTask`) that are
to be worked on.

import copy
import logging
import os
import queue
import sys
import time
import warnings
from datetime import datetime as dt
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Union

from .exceptions import *
from .reporter import WorkerManagerReporter
from .stop_conditions import SIG_STOPCOND, StopCondition
from .task import SIGMAP, TaskList, WorkerTask
from .tools import format_time

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

STOPCOND_EXIT_CODES: Sequence[int] = (
    128 + abs(SIGMAP[SIG_STOPCOND]),
"""Exit codes of a :py:class:`~utopya.task.WorkerTask` that will be interpreted
as stemming from a stop condition. This depends on the signal used for stop
conditions (:py:data:`utopya.stop_conditions.SIG_STOPCOND`).
This sequence of possible exit codes takes into account that the sign may be
switched (depending on whether a signed or unsigned integer convention is
used) or where a convention is used such that a *handled* signal is turned into
an exit code of ``128 + abs(signum)``."""

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class WorkerManager: """The WorkerManager class orchestrates :py:class:`~utopya.task.WorkerTask` objects: setting them up, invoking them, tracking their progress, and starting new workers if previous workers finished. Attrs: rf_spec (dict): The report format specifications that are used throughout the WorkerManager. These are invoked at different points of the operation of the WorkerManager: ``while_working``, ``after_work``, ``after_abort``, ``task_spawn``, ``task_finished``. """ pending_exceptions: queue.Queue = None """A (FiFo) queue of :py:exc:`Exception` objects that will be handled by the :py:class:`.WorkerManager` during working. This is the interface that allows for other threads that have access to the WorkerManager to add an exception and let it be handled in the main thread. """ rf_spec: dict = None """The report format specifications that are used throughout the WorkerManager. These are invoked at different points of the operation: - ``before_working`` - ``while_working`` - ``after_work`` - ``after_abort`` - ``task_spawn`` - ``task_finished`` """ times: dict = None """Holds profiling information"""
[docs] def __init__( self, num_workers: Union[int, str] = "auto", poll_delay: float = 0.05, spawn_rate: int = -1, lines_per_poll: int = 50, periodic_task_callback: int = None, QueueCls: type = queue.Queue, reporter: WorkerManagerReporter = None, rf_spec: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]] = None, save_streams_on: Sequence[str] = (), nonzero_exit_handling: str = "ignore", interrupt_params: dict = None, cluster_mode: bool = False, resolved_cluster_params: dict = None, ): """Initialize the worker manager. Args: num_workers (Union[int, str], optional): The number of workers that can work in parallel. If 'auto' (default), uses os.cpu_count(). If below zero, deduces abs(num_workers) from the CPU count. poll_delay (float, optional): How long (in seconds) the delay between worker polls should be. For too small delays (<0.01), the CPU load will become significant. spawn_rate (int, optional): How many workers to spawn each working loop iteration. If -1, will assign new tasks to all free workers. lines_per_poll (int, optional): How many lines to read from each stream during polling of the tasks. This value should not be too large, otherwise the polling is delayed by too much. By setting it to -1, all available lines are read. periodic_task_callback (int, optional): If given, an additional task callback will be invoked after every ``periodic_task_callback`` poll events. QueueCls (type, optional): Which class to use for the queue. Defaults to the FiFo :py:class:`queue.Queue`. reporter (WorkerManagerReporter, optional): The reporter associated with this WorkerManager, reporting on the progress. rf_spec (Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]], optional): The names of report formats that should be invoked at different points of the WorkerManager's operation. Possible keys: ``before_working``, ``while_working``, ``after_work``, ``after_abort``, ``task_spawn``, ``task_finished``. All other keys are ignored. The values of the dict can be either strings or lists of strings, where the strings always refer to report formats registered with the WorkerManagerReporter. This argument updates the default report format specifications. save_streams_on (Sequence[str], optional): On which events to invoke :py:meth:`~utopya.task.WorkerTask.save_streams` *during* work. Should be a sequence containing one or both of the keys ``on_monitor_update``, ``periodic_callback``. nonzero_exit_handling (str, optional): How to react if a WorkerTask exits with a non-zero exit code. For 'ignore', nothing happens. For 'warn', a warning is printed and the last 5 lines of the log are shown. For 'raise', the last 20 lines of the log is shown, all other tasks are terminated, and the WorkerManager exits with the same exit code as the WorkerTask exited with. Note that 'warn' will not lead to any messages if the worker died by SIGTERM, which presumable originated from a fulfilled stop condition. Use 'warn_all' to also receive warnings in this case. interrupt_params (dict, optional): Parameters that determine how the WorkerManager behaves when receiving KeyboardInterrupts during working. Possible keys: ``send_signal``: Which signal to send to the workers. Can be SIGINT (default), SIGTERM, SIGKILL, or any valid signal as integer. ``grace_period``: how long to wait for the other workers to gracefully shut down. After this period (in seconds), the workers will be killed via SIGKILL. Default is 5s. ``exit``: whether to sys.exit at the end of start_working. Default is True. cluster_mode (bool, optional): Whether similar tasks to those that are managed by this WorkerManager are, at the same time, worked on by other WorkerManager. This is relevant because the output of files might be affected by whether another WorkerManager instance is currently working on the same output directory. Also, in the future, this argument might be used to communicate between nodes. resolved_cluster_params (dict, optional): The corresponding cluster parameters. Raises: ValueError: For too negative ``num_workers`` argument """ log.progress("Initializing WorkerManager ...") # Initialize attributes, some of which are property-managed self._num_workers = None self._poll_delay = None self._spawn_rate = None self._periodic_callback = periodic_task_callback self._tasks = TaskList() self._task_q = QueueCls() self._active_tasks = [] self.stopped_tasks = TaskList() self._stop_conditions = set() self._reporter = None self._num_finished_tasks = 0 self._nonzero_exit_handling = None self.save_streams_on = save_streams_on self._suppress_rf_specs = [] self.pending_exceptions = queue.Queue() # Hand over arguments self.poll_delay = poll_delay self.spawn_rate = spawn_rate self.lines_per_poll = lines_per_poll self.nonzero_exit_handling = nonzero_exit_handling self._cluster_mode = cluster_mode self._resolved_cluster_params = resolved_cluster_params self.interrupt_params = interrupt_params if interrupt_params else {} self.num_workers = num_workers # Reporter-related, setting default rf_spec if reporter: self.reporter = reporter self.rf_spec = dict( before_working="while_working", while_working="while_working", task_spawned="while_working", task_finished="while_working", after_work="after_work", after_abort="after_work", ) if rf_spec: self.rf_spec.update(rf_spec) # Provide some information log.note(" Number of available CPUs: %d", os.cpu_count()) log.note(" Number of workers: %d", self.num_workers) log.note(" Non-zero exit handling: %s", self.nonzero_exit_handling) # Store some profiling information self.times = dict(, start_working=None, timeout=None, end_working=None ) # These are also accessed by the reporter log.progress("Initialized WorkerManager.")
# Properties .............................................................. @property def tasks(self) -> TaskList: """The list of all tasks.""" return self._tasks @property def task_queue(self) -> queue.Queue: """The task queue.""" return self._task_q @property def task_count(self) -> int: """Returns the number of tasks that this manager *ever* took care of. Careful: This is NOT the current number of tasks in the queue! """ return len(self.tasks) @property def num_workers(self) -> int: """The number of workers that may work in parallel""" return self._num_workers @num_workers.setter def num_workers(self, val: Union[int, str]): """Set the number of workers that can work in parallel. Can use the string ``auto`` to use the CPU count for setting the number of workers. Additionally, negative integers will be summed with the number of available CPU cores. .. note:: Will not allow to set values that are smaller than 1; any argument that would lead to such a value will be silently clipped to 1. """ if val == "auto": self._num_workers = os.cpu_count() elif not isinstance(val, int): raise TypeError( "Expected integer or string 'auto' for setting `num_workers`, " f"but got {type(val).__name__} {repr(val)}!" ) elif val < 0: self._num_workers = max(1, os.cpu_count() + val) else: self._num_workers = max(1, val) log.debug("Set number of workers to %d", self.num_workers) if self.num_workers > os.cpu_count(): warnings.warn( f"Set WorkerManager to use more workers ({self.num_workers}) " f"than there are CPU cores ({os.cpu_count()}) on this machine", UserWarning, ) @property def active_tasks(self) -> List[WorkerTask]: """The list of currently active tasks. Note that this information might not be up-to-date; a process might quit just after the list has been updated. """ return self._active_tasks @property def num_finished_tasks(self) -> int: """The number of finished tasks. Incremented whenever a task leaves the active_tasks list, regardless of its exit status. """ return self._num_finished_tasks @property def num_free_workers(self) -> int: """Returns the number of free workers.""" return self.num_workers - len(self.active_tasks) @property def poll_delay(self) -> float: """Returns the delay between two polls""" return self._poll_delay @poll_delay.setter def poll_delay(self, val) -> None: """Set the poll delay to any positive value. For low values, a warning will be emitted. """ if val <= 0.0: raise ValueError(f"Poll delay needs to be positive, was {val}!") elif val < 0.01: warnings.warn( "Setting a poll delay of {} < 0.01s can lead to " "significant CPU load. Consider choosing a higher " "value.", UserWarning, ) self._poll_delay = val @property def spawn_rate(self) -> int: """Returns the spawn rate""" return self._spawn_rate @spawn_rate.setter def spawn_rate(self, val: int) -> None: """Set the spawn rate.""" if not (val == -1 or val > 0) or not isinstance(val, int): raise ValueError( f"Spawn rate needs to be a positive integer or -1, was {val}!" ) self._spawn_rate = val @property def stop_conditions(self) -> Set[StopCondition]: """All stop conditions that were ever passed to :py:meth:`~utopya.workermanager.WorkerManager.start_working` during the life time of this WorkerManager. """ return self._stop_conditions @property def nonzero_exit_handling(self) -> str: """Behavior upon a worker exiting with a non-zero exit code. - with ``ignore``, nothing happens - with ``warn``, a warning is printed - with ``raise``, the log is shown and the WorkerManager exits with the same exit code as the corresponding :py:class:`~utopya.task.WorkerTask` exited with. """ return self._nonzero_exit_handling @nonzero_exit_handling.setter def nonzero_exit_handling(self, val: str): """Set the ``nonzero_exit_handling`` attribute. Args: val (str): The value to set it to. Can be: ``ignore``, ``warn``, ``raise``. Raises: ValueError: For invalid value """ allowed_vals = ("ignore", "warn", "warn_all", "raise") if val not in allowed_vals: raise ValueError( f"`nonzero_exit_handling` needs to be one of {allowed_vals}, " f"but was '{val}'." ) self._nonzero_exit_handling = val @property def reporter(self) -> Union[WorkerManagerReporter, None]: """The associated :py:class:`~utopya.reporter.WorkerManagerReporter` or None, if no reporter is set. """ return self._reporter @reporter.setter def reporter(self, reporter): """Set the Reporter object for this WorkerManager. This includes a check for the correct type and whether the reporter was already set. """ if not isinstance(reporter, WorkerManagerReporter): raise TypeError( "Need a WorkerManagerReporter for reporting from " f"WorkerManager, got {type(reporter)}." ) elif self.reporter: raise RuntimeError("Already set the reporter; cannot change it.") self._reporter = reporter log.debug("Set reporter of WorkerManager.") @property def cluster_mode(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the WorkerManager is in cluster mode""" return self._cluster_mode @property def resolved_cluster_params(self) -> dict: """Returns a copy of the cluster configuration with all parameters resolved (thus making some additional keys available on the top level). It is returned as a deep copy to avoid mutability issues. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._resolved_cluster_params) # Public API ..............................................................
[docs] def add_task( self, *, TaskCls: type = WorkerTask, **task_kwargs ) -> WorkerTask: """Adds a task to the WorkerManager. Args: TaskCls (type, optional): The WorkerTask-like type to use **task_kwargs: All arguments needed for WorkerTask initialization. See :py:class:`utopya.task.WorkerTask` for all valid arguments. Returns: WorkerTask: The created WorkerTask object """ # Evaluate save_stream callbacks save_streams = lambda t: t.save_streams(final=False) if "monitor_updated" in self.save_streams_on: save_streams_on_monitor_update = True if "periodic_callback" in self.save_streams_on: periodic_callback = save_streams else: # Do nothing periodic_callback = lambda _: None # Define the function needed to calculate the task's progress def calc_progress(task) -> float: """Uses the task's stream objects to calculate the progress. If no stream objects are available, returns 0. """ # Check if parsed objects were available if not task.outstream_objs: return 0.0 # Extract the `progress` key from the latest entry; if it is not # available, use the same behaviour as above and return 0 return task.outstream_objs[-1].get("progress", 0.0) # Prepare the callback functions needed by the reporter . . . . . . . . def task_spawned(task): """Performs action after a task was spawned. - checks if stream-forwarding was activated - invokes the 'task_spawned' report specification """ # As the task might have been configured to forward streams, it # needs to be checked whether this would clash with the reporter's # output to stdout. # First, check if that was already taken care of if self.reporter and not self.reporter.suppress_cr: # Nope -> need to check if the task will forward streams if task.streams.get("out") and task.streams["out"]["forward"]: # Yes -> need to suppress carriage returns by reporter and # reduce report invokations by the WorkerManager main loop self.reporter.suppress_cr = True self._suppress_rf_specs.append("while_working") # Invoke the report self._invoke_report("task_spawned", force=True) def task_finished(task): """Performs actions after a task has finished. - invokes the ``task_finished`` report specification - registers the task with the reporter, which extracts information on the run time of the task and its exit status - in debug mode, performs an action upon non-zero task exit status """ if self.reporter is not None: self.reporter.register_task(task) self._invoke_report("task_finished", force=True) # If there was a (non-zero) exit and the handling mode is set # accordingly, generate an exception and add it to the list of # pending exceptions. Handle exit codes that result from a stop # condition being fulfilled separately. if self.nonzero_exit_handling != "ignore" and task.worker_status: if task.worker_status in STOPCOND_EXIT_CODES: exc = WorkerTaskStopConditionFulfilled(task) else: exc = WorkerTaskNonZeroExit(task) self.pending_exceptions.put_nowait(exc) def monitor_updated(task): """Performs actions when there was a parsed object in the task's stream, i.e. when the monitor got an update. """ if save_streams_on_monitor_update: save_streams(task) self._invoke_report("monitor_updated") # Prepare the arguments for the WorkerTask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . callbacks = dict( # Invoked by task itself spawn=task_spawned, finished=task_finished, parsed_object_in_stream=monitor_updated, # # Invoked by WorkerManager periodic=periodic_callback, ) # Generate the WorkerTask-like object from the given parameters task = TaskCls( callbacks=callbacks, progress_func=calc_progress, **task_kwargs ) # Append it to the task list and put it into the task queue self.tasks.append(task) self.task_queue.put_nowait(task) log.debug("Task %s (uid: %s) added.",, task.uid) return task
[docs] def start_working( self, *, timeout: float = None, stop_conditions: Sequence[StopCondition] = None, post_poll_func: Callable = None, ) -> None: """Upon call, all enqueued tasks will be worked on sequentially. Args: detach (bool, optional): If False (default), the WorkerManager will block here, as it continuously polls the workers and distributes tasks. timeout (float, optional): If given, the number of seconds this work session is allowed to take. Workers will be aborted if the number is exceeded. Note that this is not measured in CPU time, but the host systems wall time. stop_conditions (Sequence[StopCondition], optional): During the run these StopCondition objects will be checked post_poll_func (Callable, optional): If given, this is called after all workers have been polled. It can be used to perform custom actions during a the polling loop. Raises: ValueError: For invalid (i.e., negative) timeout value WorkerManagerTotalTimeout: Upon a total timeout """ self._invoke_report("before_working") log.progress("Preparing to work ...") # Set some variables needed during the run poll_no = 0 self.times["start_working"] = # Prepare timeout and stop conditions timeout_time = self._parse_timeout_args(timeout=timeout) stop_conditions = self._parse_stop_conditions(stop_conditions) # Start with the polling loop # Basically all working time will be spent in there ... log.hilight("Starting to work ...") try: while self.active_tasks or self.task_queue.qsize() > 0: # Check total timeout if timeout_time is not None and time.time() > timeout_time: raise WorkerManagerTotalTimeout() # Check if there was another reason for exiting self._handle_pending_exceptions() # Assign tasks to free workers self._assign_tasks(self.num_free_workers) # Poll the workers. (Will also remove no longer active workers) self._poll_workers() # Call the post-poll function if post_poll_func is not None: log.debug( "Calling post_poll_func %s ...", post_poll_func.__name__, ) post_poll_func() # Do stream-related actions for each task for task in self.active_tasks: # Read the streams and forward them (if the tasks were # configured to do so) task.read_streams( forward_directly=True, max_num_reads=self.lines_per_poll, ) task.forward_streams() # Invoke a report self._invoke_report("while_working") # Check stop conditions if stop_conditions: # Compile a list of workers where the stop conditions # were fulfilled and store them. fulfilled = self._check_stop_conds(stop_conditions) self.stopped_tasks += fulfilled # Now signal those workers such that they terminate. self._signal_workers(fulfilled, signal=SIG_STOPCOND) # Invoke periodic callback for all tasks if ( self._periodic_callback and poll_no % self._periodic_callback == 0 ): self._invoke_periodic_callbacks() # Some information poll_no += 1 log.debug( "Poll # %6d: %d active tasks", poll_no, len(self.active_tasks), ) # Delay the next poll time.sleep(self.poll_delay) # Finished working # Handle any remaining pending exceptions self._handle_pending_exceptions() except (KeyboardInterrupt, WorkerManagerTotalTimeout) as exc: # Got interrupted or a total timeout. # Interrupt the workers, giving them some time to shut down ... self._handle_KeyboardInterrupt_or_TotalTimeout(exc) except WorkerManagerError as err: # Some error not related to the non-zero exit code occurred. # Gracefully terminate remaining tasks before re-raising the # exception # Suppress reporter to use CR; then inform via log messages if self.reporter: self.reporter.suppress_cr = True log.critical("Did not finish working! See above for error log.") # Now terminate the remaining active tasks log.hilight("Terminating active tasks ...") self._signal_workers(self.active_tasks, signal="SIGTERM") # Store end time and invoke a report self.times["end_working"] = self._invoke_report("after_abort", force=True) # For some specific error types, do not raise but exit with status if isinstance(err, WorkerTaskNonZeroExit): log.critical("Exiting now ...") sys.exit(err.task.worker_status) # Some other error occurred; just raise log.critical("Re-raising error ...") raise # Register end time and invoke final report self.times["end_working"] = self._invoke_report("after_work", force=True) print("") log.progress( "Finished working. Total tasks worked on: %d", self.task_count )
# Non-public API ..........................................................
[docs] def _invoke_report(self, rf_spec_name: str, *args, **kwargs): """Helper function to invoke the reporter's report function""" if self.reporter is None: return # Check whether to suppress this rf_spec if self._suppress_rf_specs and rf_spec_name in self._suppress_rf_specs: # Do not report this one return # Resolve the spec name and invoke the reports rfs = self.rf_spec[rf_spec_name] if not isinstance(rfs, list): rfs = [rfs] for rf in rfs:, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _parse_timeout_args( self, *, timeout: Optional[float] ) -> Optional[float]: """Parses timeout-related arguments""" # Determine timeout arguments if not timeout: log.note(" Timeout: None") return None if timeout <= 0: raise ValueError( f"Invalid value for argument `timeout`: {timeout} -- " "needs to be positive." ) # Calculate the time after which a timeout would be reached timeout_time = time.time() + timeout self.times["timeout"] = timeout_time # Inform about timeout _to_fstr = "%X" if timeout < 60 * 60 * 12 else "%X, %d.%m.%y" _to_at = dt.fromtimestamp(timeout_time).strftime(_to_fstr) log.note( " Timeout: %s", f"{_to_at} (in {format_time(timeout)})" ) return self.times["timeout"]
[docs] def _parse_stop_conditions( self, stop_conditions: Optional[list] ) -> Optional[List[StopCondition]]: """Prepare stop conditions, creating the corresponding objects if needed.""" if not stop_conditions: log.note(" Stop conditions: None") return stop_conditions = [ sc if isinstance(sc, StopCondition) else StopCondition(**sc) for sc in stop_conditions ] self._stop_conditions.update(set(stop_conditions)) log.note( " Stop conditions: %s", ", ".join([ for sc in stop_conditions]), ) return stop_conditions
[docs] def _grab_task(self) -> WorkerTask: """Will initiate that a task is gotten from the queue and that it spawns its worker process. Returns: WorkerTask: The WorkerTask grabbed from the queue. Raises: queue.Empty: If the task queue was empty """ # Get a task from the queue try: task = self.task_queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty as err: raise queue.Empty( "No more tasks available in tasks queue." ) from err else: log.debug( "Got task %s from queue. (Priority: %s)", task.uid, task.priority, ) # Let it spawn its own worker task.spawn_worker() # Now return the task return task
[docs] def _assign_tasks(self, num_free_workers: int) -> int: """Assigns tasks to (at most) ``num`` free workers.""" if num_free_workers <= 0: return 0 # How many workers are meant to be spawned? if self.spawn_rate == -1: num_spawn = num_free_workers else: num_spawn = min(num_free_workers, self.spawn_rate) # Grab the tasks, spawning the corresponding workers num_spawned = 0 for _ in range(num_spawn): # Try to grab a task and start working on it try: new_task = self._grab_task() except queue.Empty: # There were no tasks left in the task queue break else: # Succeeded in grabbing a task; worker spawned self.active_tasks.append(new_task) num_spawned += 1 return num_spawned
[docs] def _poll_workers(self) -> None: """Will poll all workers that are in the working list and remove them from that list if they are no longer alive. """ # Poll the task's worker's status for task in self.active_tasks: if task.worker_status is not None: # This task has finished. Need to rebuild the list break else: # Nothing to rebuild return # Broke out of the loop, i.e.: at least one task finished old_len = len(self.active_tasks) # have to rebuild the list of active tasks now... self.active_tasks[:] = [ t for t in self.active_tasks if t.worker_status is None ] # NOTE this will also poll all other active tasks and potentially not # add them to the active_tasks list again. # Now, only active tasks are in the list, but the list is shorter # Can deduce the number of finished tasks from this self._num_finished_tasks += old_len - len(self.active_tasks) return
[docs] def _check_stop_conds( self, stop_conds: Sequence[StopCondition] ) -> Set[WorkerTask]: """Checks the given stop conditions for the active tasks and compiles a list of tasks that needs to be terminated. Args: stop_conds (Sequence[StopCondition]): The stop conditions that are to be checked. Returns: List[WorkerTask]: The WorkerTasks whose workers need to be terminated """ to_terminate = [] log.debug("Checking %d stop condition(s) ...", len(stop_conds)) for sc in stop_conds: log.debug("Checking stop condition '%s' ...", # Compile the list of tasks that fulfil a stop condition fulfilled = [ t for t in self.active_tasks if (t not in self.stopped_tasks and sc.fulfilled(t)) ] if fulfilled: log.debug( "Stop condition '%s' fulfilled for %d task(s): %s",, len(fulfilled), ", ".join([ for t in fulfilled]), ) to_terminate += fulfilled # Return as set to be sure that they are unique return set(to_terminate)
[docs] def _invoke_periodic_callbacks(self): """Invokes the ``periodic`` callback function of each active task.""" for task in self.active_tasks: task._invoke_callback("periodic")
[docs] def _signal_workers( self, tasks: Union[str, List[WorkerTask]], *, signal: Union[str, int] ) -> None: """Send signals to a list of WorkerTasks. Args: tasks (Union[str, List[WorkerTask]]): strings 'all' or 'active' or a list of WorkerTasks to signal signal (Union[str, int]): The signal to send """ if isinstance(tasks, str): if tasks == "all": tasks = self.tasks elif tasks == "active": tasks = self.active_tasks else: raise ValueError( f"Tasks cannot be specified by string '{tasks}', " "allowed strings are: 'all', 'active'." ) if not tasks: log.debug("No worker tasks to signal.") return log.debug("Sending signal %s to %d task(s) ...", signal, len(tasks)) for task in tasks: task.signal_worker(signal) log.debug( "All tasks signalled. Tasks' worker status:\n %s", ", ".join([str(t.worker_status) for t in tasks]), )
[docs] def _handle_pending_exceptions(self) -> None: """This method handles the list of pending exceptions during working, starting from the one added most recently. As the WorkerManager occupies the main thread, it is difficult for other threads to signal to the WorkerManager that an exception occurred. The pending_exceptions attribute allows such a handling; child threads can just add an exception object to it and they get handled during working of the WorkerManager. This method handles the following exception types in a specific manner: - ``WorkerTaskStopConditionFulfilled``: never raising or logging - ``WorkerTaskNonZeroExit``: raising or logging depending on the value of the ``nonzero_exit_handling`` property Returns: None Raises: Exception: The exception that was added first to the queue of pending exceptions """ def log_task_stream( task: WorkerTask, *, num_entries: int, stream_name: str = "out" ) -> None: """Logs the last `num_entries` from the log of the `stream_name` of the given WorkerTask object using log.error """ # Get the stream stream = task.streams[stream_name] # Get lines and print stream using logging module lines = stream["log"][-num_entries:] log.error( "Last ≤%d lines of combined stdout and stderr:\n" "\n %s\n", num_entries, "\n ".join(lines), ) if self.pending_exceptions.empty(): log.debug("No exceptions pending.") return # else: there was at least one exception # Go over all exceptions while not self.pending_exceptions.empty(): # Get one exception off the queue exc = self.pending_exceptions.get_nowait() # Currently, only WorkerTaskNonZeroExit exceptions are handled here # If the type does not match, can directly raise it if not isinstance(exc, WorkerTaskNonZeroExit): log.error( "Encountered a pending exception that requires " "raising!" ) raise exc log.debug("Handling %s ...", exc.__class__.__name__) # Take care of stop conditions, which do NOT need to be raised if isinstance(exc, WorkerTaskStopConditionFulfilled): continue # Distinguish different ways of handling these exceptions # Ignore all if self.nonzero_exit_handling == "ignore": # Done here. Continue with the next exception continue # Ignore terminated tasks for `warn` and `ignore` levels elif abs(exc.task.worker_status) == SIGMAP[ "SIGTERM" ] and self.nonzero_exit_handling not in ["warn_all", "raise"]: continue # else: will generate some log output, so need to adjust Reporter # to not use CR characters which would mangle up the output if self.reporter: self.reporter.suppress_cr = True # Provide some info on the exit status if self.nonzero_exit_handling in ["warn", "warn_all"]: # Print the error and the last few lines of the error log log.warning(str(exc)) log_task_stream(exc.task, num_entries=8) # Nothing else to do continue # At this stage, the handling mode is 'raise'. Show more log lines: log.critical(str(exc)) log_task_stream(exc.task, num_entries=24) # By raising here, the except block in start_working will be # invoked and terminate workers before calling sys.exit raise exc # The pending_exceptions list is now empty log.debug("Handled all pending exceptions.")
[docs] def _handle_KeyboardInterrupt_or_TotalTimeout(self, exc: Exception): # Suppress reporter to use CR; then inform via log messages if self.reporter: self.reporter.suppress_cr = True log.warning("Received %s.", type(exc).__name__) # Extract parameters from config # Which signal to send to workers signal = self.interrupt_params.get("send_signal", "SIGINT") # The grace period within which the tasks have to shut down grace_period = self.interrupt_params.get("grace_period", 5.0) # Send the signal "Sending signal %s to %d active task(s) ...", signal, len(self.active_tasks), ) self._signal_workers(self.active_tasks, signal=signal) # Continuously poll them for a certain grace period in order to # find out if they have shut down. log.warning( "Allowing %s for %d task(s) to shut down ... " "(Ctrl + C to kill them now.)", format_time(grace_period, ms_precision=1), len(self.active_tasks), ) grace_period_start = time.time() try: while True: self._poll_workers() # Check whether to leave the loop if not self.active_tasks: break elif time.time() > grace_period_start + grace_period: raise KeyboardInterrupt # Need to continue. Delay polling ... time.sleep(self.poll_delay) except KeyboardInterrupt: log.critical( "Killing workers of %d tasks now ...", len(self.active_tasks), ) self._signal_workers(self.active_tasks, signal="SIGKILL") # Wait briefly (killing shouldn't take long), then poll # one last time to update all task's status. time.sleep(0.5) self._poll_workers() # Store end time and invoke a report self.times["end_working"] = self._invoke_report("after_abort", force=True) log.hilight("Work session ended.") exit = self.interrupt_params.get("exit", True) if type(exc) is KeyboardInterrupt and exit: # Exit with appropriate exit code (128 + abs(signum)) log.warning("Exiting after KeyboardInterrupt ...") sys.exit(128 + abs(SIGMAP[signal])) # Otherwise, just return control to the calling scope return